
作者&投稿:游陶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于 take短语~


one after another
try one's best算不算?
one day
only one
One above= the Holy One 上帝
one after the other
one among a thousand
one and all
one and only
one and the same
one another
each one

1 On the one hand
2 I for one
I for one am getting a little sick of writing about it.
3 looking out for number one
4 taking care of number one
5 pull a fast one
he had been trying to pull a fast one on his co-producer.
6 one in a million
千里挑一的一个, 最好的一个
7 one of the boys
8 one of those days
9 My brother planned to have a glass of beer with his friends -- a quick one - before he went home. But a quick one turned into one or two, and soon those became one too many.
a quick one
(informal)a rapidly consumed alcoholic drink
10 one for the road
(informal)a final drink, especially an alcoholic one, before leaving for home
11 at one with himself
at one with
12 At one time
13 rolled up into one
14 One of these days
15 For one thing
16 the one that got away
17 one good turn deserves another
good turn - 善意的或友谊的行为,恩惠
18 number would have been up
(one 在哪里??)
19 back to square one

句型转换on one's one和of one's one?
这两个短语应该是on one’s own和of one’s own第一个短语意思是单独,独自相当于alone或者by oneself 第二个短语意思是属于某人自己的

those 和ones的用法
英语中,one、ones、that、those常用作代词,指代前面出现过的名词以避免重复,确保句子的简洁。这些词的一些用法非常相似,下面就对它们的异同作分类说明。一、one, ones, that, those的类似用法。1. one用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数。例如:(1)-Do you have a car?-Yes, I have one. ...

one by one与one after one区别
2、Melody lilting, we spin waving one after one; 旋律渐快,波浪回转一个接一个。 扩展资料: 单词解析: 一、by 用法: prep.(介词) 1、by在表示时间时,常与动词的一般时、将来时、完成时或将来完成时连用。作“在…时候”解时,常用于by day〔night〕短语中。 2、by表示方式(除作“抓住…”解时)或...

one pick什么意思?
释义:num.一;一个;一岁;一点钟 pron.一个人;任何人,人们(表泛指);那个人;(特指的)那种人 det.一个(强调某人或某事);一个(用于比较相似的人或物);某个(用于不认识的人的名字前)adj.唯一的;一的 n.一;一美元纸币 n.(One)(印、马、美)温(人名)短语:One Piece...

only one什么意思
adj. 唯一的;一的 n. 一;一美元纸币 n. (One) (印、马、美)温(人名)短语 Only know one 只知其一 Only be one week 仅仅待一周 Only In One 术业专攻 You Only Get One 你只有一次机会 例句:But it is far from the only one.但是,这远不是仅有的一个。

the one 和the ones 的区别RT
1、意思上的区别 the one:一个人。the ones:一个人,任何人,人们( one的名词复数 );某一例[类];玩笑,笑话。2、用法上的区别 the one代指前文提到一件事或某一事物,单数的,有特指。the ones代指前文提到的复数的食物,也是特指的。例句:①、the one My mom was the one who ...

英语短语中sb one one's sb's区别
sb=somebody=one人称代词(不分主格宾格)比如you,she,he,him,her,them sb's=somebody's=one's物主代词(一般主格)比如her,my,his,their

one...another与one...the other的区别
语法上,前者使用"another"作为代词,后者使用"the other"作为定冠词和代词的组合。用法上,前者常用于列举、比较或描述一系列事物,而后者常用于对比、选择或区分两个不同的个体。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。1. 释义区别:"One...another"表示一个个体...


one or other和one or the other 的区别 两个短语用法上有区别吗...
你这个其实是other 和 the other的区别 others泛指别的人或物;(all) the others指一定范围内的其余的人或物.another泛指三个或三个以上的人或物中的一个;the other指已知的两个人或物的另一个.one…the other只有两个 some…the others有三个以上 one…another,another…some…others,others…ot...

大竹县18691493343: 关于one的短语在一篇阅读里面出现的短语 请达人翻译1 On the one hand2 I for one 3 looking out for number one4 taking care of number one5 pull a fast one ... -
郗盛散痛:[答案] 1 On the one hand adv. 在一方面 2 I for one 仅就(某人)来看;举个例说 I for one am getting a little sick of writing about it. 仅就我来看,我开始有点厌恶写关于这件事的东西了. 3 looking out for number one 先为自己着想先为自己着想 4 taking care of ...

大竹县18691493343: 带one的短语.如上. -
郗盛散痛:[答案] one after another try one's best算不算? one day only one One above= the Holy One 上帝 one after the other one among a thousand one and all one and only one and the same one another each one 太多了呀……

大竹县18691493343: 带one的短语.... -
郗盛散痛: one after another try one's best算不算?one day only one One above= the Holy One 上帝 one after the other one among a thousand one and all one and only one and the same one another each one 太多了呀……

大竹县18691493343: 关于one的短语 -
郗盛散痛: 1 On the one hand adv.在一方面2 I for one 仅就(某人)来看;举个例说 I for one am getting a little sick of writing about it.仅就我来看,我开始有点厌恶写关于这件事的东西了.3 looking out for number one 先为自己着想先为自己着想4 taking ...

大竹县18691493343: one开头的词组 -
郗盛散痛: one by one .一个接着一个

大竹县18691493343: 关于one other another the other的词组有哪些? -
郗盛散痛:[答案] 关于“one/another/the other ”one… the other只有两个some… the others有三个以上one… another,another…some… others,others…others = other people/thingsthe others = the rest剩余的全部1) 泛指另一个用a...

大竹县18691493343: 一个英语短语用法one of的用法! -
郗盛散痛:[答案] one of 后接可数名词复数,表示什么中的一个,动词用单数第三人称. One of the apples has gone bad. 但是要注意下面的定语从句: He is one of the boys who enjoy playing basketball.定语从句修饰the boys. He is the only one of the boys who enjoys ...

大竹县18691493343: 表示“一……就”的英语短语.我们老师说最少有15个.呜呜.亲们,帮忙啊.还要带例句. -
郗盛散痛: 1. The instant that... 一...就... 2. As soon as. 一…就… 3. turned sick by the sight 一见就恶心 4. Just a pinch. 一勺就行. 5. For once 就这一回,就这一次 6. break at the slightest touch 一戳就破 7. She takes offence easily. 她一动就生气. ...

大竹县18691493343: "one,that,it"在指代前面的词汇、短语、句子,以避免重复时,分别指代什么? -
郗盛散痛: one 通常指人 有时可以指某物 that 通用 还可以指前面整个句子 it 通常指天气 时间 世界等

大竹县18691493343: 关于常见的英语短语
郗盛散痛: 途径之一的意思! 形容词 1.单向的;单行道的;单程的 a one-way ticket 单程票 2.单方面的 one-way mirror (一面反光,另一面透光的)单相镜 one way or another 以某种方法

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