
作者&投稿:笪图 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1.Unless you take an umbrella
you will get wet. 2.Unless he studys
he will fail his exam 3.Unless you wear a tie
they won't let you in. 4.Unless it rains this August
there won't be water shortages. 5.In the old days
unless they really have to
people never travelled. 6.We won't have a party unless Mr. Jones es to visit us. 7.You can't build a good house unless you use high quality material. 8.You lose your friends unless you keep your promise. 9.You won't get a scholarship unless you study hard. 10.She cannot go to the movie unless Martha finish her homework. 1.If she was not hungry
she would not have eaten anything. 2.If the drive in front didn't stop suddenly
the accident would not have happened. 3.If I knew Gee wanted to get up early
I would have waken him 4.If Jim didn't lend me the money
I would not have been able to buy the car 5.If she didn't wear a seat belt
she would have been injured in the crash. 6.If you had breakfast
you would not have been hungry last moment. 7.If she had enough money on hear
she would have bought the coatIf. 8.If the weather wasn't ideal
the Americ would not have dropped the bomb. 9.If they didn't e out of the shelters
people would not have died. 10.If the sirens went off
people would have gone back into the shelters. 11.If the atomic bomb wasn't a very destructive weapon
not many people could have been killed. 12.If the blast wasn't terribly strong
not many people could have got dreadful burns and bee blind.
参考: ME

生活在这个国家的西部有很多问题,其中获取新鲜水并非最难的(一个问题)。 本题确实应选择of ,这是一种特殊类型的定语从句,是用介词+which 引导的.通常介词是看固定搭配的,比如这里用of是因为the problem of的搭配,并且此句主(Living)谓(has)宾(its problems)齐全,所以用which 不用what2)Be the best of what...

英语语法--动词不定式 动词不定式 7.1 不定式作宾语 1) 动词+ 不定式 afford aim appear agree arrange ask be decide bother care choose come dare ...我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案。 2)动词+不定式 ; 动词+宾语+不定式 ask, beg, choose, expect , hate, help intend like, love, need prefer, ...

This is:这是XXX,the place :地方,This is the place:这是一个地方 where:哪里(这里是用来修饰“the place”)指明后面的内容是来修饰强调这个地方的。那么This is the place where...就是指“这是一个___的地方。”这是(孩子们买东西)的地方。这是(孩子们练习唱歌)的地方。这是(...

重要的是每个北京人能说英语。 It is necessary that he (should) be sent to hospital at once. 有必要马上把他送医院。 2 虚拟语气在宾语从句中的用法。(1)在动词wish后的宾语从句中,表示与现在或过去的事实相反,或对将来的主观愿望,从句通常省略连词that。 a.表示对现在情况的虚拟:从句动词用过去式或...

英语题 高手请进
1.of,名词所有格表示所属关系有两种方法.1.结尾加 ’s .如:today’s paper 今天的报纸.2.of所有格用法 ,一般表示无生命的所有,如:pictures of Beijing Opera.注:一般不会说有我看有关京剧的照片,我看京剧的照片更适合啊。2.two tons.ton是可数名词,复数加s.3.fish用作可数名词指“鱼的条...

1.在只能用一分的、五分的、十分的和二十五分的硬币的条件下, Freddie 从中需要选择硬币,使得从1美分到99美分都能用这些硬币表示出来?问最少需要多少个硬币?解:最少应该需要4个1分的、1个五分的、2个10分的和3个25分的共计10个硬币。2.一个三角形三边长度为连续的正整数。其中一条边长为...

1 can和be able to 重复了。应该是He is able to come tomorrow.2 都可以,在没有和其它音乐来选择的时候用listen to pop music 3 用such. 因为so一般只跟单数的可数名词,以及many, much, few, little(表示多少)。例句里的little是“小”的意思,不是“少”,所以不能用so。清晰的河水such...

1,修饰Lapland, Siberia, Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla, Iceland, Greenland 2,有that不一定是定语从句。of frost and snow 修饰that reservoir :where firm fields of ice, the accumulation of centuries of winters, glazed in Alpine heights above heights, 修饰的是frost and snow 。说明这些冰雪...

外企hr英文面试问题 本人从去年到现在,大大小小的外资企业面试了很多,现在就把外企面试当中问道比较常用的问题罗列一下吧。到外企 面试 ,有三个问题是被公认的高频问题,他们分别是:问题1:why are you interested in working with this company?问题2:why should i hire you?问题3:tell me about...

它是名词,做表语,在你的问题里需要的是表语。However 是 1)In whatever manner or way (无论如何,不管怎样);2)To whatever degree or extent(任何都:无论程度、广度如何);它是副词,修饰动词或全句,做状语,不能做表语。综上所述,希望你线面两个方面作手学好英语:一是在英语学习上...

西宁市19678806051: 20+5分英语小问题系列(3) I realized that I couldn't live in this way,I must stop the - ___ - of abusing money.英语作文写了这么一句话,空格处想填habit 但是... -
彤闻平福:[答案] 首先,你句子结构有错误,I前面不能用逗号,英语句子和中文句子不同,逗号这里需要有连词. 其次,从写作角度而言,第一原则是精炼,所以你这里根本不需要按中文思维翻出“habit”这个词,直接说I must stop abusing money.就行了.真的要用...

西宁市19678806051: 一个英文问题Jokes onJokes on you about this,don't care what they say.中为什么要用jokes?请在20分钟内给于回答! -
彤闻平福:[答案] 开玩笑动词 JOKE&KID joke 也可作可数名词 戏弄.kid做名词没有这个含义. 在此JOKE做名词.他们这样取笑你,不要在意他们说什么

西宁市19678806051: 1点20分用英文怎么表示 -
彤闻平福: 1:20pm

西宁市19678806051: 1道初一英语题,急!回答了再悬赏20分!~~~~~在下有一道英语题, 请各位高手回答一下, 在下将无限感激! 回答了再悬赏20分!~~ 1.RIGHT(同音词) - ... -
彤闻平福:[答案] WRITE(写)

西宁市19678806051: 一个英语小问题!奖赏20分! -
彤闻平福: 用that's 回答,语法上没有问题,但是英语中避免重复,所以用it is来回答

西宁市19678806051: 20+5分英语小问题系列 (2)(非单选)It has been annouced that - ___ - in the exam will be graded zero.A.whoever caught cheatingB.whoever is caught ... -
彤闻平福:[答案] B 分析句子结构,it是形式主语,句子真正的主语是that后面的句子.然后在这句主语从句里又套了一句用whoever引导的主语从句“whoever is caught cheating will be.",所以这个is不能省,省了之后whoever引导的主语从句不完整.

西宁市19678806051: 初一英语问题、20分 -
彤闻平福: 1.takes thirty miniutes to ride from home(我只能做到这样了……)3.preferred4.entrance(入口)5.mean6.the most interesting8.B9.C(大概两点半—问的是什么时候)10.D11.A(A是介词)11.C(every是三者或三者以上)12.不太懂,估计是C13.worrys14.are flying15.16.Are searching(回答是 they are)

西宁市19678806051: 简单英语问题!!高手快来啊!!加20分啊!!!! -
彤闻平福: count on:依靠、指望.(友情提示:动词+介词在英语中是很普遍的,没有翻得那么生硬,有时介词不翻出来的,如stand by表示支持;leave for表示离开某地去某地.)

西宁市19678806051: 回答几个英语问题,正确的话,再加20分`~! 一、完形填空 I work in a small shop.I'ts near an English ---
彤闻平福: 一:1.school 2.buy3.at4.work5.get6.opens7.like8.are9.from10.lunch 二:1. don`t speak2.Can you work for a newspaper?望采纳~~~~或赞同~~~~不懂可以再问!我看过了楼上几位的,只是他们都错了,要么错一个,要么错几个.相信我,肯定全对.这篇我做过的,绝对正确.我是英语课代表.英语一直是全校第一第二的.

西宁市19678806051: 请帮我回答5道问题20分奖励(英语)1.Good weather,isn't it?2.What is your impression on ...( China,Shanghai,Beijing)?3.Would you like me to show you ... -
彤闻平福:[答案] 1.Yes,it is. 2.It is a modern city.(Shanghai) 3.Sure,my pleasure. 4.Ok.thanks a lot. 5.Thank you for your care.

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