
作者&投稿:桓毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chinese McDonald's is "false", just like Chinese food abroad never in Chinese do good.希望对你有用!

Topic: discussion of lunatic and fool's image in contemporary Chinese fiction
author: ###, Zhanjiang normal College of Humanities summary-Chinese contemporary
novels to shape a series of idiot and lunatic image. These idiots and maniacs
neither foolish nor crazy, some of them as soldiers, some like a child, lay the
author deep thoughts. At the same time, authors to fool and madman to narrative,
rhetoric with a unique feature. Key words: contemporary fiction crazy fool

First message: Junior middle school physics department important in 容共 4 clues: 1. seeking knowledge functions - physics and its the curriculum havethe strict theory system and the complete experimental technique, mayinstruct the people correctly to understand the objective world; 2. applications functions - physics and its the curriculum and thescience, technical, society's relation is extremely close, it is thepeople adapts the social life and the realization occupation idealfoundation; 3. educations functions - physics and its the curriculum contain theprofound thought and the philosophy, is forming the people correctworld outlook, the outlook on life, the values enhances people'sthought quality and the scientific accomplishment aspect all can playthe remarkable role; 4. development functions - physics and its the curriculum owndevelopment are unceasingly develops enterprising, asks process whichreally innovates, may raise people's innovation spirit and thepractice ability, fully develops person's ON potential. Second message: Above I want to unify the understanding goal, designs "Rheostat" unit.The unit goal has three 1. seeking knowledge functions The understanding skids the rheostat structure, the principleand the application method. 2. applications functions Through the rheostat design and the manufacture process,deepen to the research technique experience, experiences and 感悟. 3. educations functions Through the rheostat design process, initially forms thescientific attitude which repeatedly practices, dares to explore, tonever say die. Third message: I thought if the student participates in on own initiative the study,independently designs the rheostat, they to rheostat structure andprinciple understanding more profound, can realize the rheostat eachpart of design ingenuity, has caused to skid the rheostat introductionnature to be more appropriate. Simultaneously student's initiativeparticipation may stimulate student's study interest, the arid memory,the practice will become the bonus to have the interest the activity. Question supplement that, If you turn, I give you 100 minute, I haveam divide

Comment 1:
Junior Physics Subject has 4 important threads:

1. Learning function - Physics and its courses have critical theoretical system and complete experimental methodology, which can guide people to recognize the objective world correctly.
2. Application function - Physics and its courses have strong connection with science, technology and society. It is a basis for adapting the social life and accomplishing professional goals.
3. Teaching function - Physics and its courses contain deep thoughts and philosophy. It has an remarkable impact on the process of developing approapriate world view, philosophy and merit. Also it helps people improve their
antilogy and science qualifications.
4. Developing function - The development of physics and its courses is a process of continuous enhancement and innovation. It can build up people's innovative spirit and practical skills, digging out their potentials.

Comment 2:
I would like to design a chapter called <rheostat> in conjunction with the understanding of the above goals. The three goals of this chapter are as follows:
1. Learning function - Understand perseverance, its principles and operation methology.
2. Application function - Through the design process of rheostats, build up scientific attitude with practice, exploration and perseverance.

Comment 3:
Personnally I think if the students can actively participate in the learning process and design rheostats by themselves, they will have a better understanding of the structure and principles of rheostats. Moreover, they will find out the amazement of each part's design, which makes the introduction of glid rheostats more natural. Meanwhile, students' active participation can stimulate their interests in the learning process, and turn dry memories into interesting activities.

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1. Mankind has entered the 21st century, science and technology, economic knowledge and information industry has seen an initial clue, especially in information technology and network technology very rapidly and the development and wide application of social politics, economy, military, ...

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林西县19147711126: 求高手帮忙把下面的句子翻成英文"你,穿上婚纱,跟哥去教堂" -
戏卫派林:[答案] You,in your wedding dress,go the church with me.

林西县19147711126: 请高手将下列句子翻译成英语:你有钢笔吗?我有钢笔吗?你是谁?我是谁? -
戏卫派林:[答案] Do you have a pen? Do I have a pen? Who are you? Who am

林西县19147711126: 急~请把下面两个句子翻译成英语,尽量口语化 - --对呀,瞧瞧她那副样子,站在她旁边连我自己都感到掉急~请把下面两个句子翻译成英语,尽量口语化---对... -
戏卫派林:[答案] - yeah,look at her,standing next to her even feel my own fall - oh,I know how to do it,Taylor

林西县19147711126: 急!请将下面句子翻译成英文
戏卫派林: 1.These spectators must have missed their music concert, or they would have spoken highly of their performance. 2.尽管她远在他乡,不知怎么她总能感觉到母亲的深切关怀.(someho,sense) Although she has beenaway from her motherland, she ...

林西县19147711126: 求高手把下面句子翻译成英语 -
戏卫派林: 1.Family is the home of everyone's soul and a harbor of everyone's life ship2.Fmaily is an integral representing a kind of responsibility3.Wish everyone to be capable to cherish thier family4. It is very happy to stand here***********按照意思十指译出.望采纳!

林西县19147711126: 急!请哪位高手帮我把下面的几句中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
戏卫派林: 1.What you need is more exercise. 2.When they will come has not been announced.3.Could you tell me where you are from?4.We should find out whether the exhibition will open or not.

林西县19147711126: 急请高手将下列语句翻成英语.谢谢 -
戏卫派林: (1)Understand the idea being that the other party brings forward problem with experiencing coming self understanding , be also one kind of annotation.2.The station gets rid of understanding feel in different angle , this is the diversity ...

林西县19147711126: 请高手把下面4句话译成英语.急要答案.好的话可加分.谢谢了. -
戏卫派林: 1. A five-year plan. 2. A 16 room house. 3. Even if you took a taxi to. 4 Although they love

林西县19147711126: 请帮我把下面的句子翻译成英语
戏卫派林: I beg your pardon! Excuse me! I will not English. I would like to tell you that; I come in to help you transfer your air-conditioning. I have a good tune, please do not move it! This ...

林西县19147711126: 急急急,跪求高手用英语翻译下面的句子
戏卫派林: Yan teacher, thank you for your cultivation!

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