
作者&投稿:罗勤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Susan,
I’m glad to learn that you’re coming to Beijingto visit thePalaceMuseum.
In your letter, you asked me about the weather inBeijing, which has been covered by a heavy fog these days, making us feel so bored. Because of that, some roads are crowded and several highways have been closed. However, it’s good news for you that it is going to be fine on the weekend and everything will go well. So, here I advise you to come next Monday. In addition, I have arranged a good hotel for you near the Museum, which is very convenient for your visit. If you decide on your journey, please tell me ahead of time and I’ll meet you at the airport.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Best wishes.
Li Hua

Dear Susan,
I plan to travel the United States and I was wondering if you have time to meet up? I will be in New York for 20 days since 15th July. I am looking forward to see you and your reply!


Hua Li


Dear Susan,

Thanks for your last email. I will show you around Beijing when you are here. The Forbidden city is very magnificent and I believe you will be amazed! As for the weather in Beijing, it's not good. There will be heavy smogs recently and the highways will likely be closed for some time when smogs happen. But at the weekends, the smogs will start to clear out and the weather will be better.

I suggest you start your journey next Monday. And I have arranged accomodation for you. And I believe you will have a good time in Beijing!

So have a nice trip and see you in Beijing then!

Li Hua

Rats, screw you

假如我是老师,我不会给学生布置太多的作业,不搞题海战术,要求他们灵活地掌握学到的知识,不要求他们人人都考高分,只要求他们尽力而为就是最棒。我会给他们充足的时间,根据各自的情况,发展自己的特长。 假如我是老师,我要像现在教我们的几位老师一样:像青老师一样幽默风趣、和蔼可亲、善解人意;像李老师一样严格...


假如我是大队长,我要在大队委里充分施展自己的才能使自己得到更大的锻炼,为将来打好基础。 总之,假如我竞争上了大队长,那我一定是一个合格的大队长。请老师和同学们支持我、相信我,我一定不会让你们失望的。谢谢大家! 在竞争中磨练自己 老师们,同学们: 您们好,我是五年级一班的班长,叫隋新宇。再新学期到来...

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