
作者&投稿:漆伦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

   一、those who型

  当代词 those 后接定语从句时,定语从句通常用关系代词who来引导。如:

  Those who earn most pay most tax. 挣钱最多的人交税也最多。

  Thanks are due to all those who helped. 向所有帮过忙的人表示感谢。

  Thanks are due to all those who took part. 向所有参加的人表示感谢。

  We kept seats for those who might arrive late. 我们给可能来晚的人留了座位。

  Apologies to those of you who wrote in to complain. 向那些写信来投拆的人致歉。

  Life goes on for those of us who remain here below. 对于我们凡人来说,生活依旧。

  This statue commemorates those who died in the war. 这座雕像是纪念战争死难者的。

  Only those who had booked in advance were allowed in. 只有那些预先订票的人可以进去。

  Early settlers paved the way for those who arrived later. 早期的移民为后来者奠定了基础。

  Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first. 票数有限,先申请者先得。

  There are plenty of restaurants for those who tire of shopping. 厌烦购物的人有很多餐馆可去。

  Those who wish to come here will do so at their own risk. 愿意来的人都可以来,但责任自负。

  He was one of those people who take delight in conveying disagreeable news. 他是那种专喜欢报忧的人。

  Inevitably those who suffer the most are the mothers and children. 不可避免的是遭受最大痛苦的是母亲和儿童。

  The market favoured those who had property and discriminated against those who did not. 市场偏爱那些有财产的人,歧视那些没有财产的。

   二、those whom型

  当 those 后引导定语从句的关系代词用作宾语时,可以省略作宾语的whom。如:

  He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired. 他能模仿大多数自己崇拜的'偶像的讲话和写作风格。

  Eric was a gifted teacher beloved by all those he taught over the years. 埃里克是位天才的教师,多年来他一直受到所以学生们的热爱。

  He sought reconciliation with those he had stolen from. 他想与那些曾被他盗窃的人寻求和解。

  Build on the qualities you are satisfied with and work to change those you are unhappy with. 以自己满意的优点为发展基础,努力改变自己不满意的地方。

   三、those whose型

  当 those 后引导定语从句的关系代词用作定语且表示所属关系时,关系代词用 whose。如:

  The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par. 这种综合征更容易对那些免疫系统已经低于正常水平的人构成威胁。

   四、those that / which 型

  许多人认为,those 后后的定语从句只能用 who 来引导,不能用 that 或 which,其实是误解。

  1. 当先行词 those 指人时,其后的定语从句可以用 who 来引导,也可以用 that 来引导,但以用 who 引导为普通。如:

  None are so deaf as those that will not hear. 最聋的人莫过于不愿听别人意见的人。

  His simple message was that God will punish those that do evil. 他的意思非常简单:上帝将会惩罚作恶者。

  2. 当先行词 those 指事物时,其后的定语从句不可以用 who 来引导,可以用 that 来或 which 来引导。如:

  The votes in the marginals are those that really count. 边缘席位的选票才是最关键的。

  The design of the new house is similar to those that have already been built. 这栋新房子的设计与已经建好的那些房子相似。

  We must try to find out those which may be attacked most easily. 我们必须设法找出容易受攻击的东西。

  You are asked to indicate those which most describe your personality. 要求你指出最能表明你性格的那些方面。



主句:People like to do business witht hose 【those 指代已知的那些人,等于 those people,意思是“人们愿意与那些人进行来往”】定语从句:with whom they’ve established common ground。【whom 指代先行词 those,意思是 “他们已经与之建立了互相了解基础的的那些人”。如果用独立的句子表示就是...

初中英语定语从句中何时只能用 who
关系代词在从句中作主语,先行词是人可用who或that;如果先行词是表示人的不定代词,如anyone, somebody etc.或者主句是There be句型时,则只能用who.

close nose hose suppose pause those whose 16) [W] think thank three thirty tooth mouth 组合ch) catch watch match (字母组合tch) 24) [dV] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridge joy enjoy join July June junk 25) [tr] tree country try treat track trunk 26) [dr] dry dream drop drive...

W hose 用法 whose可以用作代词 whose用作疑问代词或连接代词时只可用来指“有生命的人的”,意思是“谁的”,其后通常要接名词,如果意思清楚,其后的名词也可省略。whose用作关系代词时,意思是“那个人的,那些人的,那一个的,那一些的”,既可指人,也可指物,可以引导限制性或非限制性定语从句...

Dat. dem alten Mann der alten Frau dem alten Buch den alten Büchern Akk. den alten Mann die alte Frau das alte Buch die alten Bücher 说明:形容词可以充当定语,它是一个句子中直接修饰名词的部分,如第1 句中的形容词neu(新的)就是说明名词“书”的状况(“新”)。...

英 [ɜːn] 美 [ɝn]vt. 赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得 例:What a lovely way to earn a living.一个多好的谋生方式啊!例:Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.公司必须赢得诚信。2、girl 英 [gɜːl] 美 [ɡɝl]n. 女孩;姑娘...

by means of与 by ways of的区别 ways of用法:way作“方法,方式,手段”解时,前面常加介词in。如果way前有this,that等限定词,介词可省略,但如果放在句首,介词则不可省略。way作“方式,方法”解时,其后可接of v -ing或to- v 作定语,也可接定语从句,引导从句的关系代词或关系副词常可省略。三、侧重点不同

如,Parents whose children show a special interestina particular sport have a difficult decision to make about their children's career.,先找出本句的主、谓、宾为Parents have a cision.,再找出修饰语W hose children show a special interestina particular sport为Parents的定语从句,difficult...

这个句子是同位语从句,因为后面的 that 从句中that 不充当句子成分,是对 point 的解释说明。

东兴市13179831022: 在定语从句中 that和those有什么区别? -
仝承复方: 关系代词不同.当代词 those 后接定语从句时,定语从句通常用关系代词who来引导.如: Those who earn most pay most tax. 挣钱最多的人交税也最多.Thanks are due to all those who helped. 向所有帮过忙的人表示感谢.Thanks are due to all ...

东兴市13179831022: 用those造5个定语从句 -
仝承复方: those my boy those my mum those my girl

东兴市13179831022: those that 定语从句定语从句中those 后面一定接 that么,可以不接么 -
仝承复方:[答案] 没有这样的定语从句,要么用those 要么用that ,但两个不可能同时做定语

东兴市13179831022: that和which的用法 . -
仝承复方: 一、that 用法 第一、 that 用作指示代词(复数形式是those),其指代意义同形容词用法,同时它还可以用作定语从句中的先行词;还可为了避免重复,代替前述名词. That is what he told me. 第二、 that 用作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句....

东兴市13179831022: 在定语从句中those为先行词时,关系词有哪些 -
仝承复方: That(指物)和those(指人或物)可做定语从句的先行词,this和these不可做先行词,those做定语从句先行词时,当其指物关系词用that/which等,当其指人时,关系词用who等,...

东兴市13179831022: 翻译 并分析those 后面的句子结构 -
仝承复方: 我们经常需要脱皮,那些盖住我们自己的覆盖物 those coatings that we cover ourselves 是同位语 that cover ourselves 是定语从句我认为 we 应去掉

东兴市13179831022: Those who break the law shall be punished. -
仝承复方: Those在此为代词,做主语,意思是那些人 后面的who 引导了一个主语从句,修饰 punished在次是被动式,意思就是被惩罚

东兴市13179831022: those who reach the pop ones who are not content什么意思啊跪求!!! -
仝承复方: 那些达到流行的人并不满足于只做需要的事.those 是代词,后接俩定语从句,be content with 是固定短语,对..表示满意的意思.另外,那个pop ones指代得不是很清楚,估计要结合语境来分析.

东兴市13179831022: 请帮我分析一个英语句子 -
仝承复方: those 是指who never have to move house..是主语..those后面可以接定语从句(主语从句)...带有概括或者特指紧接的定语从句的意思 become是动词,也是这句句子的谓语...what can only be decribed as clutter 是of介词的介词宾语....

东兴市13179831022: 用those造个定语从句 -
仝承复方: Rules often punish those who break it

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