
作者&投稿:冉裕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、 The violin will have to be tuned before it _____.
A. is played B. should play C. plays D. is being played
2、 By the time you arrive in London, we _____ in Europe for two weeks.
A. had stayed B. shall stay
C. will have stayed D. have been staying
3、I ___ with some friends until I find a flat.
A. am living B. live C. have lived D. will have lived
4、All the preparations for the task _____, and we’re ready to start.
A. completed B. complete
C. had been completed D. have been completed
5、 I thought I ____ the door, but it is still open
A. had closed B. was closing
C. have closed D. would close
6、You ____ television. Why not do something more active?
A. always watch B. are always watching
C. have always watched D. have always been watching
7. ---It seems that she is thinking about something.
---Yes, she cannot remember what key she ____ to her computer.
A .set B. has set C. had set D. sets
8、 ---Why weren’t you at the meeting?
---I ____ an important visitor from the UK in my office.
A. expected B. had been expecting
C. was expecting D. had expected
9、I have no idea what ____ while I was asleep.
A. has happened B. was happened
C. had happened D. happened
10, --Have you moved into the new house?
--Not yet, the rooms _____.
A. are being painted B. are painting
C. are painted D. have been painting
11. You don't need to describe her. I ___ her several times.
A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet
12.---I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
---Oh, not at all. I ___ here only a few minutes.
A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be
13. --- Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets.
--- You ______ something.
A. have left B. are always leaving C. are leaving D. always left
14. --- I ______ so busily recently that I ______ no time to help you with your math.
--- That’s OK. I can manage it by myself.
A. have been working; have B. have worked; had
C. am working; will have D. had been working; had had
15. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you ______ to me.
A. are writing B. will write C. has written D. write
16. He ______ at the meeting, but his heart attack prevented him.
A. will speak B. is going to speak
C. had to speak D. was going to speak
17. I ____ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year.
A. will play B. have played C. played D. play
18. I can guess you were in a hurry. You _____ your sweater inside out.
A. had worn B. wore C. were wearing D. are wearing
19. The traffic in our city is already good and it ______ even better.
A. gets B. got C. has got D. is getting
20. --- Where do you think ______ he ______ the computer?
--- Sorry. I have no idea.
A. has; bought B. 不填; bought C. did; buy D. 不填; buys


—Can I help you, sir?
—Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _______ . (NMET96)
A. didn't work B. won't work C. can't work D. doesn't work
现在楼主的题却将“正确”答案D 的doesn't work 改成了isn't working,不知道是什么意思,可能他的原“正确”答案是C吧?.想避免这个争议,但改编者的答案,我想就不会是D,因为It isn't working. 只表示这收音机现在没在工作。没有开也可以说是这种状态。并不能说明它坏了。所以你说你选D选对了,我不认为你对了。

1、主句是将来时,从句的时态用一般现在时即可。没有必须的意思。2、before从句是一般过去时,因此主句不可能使用现在完成时。3、罗马帝国已经不存在,当然不能用现在完成时。4、the moment引导的时间状语从句表示“一...就...”的意思,动作发生的时间间隔短,因此用be to do比用be going to do时间要短。5、按说这道题没有答案。主句是must be made,if从句应该用现在时或着用虚拟语气“were to do”

1,must be 表示猜测。工作还没完呢,但是说话者认为能及时的完成。2,before 从句用的是过去时态3,罗马帝国覆灭了,而C表示从过去持续到现在。如果选C表示它仍然存在。4,be to do 在这里表示个人取向。5.,如果要避免面包短缺,必须付出更多的努力来增加小麦的产量。

1., 第一道b是因为that在这是引导后面的定语从句。不用从句子意思来考虑。 2,整句是过去时态,若选择b,就不服从语境一致了。5意思是:如果面包供应濒临短缺,应该下大功夫提高小麦产量。这里是if另一种 用法,应该从语句意思考虑。


6.A 首先主语是第三人称she,可以排除C D。此句话的意思为她到过北京三次,言下之意就是已经回来了,所以应该用have been to。7.B 与第四题的解释一样 8.C 变化是在20年以来慢慢发生的,对现在有影响,所以用现在完成时。9.C 与第八题一样。从2008年一直到现在还持续着。10.D 与现在...

1.主句的谓语动词是过去时态,怎么可能空格里用现在时态?不能选D是因为“玩游戏”用的是过去完成进行时而“关电脑”这动作在其后发生,不可能用过去完成进行时。2.因为表被拿走后到现在为止并未送回来,所以用完成时态。用过去时的话可能“表”现在已经送回来或找到了(若原句改为 I tried to find...

选D 考点:1. 时态:从时态上分析,while后面引导的是现在进行时,因此前面只能使用现在时态,因此可以排除B和C项;2. 语态:annoy的意思是:打搅,使。。。烦恼;A项表达的意思是:被。。。打搅,被。。。惹烦,属于被动语态,因此选择D项,表达的意思为:当她正在学习的时候,大声的音乐会打扰她...

I ___ that we would be able to leave tomorrow, but it's beginning to seem difficult.A. hoped B. was hoping C. had hoped D. am hoping 分析 1.I ___ that we would be able to leave tomorrow 单从这句话而言就应该选A,因为后面从句中用的是过去将来时,所以前面主句应该是过去...

1 选B。在before后面用了一般现在时态,因此断定整个句子必定是现在的动作或者习惯性动作。2 选B。 I never thought...我没想到过。。。表示过去的习惯。3 选D。 at 3:00pm这个时间点决定选项B是错误的,而A表示马上到达,也不符合题意。C和D从语法上都可以,但是我认为句中有from Beijing,说...

是现在时态,也可以排除。C。是一个好的干扰项,过去完成时,很多TX以为就是表示“过去做过的事”。其实过去完成时是表示过去某个时间之前发生的事,必须有一个过去的时间作参照,表示某事在这个时间之前就发生了。本题显然不是想说:我在开会之前已经等过长途电话了。排除C B表示你们开会的期间,我...

I'm afraid that I __threw___it away. I thought you have finished reading it. 办 为什么要用一般过去时,而不用完成时啊。虽然词句不强调过去的过去,但是这句很明显是想表明对现在的影响。语法上讲,当强调过去的事对现在造成影响时也该用完成时的。为什么这道题不用完成时啊?答:这个...

I missed half of what he had said 他之前说过的话,有一半我没有听清。I missed half of what he said 他当时说过的话,有一半我没有听清。如果没有后面的because分句,这两句话(这两个选项)都是对的。但是正因为该题有because分句,提供了一个语境“因为当时有人在我们后面讲话,所以当...

4. B did buy 因为买的动作已经过去了所以用过去式 5.D had taken 用过去完成式 因为照相在看照片之前 7.A had already done 用过去完成式 跟上题理由一样 8.A will snow 由tomorrow知道要用将来时 要注意时间标志 判断时态 9. D will be In two years 是两年后 所以要用将来时 10....

1.Their parents have___ in New York for a few months.A. come B. arrived C. been D. gone2. We belive that we can hold the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games___A. sucessful B. sucessfully C. sucess D. succeed3. Robots are ___ to do the same things _...

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祁月复方:[选项] A. stuck B. has stuck C. have been stuck D. got stuck 空格处为什么不选C而选D啊

内蒙古自治区15393165115: 高中英语时态选择题1.You can go and take a rest.I'll see to it that the job - ----finished in time.为什么选择B不选择A呢?A.must be B.is C.be D.has2.She - --- - her ... -
祁月复方:[答案] 1、主句是将来时,从句的时态用一般现在时即可.没有必须的意思.2、before从句是一般过去时,因此主句不可能使用现在完成时.3、罗马帝国已经不存在,当然不能用现在完成时.4、the moment引导的时间状语从句表示“一...就...”的意思,动作发...

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祁月复方:[答案] 动词时态练习题1、 The violin will have to be tuned before it _____.A.is played B.should play C.plays D.is being played2、 By the time you arrive in London,we _____ in Europe for two weeks.A.had stayed...

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祁月复方:[答案] 看不到你的题目,但是大概明白你的意思了.over接时间段,表示“经历一段时间(或者抽象意义的时间概念)”,并非只用在完成时态里,例如:We have solved all the problems over the past years.They kept talking over d...

内蒙古自治区15393165115: 关于高中英语动词时态、语态的12道选择题 -
祁月复方: 我来答! 哈哈1.D,you 在这里只是一个称谓,没有实际意义,就相当于:别忘了,你! don't you forget it =don't forget it. 2.B 系动词相当于BE 3.C 4.D (be) not at all,时态 5.D 6.B 特指过去那一时刻正在发生 7.C it特指时间,距离,天气etc 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C used to do 过去常常……be used to do被用来做…… be used to doing习惯于做…… 12.C make better use of 利用……

内蒙古自治区15393165115: 三道高一英语分词和时态的选择题,高手帮下忙,每题写下理由.___ - the traffic light turning green,the boy quickly walked across the road.A.Seeing B.Having ... -
祁月复方:[答案] 1.____ the traffic light turning green,the boy quickly walked across the road. A.Seeing B.Having seen C.Saw D.See 答:A 译... 我(当时)在等我澳大利亚的姐姐的长途电话.(评:这也是理由?) 析:本对话考查时态和对句子的理解.问的是过去发生...

内蒙古自治区15393165115: 高中英语时态选择题
祁月复方: 1、主句是将来时,从句的时态用一般现在时即可.没有必须的意思.2、before从句是一般过去时,因此主句不可能使用现在完成时.3、罗马帝国已经不存在,当然不能用现在完成时.4、the moment引导的时间状语从句表示“一...就...”的意思,动作发生的时间间隔短,因此用be to do比用be going to do时间要短.5、按说这道题没有答案.主句是must be made,if从句应该用现在时或着用虚拟语气“were to do”

内蒙古自治区15393165115: 高中关于时态的英语选择题求解! -
祁月复方: 第一题D析:题目翻译(意译):我恐怕面包已经没有了,我们昨晚就吃完了,即使有也不新鲜了.第一空的时态为过去完成时,答案A第一空时态不对,直接pass;答案BC时态都不对;故选D.第二题C析:题目翻译:恐怖分子已经和政府官...

内蒙古自治区15393165115: 高二英语时态选择题 -
祁月复方: B.has been

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