
作者&投稿:养于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

it is in question if you had supper with james that night.
the coach was satisfied with the finay result of the game/competation.
the appearence of joint ventures offered many opportunities to contact with foreigners.
mom told him to pick up the bites and pieces on the table and put them into the drawer.

1在实验室环境下,把棉花嫁接到一些亚洲沙漠树种上,如红柳,沙枣等 :In a laboratory environment, the cotton grafted to a number of Asian desert species, such as Hongliu, such as Elaeagnus angustifolia
2把幼苗移植到户外自然环境下 :Transplant the seedlings to outdoor natural environment
3:幼苗在实验室环境下已经成活买下一步将把幼苗移到户外,在自然条件下生长 :Seedlings in a laboratory environment has survived to buy seedlings will be moved to the next step outdoors, under natural conditions growth
4:实验成功后,植物的抗自然灾害能力将会大大加强,可以增加森林的覆盖率,并能改善地球生态环境 :After the successful experiment, the plant's anti-natural disaster capacity will be greatly strengthened, to increase forest coverage and can improve the Earth's ecological environment

答:I am very happy to see so many new classmates here.
答:My biggest dream is to travel around the world one day in the future。
答:In the coming three years ,we will study together ,make progress together,and
then realize our dreams

答: Let’s work hard together ,and I believe a bright
future is waiting for us.

1 I am glad to know you guys
2 My biggest dream is one day I can travel around the world
3 In the next 3 years,we will study, make progress and realize our dream together
4 Let‘s work hard together,I believe that we have a bright future

1, I'm very glad to know the classmates
My biggest dream is 2, one can travel around the world
3 and in the next three years, we will study together and progress, to realize our dreams
4, let us work together, we believe that the future will be better!

1.I'm glad to see you, my classmates.
2.My greatest dream is to travell around the world one day.
3.We will study and make progress together to make our dream come true in the future.
4.Let's work together , our bright future is waiting for us.

1, is pleased to recognize students
2, my biggest dream is to one day travel around the world
3, in the next three years, we will learn together, with the progress, to achieve our dreams
4, let us all work together, I believe our future will be better!


求下列句子の翻译: 让自己忙一点,忙到没有时间去思考无关紧要的事,很 ...
tomorrow will be better.自分が忙しくて、忙しくて时间がない思考に行ってどうでもいいこと、多くの事はこのようにそっと忘れた。时间はきっと多くのものが证明して、きっと多くのものを见ることができる。自分の选択を信じて、动揺が走って、力を入れて、明日できるのはもっと良...

我在正午非常忙 翻译:I am very busy at noon --- 望楼主采纳!

1、Why are you laughing ?2、Forgive me.3、I'm dead.4、I want to sleeping.5、Have you had a holiday 6、Be carefully.7、Look at me.8、Climbing 9、Globosity 10、East West South North...spring, summer, autumn winter 11、1月 January 2月 February 3月 March 4月 April 5...


The students are busy working on preparing the upcoming spring outing.

1.他匆匆忙忙地跑进了教室,坐在了他的座位上。He hurried into the classroom and sat down on his seat.2.我的梦想是如何为希望工程筹钱。My dream is how to collect money for the Hope Project.3.他计划着明年的暑假去北京玩。He planned to visit Beijing next summer vacation.4.Jim被...

Grandpa\/Grandfather is watching\/watches TV on the chair.OR:Grandpa\/Grandfather is sitting\/sits on the chair and watching\/watches TV .Xiao Ming\/Little Ming is rowing\/rows (a boat).Xiao Ming\/Little Ming likes running.Xiao Ming\/Little Ming entered for the high jump.OR:Xiao Ming\/...

3.Madame Curie is often cited as an example of a great scientist who never yielded to hardship in her quest for knowledge.居里夫人经常被引做一个例子,在追求知识的过程中从不向困难屈服的一位伟大的科学家。4.Curiosity is the best teacher. If information of no intrinsic interest is ...

1.如果我们要保持身体健康还要享受生活,我们就不能总在工作。2.Everyone has their own way to relax.3.可能最受欢迎的方式就是参加体育运动。4.并不是每个人都喜欢参加和享受体育运动。5.For each person, relaxation is very important.

3. I think this coat suits you well, you look younger and prettier. 4. This coat doesn't suit you very well, you may try another one. 5. You have been very helpful. I don't want to trouble you any more. 6. He has helped me a lot. I don't know how I could ...

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个句子
可聂尧强: 1.别吵他,他要工作.(用上 in peace) Leave him in peace, he is working. 2.我们把灯打开,以便看看它是什么.(用上 so that) Let's turn on the light so that we can see what it is. 3.如果你不吃药的话,就有感冒的危险.(用上 in danger of) You will be in danger of catching a cold if you don't take the pills. 4.我们感谢你们的帮忙.(用上 appreciate) We appreciate your kind help.

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子 -
可聂尧强: 1 were you watching the parade at this time of yesterday?2 i can get its meaning even you don't tell me.

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个句子 -
可聂尧强: 1.Before handing over the examination paper, you to check earnestly. 2.The milk ha...

武隆县18447805498: 大家帮忙翻译几个句子!
可聂尧强: 1.他两个小时前吃过午饭了. two hours before he had lunch. 2.我必须留在北京,因为我已经修完今年的假期. I have to stay in Beijing, because I have completed this year's holiday. 3.我昨天上午洗了我的鞋. yesterday morning, I wash my shoes. 4.她的姐姐明天会煮十个鸡蛋 Her sister, tomorrow will cook dozens of eggs. 最后推荐你使用 谷歌金山词霸 网上搜索的到!

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子
可聂尧强: 1.What happened to you yesterday? 2.Last week, I happened to meet my teacher. 3.Have you heard of him? 4.I always hear from my penfriend in the US. 5.Please close the windows, it's too cold outside. 6.The shop is closed all day long. 7.My house ...

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个英文句子 -
可聂尧强: 1、it is the most important thing that caring about others for making friends.2、keep on it then your oral English will be improved.3、I was determined to help those poor children.

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个句子吧! -
可聂尧强: 1 chemical principle 2 drugs manufacture separation project 3 drugs manufacture project 4 pharmaceutics 5 physical chemistry 6 asked Mr./Mrs. excuse me 7 collection numismatics 8 I to obtain two at the school games first, the first second result. ...

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个句子..谢谢...
可聂尧强: 2.Our whereabouts teacher says goodbye to 3.Went yours head principle 4.You originally should this child innertube to here 1.I can not but ride the bus tomorrow to go to work

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个句子(汉语到英语)
可聂尧强: 1.她全身心帮助非典患者(devote...to...) she devotes herself to the help for the SARS suffers. 2.我们必须关心环境保护 we must take notice and protect the environment . 3.超市把许多小商店赶出这个地区 The supermarket has driven the little-...

武隆县18447805498: 帮忙翻译几个句子......
可聂尧强: 1.people regard him as the ball king because of his contributions to the football career . 2. although he accepts the suffering, but his positive attitude towards living is admired by people (attitude) 3, the police do everything possibleto make the only ...

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