
作者&投稿:宗政钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My major is not a pupolar one, and cannot promise me a good carrer future.The best way out is possiblly to stay in the school and be a teacher if I can't have further development in this field. However, this also calls for exllent grades of profesional courses, which I don't have. Maybe it's because female is not good at science, or of the fact that I'm reluctantly forced to major in this subject. So that I have little interest in it. That's why I choose to reenter a unversity abroad.

The shipping date of this order had been confirmed in Dec.
M compay you appointed said ok.
But today we were informed that M can not arrange track driver on Jan 24 for the shipping date meets Chinese New Year.
Pls reply if we can change the forwarder.

"Reconsiders one:
I believed that, the understanding is the teacher and the student inthe teaching process, through the knowledge accumulation, the shareand unceasingly thoroughly studies the contact, deepens to the thingthe understanding.
In order to understand the educational model will lead us to instructthe student independently to participate in the study well. Mostessential is this kind of study pattern displays one kind of opencharacteristic. I thought that, this educational model is similar toours music inquires into the activity. Listens in the music to enjoyin the activity comparatively to suit the use. When use, should payattention to this educational model the serviceability, cannot hardlymove.
May using the school already the abundant guest website which has,deepens understanding the teaching on-line learning environment.
Reconsiders two:
I study in this curriculum, the biggest harvest is: It changed me tostudy the way the understanding. The study should not be passive, butshould be joyful, is initiative supplementarily.
In the field research, uses this educational model, may foresee theadvantage is, it enormously enhanced the student and teacher'slearning capability, to knowledge and skill collection,reorganization, in ways and means accumulation. Possibly meets thebarrier is, the student understood the study needs time abundance andschool arrangement class hour limited between contradiction. Theunderstanding curriculum requests between the study independency andthe student virtual rating difference which the student has.
Has studied this kind of educational model, my teaching idea obtainedthe renewal. I will utilize this pattern the ponder way reto ponder myteaching link, will reconsider in the utilization, will continue inthe utilization to study."

"Reconsiders one: I believed that, the understanding is the teacher and the student in the teaching process, through the knowledge accumulation, the share and unceasingly thoroughly studies the contact, deepens to the thing the understanding. In order to understand the educational model will lead us to instruct the student independently to participate in the study well. Most essential is this kind of study pattern displays one kind of open characteristic. I thought that, this educational model is similar to ours music inquires into the activity. Listens in the music to enjoy in the activity comparatively to suit the use. When use, should pay attention to this educational model the serviceability, cannot hardly move. May using the school already the abundant guest website which has, deepens understanding the teaching on-line learning environment.

Reconsiders two: I study in this curriculum, the biggest harvest is: It changed me to study the way the understanding. The study should not be passive, but should be joyful, is initiative supplementarily. In the field research, uses this educational model, may foresee the advantage is, it enormously enhanced the student and teacher's learning capability, to knowledge and skill collection, reorganization, in ways and means accumulation. Possibly meets the barrier is, the student understood the study needs time abundance and school arrangement class hour limited between contradiction. The understanding curriculum requests between the study independency and the student virtual rating difference which the student has. Has studied this kind of educational model, my teaching idea obtained the renewal. I will utilize this pattern the ponder way reto ponder my teaching link, will reconsider in the utilization, will continue in the utilization to study."

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A store opened, preferential. Great 二.满100美金,打9.8折。2. Full $100, dozen 9.8 percent discount.满200美金打9.5折。Full $200 dozen 9.5%.满500美金,打9.1折 Full $500, hit 9.1 percent discount 三.声明:这个商品是仿货(A货),只有皮质跟正品不一样其他的都是一摸一样...

1. Please don't get annoyed by my grammars. I'm still learning them.2. I'm not good at some areas, but I can make it up using my expertise in others areas.3. Please kindly give your advice on this.4. I love studying and I'm always energetic and enthusiastic. I'm ...

1.请代我向你父母问好。Please say hello to your parents for me!2.我想介绍我的朋友JANE给你认识 I would like to introduce my friend Jane to you.3.恐怕我得走了.I'm afraid I must go now.4.我该走了。I should go now.5.-谢谢你为我做的一切。-你这样说真客气。Thank you for...

1.we plan to build a new building here 2.would you come and see a film with me?3.we couldn't see that man's face because he is reading a newspaper 4.can I put my book on your desk?5.there is a map of China and a photo of our village on the wall 6.is there ...

no money now, but we can scrape up pin money or collect donations from society.4、The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing , we must harden the body to meet the Olympic Games.5、Many foreign friends will come to China, so a large number of volunteers are needed....

故用will +动词原形或be going to +动词原形,B选项缺少动词原形,故排除掉。be going to do表法主观意愿,而will是客观上将会发生的事情,是人的意愿不能改变的,本题说“明年是马年”是主观意愿所不能改变的,所以这道题个人认为应该选C 哇塞好多题,终于答完了,希望对你有帮助!

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Do not enter, alarm operating装有警报,禁止入内。Please keep off the grass. 不要践踏草地。Do not obstruct or chain cycles to the railings 请不要把自行车靠到或锁到栏杆上。Do not put (place) bicycles against the railings 请不要把自行车靠到栏杆上。Do not use this lift as a ...

1. at at supper 在(吃)晚餐的时候 2. A borrow\/lend是针对句子主语来进行判断的。此题主语是I,所以是borrow“借进”;am using为现在进行时。3. A dancer n.舞者;固定搭配:dance to...music 和着\/伴随着...音乐起舞;4. may be在句子做谓语,属于典型的“情态动词 + 动词原形”结构;...

She is the director of the Community Health Centre.She's position is the director of the Community Health Centre.两种都行。

长宁县18796945632: 英译汉问题~请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢绝机译.非常感谢.翻译的满意的话一定把所有的分送上.(虽然总共也没多少分).很着急,再次感谢~~~Many of ... -
无时力杜:[答案] 我们领域中许多上乘作品都是受主流学科的影响.似乎最弱的研究人员们忽视了一个真相,我们在建筑工业上面临的问题通常是我们已在其他方面遇到过的例子.我问作者和自己的研究人员一个反复的问题就是,这个问题(就是目前...

长宁县18796945632: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译(中翻英)1,自从我认识他以来,他就梦想成为一个医生了2,我们尝试劝爸爸戒烟,但没人能劝得动他3,虽然你不知道解决这个... -
无时力杜:[答案] 1.He has been dreaming to be a doctor since I knew him.2.We tried to persuade father to quit smoking,but no one succeeded3.Although you didn't know the best way to solve the problem,you shouldn't give...

长宁县18796945632: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面这句话我在以后将每天想你,永远的祝福你,希望你不要忘记我. -
无时力杜:[答案] I'll miss u everyday from now on and bless you forever. Hope you will never forget me.

长宁县18796945632: 请各位英语翻译高手翻译一段话,应该难不倒你们的,万分感激!如果满意我一定会追加分的!世博会召开在即,我希望我们都能以此为契机,竭尽所能做好... -
无时力杜:[答案] Expo is scheduled to convene,and I hope we can take this as an opportunity to do all we can to welcome the work of the World Expo,the successful holding of the World Expo will contribute their own str...

长宁县18796945632: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下~
无时力杜: 时空胶囊是装在胶囊中被发往未来的一个信息.胶囊里的信息告诉未来的自己在现在的时候重要的事情. 在信中,爷爷说了他对孙子的希望和梦想,讲述了家族历史,并鼓励他的孙子在看了信息的这一年对他生命中的一些人做一些特殊的事情,让这个孙子给他的母亲建一个鸟巢.下一年,让孙子在月光下在花园里给他的一个难过的朋友种一个小花.

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无时力杜:[答案] Located in the rivers and lakes on the bank of the mill as western history the overhand industrial main place, related content is widely borrowed in English idioms.

长宁县18796945632: 请英语高手帮我翻译一段话 -
无时力杜: I'm an outgoing girl(boy), who is really socialable, and fond of challenging. Maybe because of my character, I like marketing very much.For the reason of family circomstance, I was independent in my early age. I was always enrich myself during my ...

长宁县18796945632: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段话
无时力杜: I am sorry , I maybe can not talk with you , I am going to go to school to have calsses . When the school begins , I am in grade three of the high school , you know what's it mean-----see whether I can get to the university . So I won't surf on the internet...

长宁县18796945632: 请各位英语高手们帮忙翻译一下这几句话!(中译英) -
无时力杜: do our promises can really go the entire life? i think it can't so we can say "i love you" now but please do not say"i love you for ever" can you really do that? that's too difficult young of us, can promises go for ever?字典上给出的一个关于海誓山盟的翻译是a solemn pledge of love译为一个对爱情隆重的承诺.但是一般来说海誓山盟直接用promise(誓言)就可以了

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无时力杜: Shipper must be filled with real name and address of the consignor. i am afraied i cannot change it as your request, very sorry about it.

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