
作者&投稿:郗单 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  It doesn't come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if you can't remember it. You just waste your valuable time. Maybe you have already discovered some clever ways to keep yourself from forgetting.

  One dependable aid that does help you remember what you study is to have a specific purpose or reason for reading. You remember better what you read when you know why you're reading.

  Why does a clerk in a store go away and leave you when your reply to her offer to help is ―No, thank you. I'm just looking ? Both you and she know that if you aren't sure what you want, you are not likely to find it. But suppose you say instead, ―Yes, thank you. I want a pair of sun glasses. She says, Right this way, please. And you and she are off-both eager to look for exactly what you want.

  It's quite the same with your studying. If you choose a book at random(随意), ―just look for nothing in particular, you are likely to get just that-nothing. But if you do know what you want, and if you have the right book, you are almost sure to get it. Your reasons will vary; they will include reading or studying ―to find out more about, ―to understand the reason for, ―to find out how .A good student has a clear purpose or reason for what he is doing.

  This is the way it works. Before you start to study, you say to yourself some thing like this: ―I want to know why Stephen Vincent Benet happened to write about America. I'm reading this article to find out. Or, ―I am going to go over this story to see what life was like in medieval (中世纪的)England. Because you know what you are reading or studying, you relate the information to your purpose and remember it better.

  Reading is not one single activity. At least two important processes go on at the same time. As you read, you take in ideas rapidly and accurately. But at the same time you express your own ideas to yourself as you react to what you read. You have a kind of mental conversation with the author. If you express your ideas orally, they may sound like this: Yes, I agree. That's my opinion too. or ―Ummmm, I thought that record was broken much earlier. I'd better check those dates, or ―But there are some other facts to be considered! You don't just sit there taking in ideas-you do something else, and that something else is very important.

  This extra process of thinking about what you read includes judging it, relating it to what you already know, and using it for your own purposes. In other words, a good reader is a critical reader. One part of critical reading, as you have discovered, is to distinguish(辨认)between facts and opinions. Facts can be checked by evidence(证据). Opinions are one's own personal reactions. Another part of critical reading is judging source(出处). Still another part is drawing accurate conclusions.

  1.If you cannot remember what you read or study______.

  A. it is no surprise

  B. it means you have not really learned anything

  C. it means you have not chosen the right book

  D. you realize it is of no importance

  2.Before you start reading, it is important______.

  A. to make sure why you are reading

  B. to relate the information to your purpose

  C. to remember what you read

  D. to choose an interesting book

  3.Reading activity includes______.

  A. only two reasons

  B. mainly drawing exact conclusions

  C. mainly learning about ideas and judging them critically

  D. only distinguishing between facts and opinions

  4.A. good reader is one who______.

  A. relates what he reads to his own knowledge

  B. does lots of thinking in his reading

  C. take a critical attiutude in his reading

  D. is able to check the facts against what he has known




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