英语翻译:翻译下面五句话,再线等,急!! 既然有时间,我们可以听一会音乐 我们无法给爱情定价 艾

作者&投稿:拱趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译:翻译下面五句话,再线等 既然有时间,我们可以听一会音乐 我们无法给爱情定价 艾拉想要就~

Have time now.we can listen to music for a while, we can't give love to pricing, ella want to bet on the result of the volleyball match, the jump in food prices gave rise to a lot of problems, him's home badly damaged by the fire .

Since we have time, we can listen to music for a while
We can't price love
Ella wants to bet on the outcome of the volleyball match.
The surge in food prices caused a lot of problems
The fire broke his house.

1. Now that we have time, we can listen to some music.
2. We can't price love.
3. Ella wants to bet on the volley ball game.
4. The soar of food price brings about numerous other problems
5. The fire totally devastated his home. (他家完全被烧毁了)
The fire caused severe damage to his house. (火灾对他的房子造成严重损害)

Since we have time, we can listen to music for a while
We can't price love
Ella wants to bet on the outcome of the volleyball match.
The surge in food prices caused a lot of problems
The fire broke his house.

求几句西班牙语翻译 加急!
en un papel el numero y el titulo del libro ,y le entrego a un bibliotecario.五,她的一个叔叔是 理发师,五十四岁,住在上 海,这个星期天来看她。Quinto :un tio de ella es peluquero, cinquenta y cuatro anos,vive en Shanghai,este domingo vino a verla.希望能帮助到你。

5. 把这篇文言文进行翻译 顾炎武(字亭林)先生从小到老都手都没放下过书(形容极爱看书,学习勤奋) 出门就带一两匹瘦弱的马随身.有时候到了边塞亭障(...直译的好处是字字落实;其不足之处是有时译句文意难懂,语言也不够通顺.所谓意译,则是根据语句的意思进行翻译,做到尽量符合原文意思,语句尽可能照顾原文...

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故名曰 皇帝山,这“皇帝山”名字由来已久啊。在皇帝山下,有石炭企业名曰前和,刚刚建成四年,但其生意业蒸蒸然而冠山右。入其境,和风怡然,恍若置身尧天舜日。君子曰:“名者,命也。”信然。《山西青年报》郑某赞其情状,嘱予赋之,我晕 先翻译到这,市里来检查。。。

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3.Remember: bring enough food, water and money (take the bus ) for our out-door activity, take a sunhat in case of the strong sunshine.Prohibition: Swimming in the lake, go away from the team alone if you have any problems, contact our teachers .兼职翻译,不懂可以问我, ...

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阳江市13157964603: 英语翻译:翻译下面五句话,再线等 既然有时间,我们可以听一会音乐 我们无法给爱情定价 艾拉想要就 -
甄知盐酸: Have time now.we can listen to music for a while, we can't give love to pricing, ella want to bet on the result of the volleyball match, the jump in food prices gave rise to a lot of problems, him's home badly damaged by the fire .

阳江市13157964603: 英语翻译帮我把下面5句话翻译成英文1.我已经完成我的作业了.2.我刚吃过晚餐.3.我已经看过这部电影了.4.我从没有去过伦敦.5.你曾经去看望过你的祖父母吗... -
甄知盐酸:[答案] I have already done my homework. I have just had my dinner. I have already seen that film. I have never been to London. Have you ever visited your grandparents? 现在完成时: 1,I have already had my holiday this year. 2,I have just had a cup of coffee. ...

阳江市13157964603: 5句英语翻译在线等 -
甄知盐酸: 1.Professor Huang gets out of the car, laughing and talking.2.The teacher came into the classroom ,following a group of student.3.so he made his emotion shown.4.It is (adj)that that h...

阳江市13157964603: 五句英语翻译,在线等,有要求,急 -
甄知盐酸: 1. It's not good for you to eat to much chocolate one day. 2. John's parents insisted on that he shuold take up a medical career. 3. We should avoid hurting ourselves when play basketball. 4. There is something wrong with my watch, I want to repair it. ...

阳江市13157964603: 在线等——中译英——5句话——人工翻译
甄知盐酸: 1.我下周要出国旅游了,所以得去银行把人民币对换成美金. I am just going to the bank to exchange RMB to dollers as i will travel abroad next week. 2.在主办方的帮助下,我们成功的举办了这次酒会. We throw the party successfully with the help...

阳江市13157964603: 英语翻译哪位帮我用英语翻译下面几句话啊?1他们把门推开了.2他请我们参加做游戏.3我要你把真相告诉我.4每天早晨我们都听到她大声读英语 -
甄知盐酸:[答案] They pushed the door open. He asked us to join in the game. I want you to tell me the truth. Every morning we hear her reading English loudly.

阳江市13157964603: 英语翻译用自己的语言把下面5句话翻译成英文,不要借助在线翻译工具,那些都不够准确,:1.不管是有意识还是无意识,人们往往用眼神、面部表情、形... -
甄知盐酸:[答案] 1.不管是有意识还是无意识,人们往往用眼神、面部表情、形体动作和态度表露真情,从而使他人产生包括从舒适到害怕的一连串反应. No matter if on purpose,people are always interacting their emotions with sight,face expressions,gestures and ...

阳江市13157964603: 在线急等英语翻译大神翻译5句话!!!非常感谢!!! -
甄知盐酸: 做最好的自己就是要更高标准的要求自己、充分发挥出自己的潜能.我们都需要归属感,当我们通过自己的努力达到我们生活着的社会对成功定义的中等水平时,才能实现自己的归属感.难道我们应该让别人来衡量我们是否成功要么失败吗?难道你要将自己的潜力建立在大众潜力的基础上,并且用另类的眼光看待那些成功的人吗?也许真到了我们该正视自己潜力、和自己较量时候了.or lack thereof, 个人的理解是和success对应的,要么成功,要么没有成功,thereof 是“因此”,这里是指基于大众标准的评判出的要么成功要么失败的结论. 本人翻译从不使用翻译器.

阳江市13157964603: 请帮忙翻译下面短话为英文,在线等,谢谢! -
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