
作者&投稿:徒阀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  ASo what are you doing for Thanksgiving?


  BNot much really. It's more of an American tradition, so back home we don't really celebrate it. In fact, I am not even sure of what exactly is being celebrated!


  AWell you know, it's a time to get together with all your family and be thankful for everything!


  BYeah but, how did this holiday come to be?


  AWell, the first settlers of Massachusetts arrived there because of religious persecution from England and King James. Once in the New World, they befriended an native named Squanto, who taught them how to harvest food from the area such as corn.


  BAnd then what did happen?


  AWell, they had enough havests for the next winter and celebration。They decided to have a big feast for the natives, giving thanks the land, and everyone for the foods, healthy and new lives.


  BInteresting! I am amazed how big and delicious thanksgiving dinners are!


  ACome to my house for Thanksgiving! We are having turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes with gravy, and lots of stuffing!


  BCount me in!



  杰克: Have a nice Thanksgiving!


  凯特: Same to you!


  杰克: Are you going anywhere?


  凯特: I thought about going to my sister's. How about you?


  杰克: Oh, I'll probably just stay at home.



  Li Lei has no idea of Thanksgiving and Steven is telling him something about it.


  Li Lei: When do you celebrate Thanksgiving?


  Steven: On the fourth Thursday of November.


  Li Lei: What do you eat on that day?


  Steven: People cook turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner.


  Li Lei: Anything else?


  Steven: Besides the turkeys, we'll also have other delicious food. Such as pumpkin pies,puddings, mashed potatoes, bread, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.


  Li Lei: I'm almost hungry.


关于感恩节的英语对话一 ASo what are you doing for Thanksgiving?你们感恩节都做些什么?BNot much really. It's more of an American tradition, so back home we don't really celebrate it. In fact, I am not even sure of what exactly is being celebrated!没有很多的事,这个是美国...

01 Classic Sentences经典句子 01.Turkey is the centerpiece of Thanksgiving Day. 火鸡是感恩节的主菜。 02.Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November. 感恩节在n月的第4个星期日。 03.Thanksgiving is a movable holiday. 感恩节的日期每年不同。 04.We invite her to h...

感恩节英文作文 对话 最少10句 三年级水平
A: Happy Thanksgiving!感恩节快乐!B: You, too.也祝你快乐!A: Let’s have pumpkin pie.我们吃南瓜派吧。B: It’s my favorite.这是我最喜欢吃的。A: I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。B: Save the dark mea...

I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节。

Today Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day, celebrated with a traditional turkey dinner and a happy reunion. Schools are closed on Thanksgiving Day and the day after. Many people, including students studying in another state, often travel long distances to spend the holiday at ...

人教版六年级英语happy thanksgiving原文
1. 对话中Sam要带Ann去看梅西百货感恩节游行,也就是the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade。梅西百货是美国最大的百货公司,它在感恩节当天举行的大游行,已经成了美国人过感恩节的传统节目之一,有数以万计的人会一大清早,甚至带着睡袋彻夜在路旁等候,就是为了抢一个好位子。get a good spot,就是“占一个好位子”。

11月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day) 农历节日 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day) 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the ...

英语口语对话: 感恩节 阿门。Amen。感恩节你有什么计划吗?Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving Day?感恩节快乐!Happy Thanksgiving Day!我们祈求健康和快乐。We pray for health and happiness。我为能在世上拥有的妻子和孩子而不胜感激。I’m thankful for having the best wife and children ...

关于节日的简洁英语对话篇一 A:Merry Christmas, Bill!圣诞快乐,比尔!B:Merry Christmas. Steven!圣诞快乐,史蒂文!A:What do you want to do to celebrate Christmas?你想怎么庆祝圣诞节?B:I'll have supper with my girlfriend and go shopping. What about you?和我女朋友一起吃顿饭,...

是英语专业的学生吧,呵,以下从我的资料库调出些资料,一个关于节日的对话,希望你能合理利用,我觉得很不错的:Place: Air’s villa. 地点: 空气的别墅. Time: on the Mid – Autumn Festival. 时间: 中秋节 People: Air and Rich 人物: Air 和Rich Rich is from American. He is an exchange student. No...

民乐县13639805335: 感恩节英文作文 对话 最少10句 三年级水平 -
钊乳外用: A: Happy Thanksgiving!感恩节快乐!B: You, too.也祝你快乐!A: Let's have pumpkin pie.我们吃南瓜派吧.B: It's my favorite.这是我最喜欢吃的.A: I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我.B: Save the dark meat for me.为我留份儿鸡腿.

民乐县13639805335: ··有关感恩节的英语小短文(50—100) -
钊乳外用:[答案] Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America,generally observed as an expression of gratitude,usually to ... bounty of the autumn harvest.In the United States,the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.In Canada,where ...

民乐县13639805335: 关于感恩节的英文文章70词左右初一水平 -
钊乳外用: Thanksgiving Day is an annual holiday celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Thanks are traditionally directed towards God, accompanied with feasting and prayer. Thanksgiving is a legal holiday celebrated each year on the ...

民乐县13639805335: 关于感恩的英语句子大全 -
钊乳外用: 感恩节可以用到这些英语句子:1.I really appreciate it.我很感谢.2.You're one in a million.你真是个大好人.3.You're the greatest.你最棒了.称赞对方功劳的"谢谢":4.Thanks to you (we made it on time.)都要多谢你(我们...

民乐县13639805335: 有哪些关于感恩节的英语句子?
钊乳外用: 1、Some people say, Shien mountain, because mountains Weiwei, revered. I would ... That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.6、That when you ...

民乐县13639805335: 一篇关于感恩的英语对话或短文 -
钊乳外用: In recent years, our country product repeatedly revolted in the international market to dump the suit, instead dumped to the Chinese product truly already becomes China to export "the obstacle", moreover along with the Chinese exportation scale ...

民乐县13639805335: 关于感恩节父母英语短文(简单)有汉语的小学生会读的. -
钊乳外用: Last Thanksgiving, I and my father, mother, went to EMeiShan by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a ...

民乐县13639805335: 关于感恩节的英语短文《感恩》 -
钊乳外用: Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is coming. It's a traditional North American holiday,and is a form of harvest festival. In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, the first ...

民乐县13639805335: 与感恩节有关的一些英文名言 有中文翻译的 -
钊乳外用: 感恩节 : 11月24日------ 感恩节 What a wonderful time to be together.在一起的时光多么快乐.Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了.This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.这将是我们第一次不在一起过感...

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