
作者&投稿:雪南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Now we have contacted the sales manager of the bank in Beijing, according to the bank's request, we are also making preparations for opening accounts and we have gained account lists, if the datum are ready, can we open any accounts in the bank of Beijing?

I'll fill out the table and sent it to you after the Financial Closings for Feburary work

the accounting items Listed in the current liabilities shows the VAT - tax refund,while the amount should be returned by the authorities after our declaration of the export tax rebate from the tax.
According to the declaration of monthly data we collected, after the examinion and proof ,Tax authorities will return to us the export tax rebate of this part next month

the account subject listed on flowing liabilities showed that the value add tax —export drawback that should be pay.the amount of money should be back to us by the tax authority to whom we report the export drawback.
the tax authority recheck it is correct and next month they can return it to us in the light of the date we have collected per month.

The accounting title listed on the current liability means value added tax payable-export rebates,the amount of which will be returned to us by the tax authority after we conduct the declaration of export rebates to the tax authority .
The tax authority will return the export rebates to us the next month according to our declaration data which is checked and correct.

从幼儿园到博士,广州东莞石排镇将会实施长达25年的免费教育。 From kindergarten to Ph.D., Shek Pai Town, Dongguan, Guangzhou will implement free education for 25 years. 从今年9月起,广东东莞市石排镇将会迈出走向免费教育时代的最后一步,启动大学的免费教育之后,这个镇4.2万户的户籍人口,...

Give this gift to Jim,please

The times progress has been that development of society's fad and tidal current has establish deep detail , has been fraught with a basis also for mobile telephone necessity and significance. Mobile telephone is that the whole world burns to appreciation of the beauty cultural exchange...

that she argued is right.(上面我的翻译可能还是不尽如人意,希望得到大家的指正。另外希望这不是你的作业,自己动手查词查用法才是学习最大的乐趣。如果你对英语实在不感兴趣,也尽可能认真对待。现今社会英语真的很重要。ps:以上只是我个人的建议,你可以保留自己的观点)怕你看不清,上一张图!

1. Your argument is vulnerable to refutation.2. We are in the new era of information overflow.3. The scientist analyzed this cup of milk and found out that there was too much water in it.4. This young man likes to paste his favourite singer's photo on the wall.5. When ...

Like other Asian students who come to America for study, most of Chinese students work very hard, they always take a day even two days of the weekend staying in the laboratory overtime. Thus comparing with American students, they make more achievements.My mentor, who is Asian...

中译英:请看下面的信息,这两个订单已经有PO#,但我还没有收到你们的签 ...
请看下面的信息,这两个订单已经有PO#,但我还没有收到你们的签署合同,请核实,谢谢。Please refer to below information: there are already PO# (PO numbers) for these two purchase orders, but I haven't received the contracts signed by your company, please have a check. Thanks.希望...

7、在中国,许多人把自己的工作看做为自己的事业,因此对工作单位忠心耿耿,富有责任感。(look up on as,commitment to)In China, many people look upon their work as their own career, so they devote commitments to the company, having the sense of responsibilities.8、这些年轻人渴望改变...

中华人民共和国成立标志中国人民站起来了 开辟了中国历史的新纪元 The foundation of the People's Republic of China marks that Chinese people have stood up, which opens a new era in the history of China.中华人民共和国建立时,废除了民国年号,改用公元年号,以西历耶苏基督诞生的那一年为...

• Henry Europe is the 19th century and early 20th century American popular welcome readers a short story writer. At that time, the United States is in the capitalist stage of rapid development, there has been concentrating funds and the impoverishment of the proletariat, at ...

涵江区15276502860: 请把下面这段话翻译成英语:我们的教室里有一台电视机,俩门, -
舒吕冠心:[答案] Our classroom have one tv,two doors,and four windows.

涵江区15276502860: 请把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢许多官员的开始的时候都不错,踏实、
舒吕冠心: 许多官员的开始的时候都不错,踏实、肯干、与人为善,为什么一旦做官就变味了呢?看来还是我们的体制有问题 ,做了官就成了土皇帝想不变都难. At the beginning of ...

涵江区15276502860: 请把下面这段话翻译成英文“过去亦是将来,最初即是最终!” -
舒吕冠心:[答案] past leads to future,and end result from begining. 中文是黏着语,所以可以这样说,但是英文就要讲究逻辑,所以一楼的翻译老外是不懂的.

涵江区15276502860: 请把下面这段话翻译成英语!
舒吕冠心: There are many rules in our school. As students, we should follow these rules. For example, we should follow teachers instructions in school. We should listen carefully in class and complete the homework with great care. We should read books quietly...

涵江区15276502860: 请把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢那是一个很美的春天,校园里到处都是
舒吕冠心: 那是一个很美的春天, It was a lovely spring. 校园里到处都是盛开的花朵 和鲜艳的人群, There were the blooming flowers everywhere and showy crowd in the campus. ...

涵江区15276502860: 求翻译,中英翻译.把下面这段话翻译成英语. -
舒吕冠心: Yi Bao Son. I want to hold your hand with you a take-off. I will hold you firmly in the hands of the essays. Forever. Baby. I love you.

涵江区15276502860: 英语翻译请把下面这段话翻译成英文“这是我在中国申请的邮箱.我们以后可以用这个联系.这里的一切我都有点不习惯,中文还说不好.你最近怎么样,一切都... -
舒吕冠心:[答案] This is the e-mail i registered in China.we can communicate by it.I could not adapt everything here and I could not speak Chinese well.how are you recently?is everything ok? shall we contact often? yo...

涵江区15276502860: 把下面这段话翻译成英文 -
舒吕冠心: 首先,希望你们能爱护环境,不乱扔垃圾,保护生态系统.自觉遵守,从我做起!保护环境人人有责 First of all, hope you can take good care of environment, no littering, protect the ecological system. Consciously abide by, starts from me! Everybody is responsible for the protection of the environment

涵江区15276502860: 请将下面这段话译成英文!先谢勒!
舒吕冠心: Thank you for your evaluation of me! Because you are warm and friendly, so I'd like to make friends with you; because I treat you as my friend, and You do not have the evil intention to me , so, As long as you do not exceed my limits I can protect you...

涵江区15276502860: 请把以下这段话翻译成英文
舒吕冠心: 你好!!!翻译得不太好,请见谅,British conservative, cold, modesty, humor, do not like rhetoric, it is not like people inquire about their affair. Talking about the British weather is the most eternal topic The British do not like loud uproar, mutual ...

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