
作者&投稿:乌思 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  in a hurry——匆忙地

  in time in front of——在……前面

  in the front——在……的前部

  in despair——失望

  in force——大量地;有效

  in full——全部地

  in flower——开花

  in general——一般说来

  in accord with 与…一致

  in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

  in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.

  in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计

  in blossom开花(指树木)

  in itself——本身;

  in love——恋爱

  in order——井然有序

  in confidence ——推心置腹地

  in connection with(=with regard to)——关于

  in consequence (=as a result) ——结果

  in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )——由于

  in contrast towith ——和…形成对比

  in the corner(of)——在角落里

  in detail—— 详细地

  in person——亲自

  in future——将来

  in the end——最后

  in future——在未来


  in case 万一

  in front of 在什么物体的前方

  in one's way 挡了某人的路

  in that case,如果是那样的话

  in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

  in agreement (with) 同意, 一致

  in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.

  in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之

  in bulk 成批地,不散装的

  in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何

  in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

  in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

  in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事)

  in the charge of …由…管

  in common (和…)有共同之处,共用

  in conclusion(=as the last thing)最后一点

  in comparison with (=in contrast to) 和…比起来

  in detail 详细地

  in due course (=without too much delay) 没经过太久, 到一定时候

  in (during) the course 在…过程中

  in difficulties…有困难,处境困难

  in dispute 在争议中

  in the distance 在远处

  in effect (=in fact, really) 实际上

  in essence (=in itsone’s nature) 本质上

  in any event (=whatever happens in the future) 无论如何, 不管(将来)怎么样

  in the event that(=if) 假如, 如果. in the event 结果, 实际情况是(常与but 连用)

  in the event of(=in case of)万一,即使发生..时

  in excess of (=more than) 超过

  in excuse of 作为…的'借口

  (be) in existence存在

  in the extreme (= extremely) 极其

  in one’s mind’s eye 在心目中, 在想象中

  in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

  in the eyes of in one’s eyes ( = in the judgment of ) 在某人看来, 在某人眼里

  in good faith(=honestly, sincerely) 真诚地

  in one’s face当着某人的面

  in the face of 面对着(困难等情况)

  in fashion(=stylish, most modern)时兴,流行

  in favour of 赞成

  in one’s favour(=to one’s advantage)对.有利

  in fear of (=afraid for the safety of) 担心

  in the first place 首先, 第一

  in the form of 以…形式

  in good time(=early)早早地(做完.到达等)

  in hand 1)在手边

  in the hands of 由…掌握, 控制, 负责

  in one’s heart (of hearts)内心深处,事实上

  in one’s honour (or in honour of)祝贺,纪念

  in ignorance of 不知道

  in life 一生中

  in the light of (=considering; taking into account) 考虑到, 根据

  in line with(=in agreement with)符合,一致

  in the mood for 有情绪去做..,有心境做.

  in mature 本质上

  in particular (=especially) 特别是,尤其

  in person 亲自, 当面

  in place (in right or proper place) 放在应放的地方

  in place of (=instead of) 代替

  in the position of 处在…位置上

  in practice 实际上(状语);业务熟练(表语)

  in the presence of 在…在场的情况下

  in principle (=only in regard to the main idea) 原则上

  in private (=privately) 私下, 秘密地

  in public 公开地

  in progress(=in the state of be done)进行中

  in proportion to 与…成比例

  in public 公开地, 当众

  in question (=under discussion)所谈及的

  in reality (=in fact, really) 事实上

  in the red 亏损,负债,赤字

  in good repair(=in good condition)处于良好状态

  in response to(=as an answer to)回答,反应

  in return (for) 作为报答; 以报答(for)

  in search of 寻找;

  in season 旺季

  in secret 秘密地;

  in private 私下

  in a sense 在某种意义上

  in sequence 按顺序, 按先后次序

  in short (=in a few words, in brief)简称

  in step 步伐一致

  in spite of (=despite) 尽管

  in stock 有….货

  in sum 大体上, 总之

  in support of 以便支持

  in good taste大方,得体;(反意)in bad taste

  in terms of (=with regard to; respectively) 按照, 根据, 在…方面

  in time(for) (=early or soon enough)及时

  in total (=all have been added up) 总计

  in truth 事实上, 实在

  in vain (=uselessly) 徒劳

  in the vicinity 在附近

  in close vicinity to 在靠近…的地方;

  in the vicinity of 大约

  in view (=in sight) 看得见

in honor of 向…表示尊敬;为祝贺…in (the)light of 考虑到;依照;根据 in line 排队;排列;同意;准备就绪;按顺序;受约束 ...依照 in honor of 向…表示尊敬;为祝贺…in (the)light of 考虑到;依照;根据 in line 排队;排列;同意;准备就绪;按顺序;受约束 ...

带有in的单词,词组很多 单词比如: inland 内陆;inside 内部的;invade 入侵 词组比如: in a box 进退维谷;in a bad skin 发脾气;in a body 全体

in class in English-speaking countries have some problems ( in ) doing sth.put sth. in order an e-mail from Lucy to her friend in the USA in the open air in the country in the fields in the city in summer be with sb. in s.p. for the summer the animals in cages in...

洛基英语在线回答:一些基础的:in a flash 一刹那间 in a word总之,简言之 in a hurry 匆忙地,很快地 in (actual) fact 事实上 in a sense 从某种意义上说 in a short while 不久,一会而后 in all 总共,总的来说 in any case不管怎样 in battle 在战斗中 in case如果,以防(有某种...

in的短语:in的用法非常多,本文主要介绍含有in的一些词组用法 1.动词+in a)动词+ in believe in信任, break in碎成,bring in引起;产生;带来, call in下令收回, fill in填充,get in收获, hand in上缴, involve in涉及, lie in在于, result in导致, share in共享,succeed in成功, take in...

1.in advance of在……之先,胜过Galileo's theory were in advance of the age in which he lived.伽利略的思想超越了他所生活的时代。2.in behalf of代表,为了……的利益I did all I could in behalf of my friend.为朋友的利益,我做了所能做的一切。3.in case of如果……发生,如遇到…...

1.所有的村民都和睦相处 All the villagers live in harmony.2不要讲话,考试正在进行 Stop talking,the test is in progress now 3我们默不作声地走回房子去 We went back to the house in silence.4他如释重负,开怀大笑起来 He was relieved in laughing.

in [In]prep.在...之内(上), 在...期间, 从事于, 符合, 穿着 adv.进入, 朝里, 在家, 已到达(来临)adj.在里面的, 执政的 n.执政者, 入口 [域] India , 印度 In symb 〈化〉铟(indium)in In, go in, is talking about the direction. If you go in you have entered something...

1.一般现在时:sometimes,often,usually,always,regularly,generally,every day,once aweek,at present,nowadays, at the moment.2.一般过去时:yesterday,last week,three days ago,in 1980 3.一般将来时:be going to, be to, be about to 4.过去将来时:should\/would+动词原形(should第一人称...

in addition to 另外,加之 in addition 除...之外(还) in the air 流传中 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in case of 假如,如果发生;防备 in case 假使,以防(万一) in no case 决不,无论如何不in consequence of 由于...的缘故,因为 in the course of 在...过程中,在...期间...

萨尔图区13775508135: 英语中有哪些in开头的短语 -
标胆宁嗽:[答案] in case 万一 in front of 在什么物体的前方 in the front of 在物体的前部 in one's way 挡了某人的路 in that case,如果是那样的话

萨尔图区13775508135: 英语中有哪些in开头的短语 -
标胆宁嗽: in case 万一 in front of 在什么物体的前方 in the front of 在物体的前部 in one's way 挡了某人的路 in that case,如果是那样的话

萨尔图区13775508135: 以in开头的介宾短语 -
标胆宁嗽: in the evening in the box 形如这些有很多

萨尔图区13775508135: in +名词的短语? -
标胆宁嗽: In trouble(在困境中),In danger(处于危险中),In fact(事实上)...

萨尔图区13775508135: 帮我总结一下带in的短语 -
标胆宁嗽: in 的固定词组: (1)in English (2) in red (3)in turn (4) in ink (5)in return (6) in 1987 (7)in spring (8) in March (9)in the morning (10)in line (11)in front of (12)in the front of (13)in a hurry (14)in need of (15)in the tree (16)in use (17)in the sun (18)in ...

萨尔图区13775508135: 求15个以in - 开头的单词 -
标胆宁嗽: interesting ,有趣 inside,在里面 inspect invoice information international interest兴趣 interesting有趣的 index indifferent insult incomeinform into increase industry

萨尔图区13775508135: 高中阶段常见带介词的in短语归纳不错,不过有没有全一点的? -
标胆宁嗽:[答案] (1) In the air:尚未确定的 Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air. (2) In clover:(常和 "live"连用)生活舒适 Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the poor. ...

萨尔图区13775508135: 英语短语“和...一样”Compare your answers to his.Do you have a lot in_____(与...一样)我确实想不出有个In开头的短语意思是 和.一样 -
标胆宁嗽:[答案] in commmon. e.g.We have a lot in common.我们有许多共同之处. We have nothing in common.我们毫无共同之处.

萨尔图区13775508135: 英语短语方面
标胆宁嗽: in future——将来in the end——最后 in a hurry——匆忙地in time in front of——在……前面in the front——在……的前部in future——将来in the end——最后in a hurry——匆忙地;及时地in despair——失望in force——大量地;有效in full——全部...

萨尔图区13775508135: 所有开头是in 结尾是of的词组 -
标胆宁嗽: in the end/beginning of in the front of/in front of in case of in charge of in favour of in honor of in place of in possession of in search of 还有很多 但我现在比较忙 如果还需要再找我

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