
作者&投稿:乾怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语口语 具有很强的实践性,英语口语比赛作为重要的实践途径之一,越来越受到 教育 组织机构和广大师生的重视和认可。下面是我为大家整理的关于小学英语比赛 主持词 ,欢迎查阅。


符正勉:The Flag is flying in the wind. We are going with the Party. Good morning boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to The First Oral English Contest of Wenlanjiang Central School! At this right moment, when the Children’s Day’s coming around, we wish you a Happy Children’s Day!

孙晓飞:红旗迎风飘,永远跟党走!尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们,早上好。欢迎大家参加文澜江中心学校首届英语口语大赛。值此“六一” 儿童 节到来之际,我们祝同学们节日快乐! 符正勉:First of all, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr -u to have the opening remarks for this contest.


符正勉:Thanks our headmaster’s wonderful speech. And now let’s invite the leader of Bureau of Education Mr __________ to have a speech for this contest. Let’s welcome him! 孙晓飞:非常感谢许校长的精彩讲话。接下来,让我们盛情邀请县教育局的领导_________为本次大赛致辞,大家掌声有请!

符正勉:We’re really grateful to Mr __________ ’s wonderful speech. Thanks again!


符正勉:Now I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Contest.


符正勉:Judge No.1 __________.

孙晓飞:一号评委:__________ 先生/女士。

符正勉:Judge No.2 __________.

孙晓飞:二号评委:__________ 先生/女士。

符正勉:Judge No.3 __________.

孙晓飞:三号评委:__________ 先生/女士。

符正勉:Judge No.4 __________.

孙晓飞:四号评委:__________ 先生/女士。

符正勉:Judge No.5 __________.

孙晓飞:五号评委:__________ 先生/女士。

符正勉:Before the contest, let’s share the standard of score!

孙晓飞:在比赛开始前,让我们一起来了解一下我们的评分标准! 符正勉:First, the speech content must be active and meaningful. 35% . 孙晓飞:第一、演讲内容健康向上,积极,有意义,3.5分。

符正勉:Second, correct and fluent pronunciation, loud and clear voice. 20% . 孙晓飞:第二、口齿清楚,语音标准,表达流利。声音洪亮富有表现力,2分。

符正勉:Third, suitable body languages, to make the performance attractive. 20% .

孙晓飞:第三、有适当的肢体语言,表现力强,具有感染力、吸引力,2分。 符正勉:Fourth, decent appearance to show a good looking. 15% .


符正勉:Fifth, E-act time. Not too long or too short. 10% .


符正勉:Now let’s welcome the hosts of today’s Oral Englsih Contest Lin Jiawen and Zhou Yijin.











Good afternoon everyone!


There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of class one gread two

这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 This is our e-citing day and happin day!


It means we can speak English,bravely ,easily.

在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!感谢她们对我们 英语学习 的高度重视,

So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning.


And wish this contest enjoy success!

我们的评委老师是 ,

The judges are Miss , Miss , Miss


Now the contest begins.


The first step: IPlease the first group.


Thank you. Please the second group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the third group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the fourth group.。


Thank you. Please the fifth group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the si-th group.


Thanks, let’s welcome the sevewn th group.

Please Mr. Chai talks about the contest.

谢谢 的精彩点评。

Thank you,.


That's the end of our contest today. Now the first English contest of class one gread two is over!Thank you! See you ne-t time!


Good afternoon, everyone. Today we are very happy and e-cited, because we are here, holding the First Oral English Competition. I’m the host Zhang Lei.


Before we start , allow me to intruduce our honorable judges and guests.


In today’s show, we have three rounds. Every round includes two parts. One is One-minute Reading Show. The other is Quick Answer.


Ne-t, let’s welcome today’s notary to tell us the setting of awards.


Thank you and I would like to take this opportunity to wish this English speaking competition can be a perfect success.


My friends, It's time for our players to have their performance. Let’s go to the First Round。








谢谢 深情的演唱,今天比赛的结果已经出来了,有请公证员为我们宣布。


evening distinguished judges, ladies and 尊敬的各位领导各位来宾,亲爱的老师同学们,大家晚上好!

Welcome Tianhe your host today, my name is Fred! It’s my great College to the English Final competition Speaking of Contest.I’m the fifith honor to be here!



Fred,今天能够邀请到这么多的评委和嘉宾到场 我真的感到非常的荣幸啊!

That’s rightso e-perts in their own fields of specialization.

many e-cellent !well, we have succeeded in inviting judges and guests who are And guests today

now, let’s meet our honorable judges and 首先,请允许我介绍今晚到场的嘉宾及评委,他们分别是:

I’m long way to take part in the competition. I really glad to see you all, a lot of you all came a appreciate it. Thank you for being here!

由衷的感谢所有的嘉宾和评委 从百忙之中抽时间出席本次的大赛。让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来.

Ladies and gentlemen,now I declare that the final competition of 5thcontest start.

tianhe college English speaking 现在我宣布广技师天河学院第五届英语口语大赛决赛正式开始。

And now let’s welcome our president to give an opening warmly welcome.

speech of tonight’s competition. Let’s 现在我们有请 为本次大赛致开幕词.大家掌声欢迎!

非常感谢 的精彩致辞。

Ladies and gentlemen, we have 3 parts for tonight’s competition. The should be made on the topic: “what can you do first part

is prepared speech, your speech for contestants the 20--panel finish Asian their Games?”prepared speeches, after all the the contestants need to answer them and show their of judge gets to ask questions. The clarity of thoughts and wit. This is good for 5mins. The second part is making a dialogue, more than two is good for 3mins. The last part is dubbing. This contestants will cooperate each other. This is good for 3 mins.

下面我来介绍一下今晚的比赛环节.今晚的比赛分为3个环节 1主题演讲:每位选手围绕“我能为亚运做什么”进行主题演讲 2.情景对话:两位或三位选手为一组从不同情景中选择一个进行情景对话,情景有:机场里游客之间的对话;出租车站门口出租车司机之间的对话;路边修路工人之间的对话;本地中学生之间的对话;会场中志愿者之间的对话;外国记者与中国记者之间的对话 3.电影配音:两位选手为一组从不同的电影片段中选择一段进行配音

Ok, judging. They are as follows:

let’s briefly announce the 6 criteria for 1. delivery of the speech,20points.This includes fitting mastery of the speech.

the theme, voice quality and also the 2.pronunciation your natural tone,your clarity and correctness.

and intonation,20points.This includes 3.vocabulary includes and grammatical accuracy.

the right grammar, choice of 20points. the word This and 4.fluency, 20points. This includes your appropriate speed 5. ample e-pression, and your appropriate gesture. e-pressions, 10points. This includes your 6. confidence, the passion and good manners. stage presence, 10points. This includes self And the total score is 100.

下面让我们简单的了解下比赛的评分规则: 1)参赛内容 (20分):切合主题,内容丰富,形式创意 2)语音语调(20分):发音标准,发音清晰,语调自然 3)词汇语法(20分):用词恰当,无语法错误 4)流畅性(20分):表达流利,语速流畅自然 5)表情,肢体语言(10分):表情丰富,有恰当的手势 6)精神面貌,服装礼仪(10分):感情充沛,仪表大方

Our judges shall give scores in a fair and objective manner. opportunities to perform, and without bias

All the contestants shall be given equal 我们的评委将会以“公平, 公正,公开”为原则,为今天的所有参赛选手进行评分。本次大赛组委会将会对所有选手进行公正的评比!

During follow the criteria and the audience can keep this the competition, our panel of judges will in mind, you can choose your best contestant of today’s competition.Ok, contestants to come up on the stage!

without further

ado, let’s ask all our Let’s welcome contestanplease get ready

t NO.1, contestant NO.2, 好,那么下面我们就以热烈的掌声请出今晚的第一位选手 来自 系的 请第2位选手做好准备。掌声有请!


All speeches, and ne-t let’s enjoy a song from two the contestants have finished their prepared winners of our top 10 singers.

14位选手已演讲完毕,接下来我们有请我们来自院十大歌手 和 给我们带来一首 掌声有请~!

第二部分Thank you for your terrific performance!!!

Now, part, setting dialogue. the contestants

will conduct the second 谢谢十大歌手的精彩表演。接下来,选手们将进行第二部分,情景对话!

Scenearrived 1, something in at Guangzhou, the airport, many tourists have know.

related to the they Asian are talking Games about they 外国的游客来到广州,他们在机场里的一段对话展现出了外国游客对此次广亚会的了解

Scenedifferent 2, Drivers send time, Games, especially the traffic.

they destinations could help everyday. plenty of talking about In their tourists the spare to Asian 司机们每天把游客送往不同的目的地,在空闲之余,他们不禁地讲起了广亚会

Scenevery hard, they are all full of smiles on their faces. 3. Although the work the roadman do is They also could not help talking about the Asian Games..


Sceneabout the Asian Games, while they are working. 4 students see lots of workers are talking When they mention the Games, they says:“how terrific Asian Games.

if I were a volunteer on the spot of the 就在工人们讨论完继续工作时,不远处传来下课铃声,学生们有秩序的走过,学生们看到工人们在修路便讲到广亚会

SceneThe passionate volunteers 5 the dialogue among the volunteers with smile on their faces,

work they about the Asian Games.

are working, on the spot they with could their not license.While help talking 会场中,志愿者们面带笑容,身带工作证洋溢着热情在会场上工作着,他们一边工作一边讲述此次广亚会

Sceneare also talking about the Games. 6,Many journalists come to the spot, they


第三部分the going to dub the movie they choose. third

part is dubbing, the contestants are Let’s welcome group1…group2 please get ready..

第三部分是电影配音,选手们将对他们选择的电影进行配音 现在有请第一组选手。第二组选手请准备。


tonight’s competition. let’s welcome ~~~to

give summary of 在最后一组选手的分数出来前,我们有请 为本次大赛作点评,掌声欢迎

Thank you for your summary of tonight’s competition!

谢谢 的点评!


Now time to give awards.

the most e-citing moment is coming. It’s 现在,最振奋人心的时刻到了。我们将对获奖的选手进行颁奖。

The welcome............to give them awards.

third award goes to ………………let’s 获得三等奖的选手是 让我们有请and ......................................welcome......................to give them wards.

the second award 给为我们颁奖!goes to ………

,let’s 获得二等奖的选手是and welcome.................. to give them awards.

the champion ..........is..................有请........为她们颁奖。,let’s 获得一等奖的选手是 .........有请..........为他们颁奖

Congratulations to all the contestants.


On thanks behalf of all the members of student union, competition for all speaking contest has come to the end, thank you of the the judges fifth Tianhe and guests. college The English final for coming!

最后,让我在这里代表全体学生会的成员感谢今晚到场嘉宾,评委及观众。广东技术师范学院天河学院 第5届英语口语大赛决赛到此 圆满结束,感谢你们的到来.

Ladies and gentlemen, good night!





Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Good afternoon, fellow students.

Today we are very happy and e-cited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.


English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.


By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?

In today's show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.




第1环节是一分钟 自我介绍




Ne-t,let me introduce our judges. 接下来,让我来介绍我们的评委老师, They are...... Welcome!


My friends, It's time for our players to have their performance. 亲爱的家长朋友们,下面我们将正式进入今天的决赛。让我们用最热烈的掌声为我们的比赛选手们加油!


Now,let's warmly welcome contestant No.1...


Number 2 get ready ,please.请选手二号做好准备。

E-cellent! These 43 contestants give us a wonderful show.


那现在请每位选手跟自己的爸爸妈妈坐在一起,我们的决赛结果已经出来了,正在icy老师手中,有谁想拿冠军?你们想先宣布三四年级,还是一二年级,还是大哥哥大姐姐五六初中的呢?OK,首先从季军开始,获得多多乐首届英语口语比赛的第一位季军选手是...掌声欢迎,获得我们多多乐的精美 笔记本 。谢谢,第二位季军选手是...第三位季军选手是...



最后最激动人心的时刻到来了。还没拿到奖的不要着急,说不定你就是冠军哦。 那获得多多乐首届英语口语比赛的冠军得主是...第二位冠军得主是...第三位冠军得主是...






At last, I just want to e-press my sincere thanks to all of you, to all the contestants for their wonderful performances. To all the judges and all the teachers all the parents for their hard work,


Thank you so much.


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英语教研活动主持词 英语教研活动主持词 good morning, ladies and gentlemen. it is my privilege and great pleasure to host this meeting in honor of my distinguished guests. please allow me to express the most heartfelt welcome to all of you on behalf of the summary of primary ...

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当听众通过赞扬英文的办法来赞扬你时,例如观众对你说Articulate,这是表示你讲得非常清晰,你听到这样的评语之后,实际上就说明你的内容已经打动了人。 多看、多读、多模仿。英语主持开始就是模仿,注意语言的表达方式,要灵活运用。例如,这句感谢词: 谢谢大家对我的热烈欢迎!很平实的,英语国家的人讲这么一句话,“...

Welcome everybody to arrive at English to sing to compete scene! I am the director XXX. Our Super Sing the Star competition must start, has prepared? Good! The competition starts!接着就读节目单了,下面是翻译。欢迎大家来到英语歌唱比赛现场!我是主持人XXX。我们的Super Sing Star比赛要...

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高分紧急英语主持词翻译 要人工翻译,不要机器!
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延安市19694726343: 我是主持人,求小学水平的英语演讲比赛英语主持词? -
冀促盐酸: merry chirstmas!teachers and my schoolmates.today is the first time that we hold the speech contest in our school.our contestents are full of enthusiastics and actives.friendship first,and competition second!wish everyone be the champion!the no.1 ...

延安市19694726343: 求小学水平的英语演讲比赛英语主持词?我是主持人,求小学水平的英语
冀促盐酸: 英语演讲主持说话 good morning/evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen,(因为有学生,有老师) welcome to the English Speech contest of xxx school. My name ...

延安市19694726343: 英语口语比赛,主持人开场白急求小学英语口语比赛开场白,在班级举行
冀促盐酸: 你好, 可能我的不能令你满意,但请借鉴,多多包容 When the autumn is ... because we are together, having a heated English competation together, to fight with the cold ...

延安市19694726343: 小学英语口语比赛主持稿 -
冀促盐酸: Hello everyone: I feel very happy that I was chosen to be the host of this "English Speaking Match".I think it is important to study English,so this match is meaningful.

延安市19694726343: 英语演讲比赛开场白主持词 -
冀促盐酸: Ladies and gentlemen,good morning. Welcome to our English speaking contest. I am Kate.First allow me to introduce the distinguished judges. They are .... Before we start our contest, I would like to introduce the rules.... Now let's warmly welcome ...

延安市19694726343: 英语口语大赛主持人开场白急求小学英语口语比赛开场白,在班级举行的
冀促盐酸: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上(中午,晚上)好.我带着一份激动而荣幸的心情担任本次六年二班的主口语主持人.下面由我来介绍本次的评委和选手们:.... 接下来让我来介绍本次比赛的规则:... 像班级等活动的主持人最重要的是自信,面带微笑地面对观众 如果需要英文版的联系我,看我简介

延安市19694726343: 英语演讲比赛开场白主持词下周年级上有一个英语演讲比赛,急需一份英文开场白和结束语 -
冀促盐酸:[答案] Ladies and gentlemen,good morning. Welcome to our English speaking contest.I am Kate.First allow me to introduce the ...has reached the end.Let's welcome professor Wang to give us some comments. . 自己以前做主持是写的,仅作参考.

延安市19694726343: 小学水平英语主持开场白和结束语 -
冀促盐酸: Hello, boys and gials,.Are you happy? yes, because we will have a pary today. I hope all of you have a good time , OK? So, are you ready? Let's start and enjoy it...

延安市19694726343: 小学英语风采大赛开场词 急需!!!!跪求!!!
冀促盐酸: Hello,every one...

延安市19694726343: 英语演讲比赛的主持稿 -
冀促盐酸: 主持人 一、 Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.I'm very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “Welcome New Year”Cup ...

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