
作者&投稿:友印 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮我翻译一段话 中翻英 谢谢~

While Jianzhen took a sea-voyage eastward and Xuanzang's westing had maximized the dissemination of Chinese civilization, it moreover promoted the mutual enrichment of Huaxia nationality and world nationalities, widely enriched the progress of human civilization.

While Zhang Qian’s Journey to The Western Regions as well as Zheng He's Sailing West has not only carried out the exchange of material civilization for mankind, but also revealed and disseminated the grandness of China's civilization.


The multimedia teaching into elementary school classroom has a long time, through the images, sounds, and rich color and animation, teaching information, solve the space and time limit of teaching difficulty, arouse the students' interest in learning, to create a real language learning environment for students, learning, to develop students' learning in potential.
This article discusses the application of multimedia teaching in the classroom, and also the advantages that the limitations of its application, proper choice, caution, in order to accomplish the goal. Utilizes

I made a fatal mistake, which was not ignored by designers to save time in the design details,resulting in the construction of a lot of trouble and difficulty.
Now the house into confusion, no style, the details are very rough. Many of the designers of this, I must now go to places like the idea. And that to me, a person who has no experience in the design, is a very difficult task!
Is it only duty is to design a framework for the designers? Does he not understand the details determine the success or failure?
I am really disappointed and very confused!

I got a fatal mistake. I shouldn't igor the design……对不起哦!我只会这么点!!不好意思啊!但希望对你有帮助^0^

烤羊肉串 Mutton cubes roasted on a skewer 烤牛肉串 Roast beef Kebabs 板筋 Ribs 鱿鱼 Squid 秘制鸡翅 Marinated chicken wings 鸡心 Heart-shaped 鸡胗 Chicken gizzard 鸡脆骨 Chicken gristle 烤小羊排 Roast lamb chops 大羊腰 Big sheep waist 小羊腰 The lamb waist 烤羊鞭 Roast sheep whip ...

请帮我把下面的句子改成英文句子 急急急
一楼明显是翻译软件,BS!1.你的背包在沙发后面吗?Is your backpack behind the sofa?2.请将这些书拿给你的父亲。Please take these books to your father.3.在书桌上 on the desk 4.在椅子后 behind the chair 5.在地板上 on the floor 6.我的数学书 my math\/maths book 7.一些手表 some...

急!! 请帮我大慨讲一下这一段的意思

找老师。 5. 下列哪一项特征与何嘉雯不符? A. 有一双大眼睛 B. 个子高而且瘦 C. 有整齐而洁白的牙齿 D. 脸儿是圆圆的 答案:B.个子高而且瘦。 希望帮到你!参考: 自已 因文章太长 所以把拼音版除掉 文章如下 : - 我的新同学 何嘉文是我的新同学。每天 他都梳着两 条长长的辫子上学...

视死若生者,烈士之勇也。 ---庄 周 本来,生命只有一次,对于谁都是宝贵的。 ---瞿秋白 得其志,虽死犹生,不得其志,虽生犹死。 ---无名氏 鱼生于水,死于水;草木生于土,死于土;人生于道,死于道。 ---胡 宏 我总觉得,生命本身应该有一种意义,我们绝不是白白来一场的。 --...

After 20 years of development, Chinese private enterprises have experienced something out of nothing, from small to large and from weak to strong, advancing with the development process. Especially in the past year, private enterprises have achieved unprecedented development, and support ...

720÷800= 17×300= 0.6×0.7= 8.5÷5= 2.5×100= 3.5÷70= 7.5÷25= 6.3÷9= 1.1×9= 23×100= 4.8÷40= 53÷100= 1.25×80= 0.78÷10= 7×1.2= 0.25×100= 3.4-2.8= 0.6-0.37= 0.052×10= 10+0.08= 1-0.75= 0.5×1000= 7.82+0.3= 13....

渊冰厚三尺,素雪覆千里。我心如松柏,君情复何似?16、《和乐天洛下雪中宴集寄汴州李尚书》【唐】刘禹锡 洛城无事足杯盘,风雪相和岁欲阑。树上因依见寒鸟,坐中收拾尽闲官。笙歌要请频何爽,笑语忘机拙更欢。遥想兔园今日会,琼林满眼映旗竿。17、《寒梅词》【唐】李九龄 霜梅先拆岭头枝...

The things I am going to send include thress video tapes and a DVD (roughly 800g, 170x110mm)Digibetcam tape价值大约50美元。Digibetcam tape worths about 50 dollars.另外,中国FedEx告诉我,他们会负责帮我把包裹包装好的,并且,我的邮件里有您的地址。Besides, Chinese FedEx told me ...

dear mr guo,happy new year! thanks for your instruction. hope you have a happy time. in the past year, you had a hard work, our class is the worst in the school, but you still educated us so, never abandon us, you were very strict at us, we knon, all that you have...

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 帮帮我翻译一段话,谢谢!!!急急急急急急急急急急 -
超祥他尔: 假日新闻 空缺(空位)现在在学校假期,在一个国家的酒店在德文郡.这家舒适,友善的家庭,从家庭所在附近的美丽安静的市郊,而只是一个赶走从海中.食物很简单,但良好的.孩子和宠物是值得欢迎的. 降低价格的淡季.

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 急!急!请帮我用英语翻译一段话
超祥他尔: Potatoes, doyou remember? Last year we knew this day . Every year i though we will together miss .. But why now leave only me ? missing you so much!

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 小学六年级英语,急急请帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英文,谢谢 在5月12日下午四时二十八分,中国四川发生的地震.这次地震虽然给大家带来了灾难,但是... -
超祥他尔:[答案] 你们什么地方的哦,小学英文这么难. it's 4 clock 28 on the afternoon of May 12th,when the earthquake happened in the Wenchuan of China.Although it brought disasters to us,we can unite together to against it.I hope China will become more powerful.

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 请帮我翻译一句话!急急急!!!
超祥他尔: I'm sorry,i'm busy now ,i'll reply you as soon as possible.

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 急~!急~!急~!请高手帮我翻译下面的这段话 -
超祥他尔: 1990s rush for foreign brands in China reached its peak. Many famous foreign brands have entered the Chinese market, as economic globalization era, the arri...

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 急急急!帮忙翻译一段话 -
超祥他尔: 保证纯人工翻译,刚好下班等人闲来无事.让我们一起做水果布丁吧!需要的材料:0.3盎司 无糖果味明胶;2杯面粉;1杯盐;4大匙塔塔粉;2杯沸水;2大匙食用油.丽萨:让我们一起来做水果布丁吧...

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 帮我翻译一段话!急!急!急!越快越好哦! -
超祥他尔: 看这里.一个铅笔盒.它是橙色的.它是我的铅笔盒.有什么东西在里面.看,这是一支钢笔.它是黑色的.这是铅笔.它是红色的.这也是一支铅笔.他是黄色的.这是一把格尺.它是蓝白相间的.我喜欢我的铅笔盒.

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 请帮我翻译一段话....谢谢....急急急..!! 谢绝在线翻译.否则通知网管!! -
超祥他尔: then we explain from the angle of the humanity portrayed by the content,what Proof wants to prove are the great mathematics formula,an...

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 急~!帮我翻译一段话、中文→英文(一定要准确)
超祥他尔: No matter how you hurt me in the heart,I will still love you.I believe that you hurt me aiming at loving me.but I've grown up.I know all the facts,so I never think I hate you,for hatred can put us in an embarrassing position.Therefore,Iwant to live happily.Also ,I wish you great happiness.

景宁畲族自治县13422255304: 帮我用英语翻译下面一段话,急急急! -
超祥他尔: According to the figures we can see that 60percent of the students in our class spend half an hour on extracurricular reading materials.18percent of the students spend one hour and 2 percent of them spend two hours, However, 20 percent of them ...

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