和某某的一段英语对话 问 你是哪里人 在那住 叫什么名字 电话号码是?

作者&投稿:尘乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

比较稳重的人才这样问你,一个陌生人一开始就向你要电话号码 那不好事!

想用英文表达“你是哪国人?”可以说"Where are you from?",如果想委婉点的可以说成"Could you please tell me where you are from?"。
①Hello. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?
②Miss Wu, where are you from? You look like a southerner.
③John this is Loy Chung. Where are you from Loy?
④Where are you from? I'm from China. I'm Chinese.
⑤By the way, where are you from?

扩展资料同义表达:Where do you come from?
①Come from 来自 ; 出生于 ; 出生 ; 来自于
②different from 不同于 ; 两回事 ; 不同 ; 一位与众不同的学生
aside from 除 ; 除┄之外 ; 以外 ; 此外
③deviate from 背离 ; 偏离 ; 不按…办 ; 背叛
④imported from 导入自
⑤result from 由于 ; 起因于 ; 是…造成的 ; 因
⑥refrain from 忍住 ; 抑制 ; 制止 ; 避免
⑦hear from 收到某人来信 ; 收到 ; 收到来信 ; 接到的信

A:Where are you come from?

B:I come from America.
A: Where are you live ?
B: I am live at White Street.
A:What is your name?
B: My name is Tom.
A: What is your phone number?
B: My phone number is 2763856

Where are you from?(你是哪里人?)或者What's your nationality?(你的国籍是?)
What's your name? (你叫什么名字?)May I have your name?(可以告诉我你的名字吗?)
What's your telephone number?(你的电话号码是?)
Where do you livie?(你现在住哪里?)


excuse me , could you tell me where are you from ?
where are you live ?
what's your name ?
what's your telephone NO

希望可以采纳 谢谢

where are you come from?
where are you living now?
what is your name?
what is your phone number?

A:Where are you from?
B:I come from xxx.
A:what‘s your name?
B:My name is xxx.

和某某的一段英语对话 问 你是哪里人 在那住 叫什么名字 电话号码是...
A:Where are you come from?B:I come from America.A: Where are you live ?B: I am live at White Street.A:What is your name?B: My name is Tom.A: What is your phone number?B: My phone number is 2763856 一般应该先问名字,再问来自哪里,这些问题 ...

A: Alright, sure, it is OK.B: OK, see you, Mrs. 某某,thank you. byebye!A: See you

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韩张雷公:[答案] Excuse me,can you tell me the shortest way to go to the railway station?It will take you half an hour to there,you'd better take a bus there.Ok,well,thanks very much.

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