
作者&投稿:少祁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We know, belt in our life, we are everywhere, even everyone in your looks, perhaps in ordinary, but I tell you, it is common in common. In the ancient society, in order to make clothes don't spread around the waist, people in a big belt, due to take with the special function of the ancients, so it is very seriously, whether waist, casual wear sashes around to fasten belt was popular, after a considerable period of time, yet. Belt to already became a kind of fashion, scrutinize international greatly small, stylist can show the belt, especially men, almost every man in your pants is a belt. This new product with high technology, energy, using infrared anion ms tomalin, nano ceramic powder and special function of composite material feels should, in the human body through transfer catalysis, reflect a heat-sensitive gives off heat, heat, the increase in deep into the skin anion far-infrared, decompose adipose, but also you can increase your digestive function, if you feel belly don't digest, you can try it! You don't have to go to see a doctor.

Hi! Uncle Charlie and Aunt Susan,I am Taylor!
How are you?And how is George?
Not contracting with you for so long is my flaut,please forgive me.
I returned back to China and very fine.Don't worry about me.After returning,I talked all that happende in England to my parents,and my parents are grateful for yours' taking caring.They send to your wishes.
I read the messages given by Aunt Susan.Now,i can use knife and fork.
I will send E-mail to you to keep contract.I said,I will return England again,I can do it.
Best wishes!I am looking forward your reply.Miss you!
your kid


  1. I am the kind who have a great liking to study and who is very positive and motivational. I can improve my professional skills and better my operational capability on my own initiative.

  2. I am firmly confirmed that hard-working is the only way to succeed.

  3. In daily life, I am an optimisticperson and frequently communicat with other people. By doing so,I can make myself happy and continuously improve myself .I can be effecient  no matter I  work independently or cooperate with other people.

  4. I continue to introspect myself and happily accept criticisms from others. If it is my own fault,I can quickly correct it.

working orientation

  1. When I take office, I mainly take charge of making teaching plan in accordance with grades and teaching schedule.

  2. I will make every effort to be familiar with the character of the students, their interests in learning and family bachground to make a comprehensive psychological counseling for students, improving their  interest in learning English and improving their learning motivation.

  3. I will cooperate with the school  board  and teachers to ensure normally orperation  of school teaching order; I will also assist the teachers of  marketing department to expand the enrollment of students in our school and raise the credibility of our school.

Self assessment: 1 I am a love learning, active enterprising person. Can take the initiative to improve their professional skills, work and study in improving working ability, let oneself can constantly perfect self. 2 I was a hard-working man, I have been convinced that hardship is the only way which must be passed to achieve your goals; 3, my life is an optimistic person, like to communicate with people, to make yourself happy also make ourselves constantly improve; finish their work at the same time like to cooperate with others so, the efficiency and effect of the improvement work; 4 constantly reflect on their own, for the criticism of others to Frank acceptance, if it is the fault of their own rapid correction. Working content: as an English teacher in the teaching of junior middle school 1, term of office, is mainly responsible for the progress of teaching students according to grade and the teaching plan, the curriculum knowledge to explain, with exercises related training, to the consolidation of the knowledge of students, improve students' English achievements. 2, familiar with the character of the students, interest in learning and family situation, comprehensive psychological counseling for students of different situation, in order to improve the students' interest in learning English, improve the students' English learning autonomy. 3, cooperate with the school authorities on the management of students and teachers, to ensure the normal school teaching order; assist marketing teacher recruitment, expand the enrollment of students in the school, raise the visibility of the school.

谁能把下面文字变成复制的。谢了 http:\/\/www.cjsyedu.com\/Html\/jxhl\/j...
我的 谁能把下面文字变成复制的。谢了 http:\/\/www.cjsyedu.com\/Html\/jxhl\/jcxx\/chuyi\/c1018\/4272...比如,上学期的最后一周,因为降雪而临时取消考试,1017班的许多同学就把袖章带回了家。袖章第一天传到


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