英语选择,those,these,the ones,somebody.

作者&投稿:卫典 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

________who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list.
A,Those B,These C, Somebody D,The ones
无法判定是A or D. 求解。
理由:1. those who这样的句子常听到。后者听到的较少。2. 出题的老师和我们一样,不怎么见到过the ones who这样的说法,所以。。。 3. the ones who一般出现在后面,前面有上文较好。如:We Are The Ones Who'll Show You The Door. By Lee Cary.
其实D也是正确的。有这样一篇文章,其标题就是:The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin 张汉熙版《高级英语》第2册文本资料第九
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Breakdown: “The Ones Who Left Are the Lucky Ones”


即 那些 like to go on the trip 的人。these 一般不做代词,D 要用于前文提到过的。



一、one, ones, that, those的类似用法。

1. one用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数。例如:

(1)-Do you have a car?

-Yes, I have one. I have a good one. (one = a car)

(2)Yesterday I have lost my pen. I”m going to buy one after school. (one= a pen)

(3)The story he told us was more interesting than the one we heard yesterday. (the one = the story)

2. ones用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。例如:

(1)-Do you want a toy?

-Yes, I want new ones very much. (ones= toys)

(2)Stone bridges last longer than wooden ones. (ones= bridges)

(3)Teachers like the students working hard, especially the ones who are active in thinking. (the ones= the students)

3. that用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数或不可数名词。例如:

(1)The engine of your car is better than that of mine. (that= the engine)

(2)The book you bought yesterday costs less than that I had bought before. (that= the book)

(3)The weather of Beijing is as good as that of Tianjin. (that= the weather)

(4)He often tells us the news of his country and that of his country nearby. (that= the news)

4. those用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。例如:

(1)The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor. (those= the houses)

(2)The bikes made in China are as good as those made in USA. (those = the bikes)

二. one、ones、that、those的区别。

1. 一般来讲,one代表前面有不定冠词的可数名词单数,that代表前面有定冠词的可数名词单数;ones代表前面无定冠词的可数名词复数(前面总带有形容词作定语,不能单独使用),those代表前面有定冠词的可数名词复数。例如:

(1)This is a point of idiom rather than one of grammar. (one= a point)

(2)A cake made of wheat tastes better than one made of rice. (one= a cake)

(3)I prefer the classroom with enough light rather than that with little light. (that= the classroom)

(4)The school where my brother is studying is larger than that where I am studying. (that= the school)

(5)I like peaches but I must have some ripe ones. (ones= peaches)

(6)New pens always write better than old ones. (ones= pens)

(7)He told me the stories of himself and those of his sister (those= the stories)

(8)I”d rather like the cars made in France than those made in Japan. (those= the cars)

2. one或ones的定语既可以放在其前面,也可以放在其后面;that或those的定语只能放在其后面。例如:

(1)He has got a new storybook, but I have got several old ones.

(2)This book is one that is needed by every one.

(3)The cost of oil is less than that of gas.

(4)The students who do best in examinations are not always those with the best brains.

3. 如果在one或ones前面加上定冠词the分别用来代表可数名词的单数或复数,定语又在其后,这时的the one或the ones基本上可以分别与that或those互换。例如:

(1)The singer from Shanghai sang better in the concert than the one / that from Beijing.

(2)She likes the car of herself, not the one/ that of her husband.

(3)The TV sets in that shop are as good as those / the ones in the supermarket.

(4)He”d prefer the places of interest in the countryside to those / the ones in the cities.

答案是 those。可以指代人或事,这里指代人,那些。所以是正确答案
these 一般指代身边的人或事,这些。故错
the ones指代上文提到的同类不同物的可数名词复数。故错
somebody是指某人 是单数 ,不合句意,故错

those (who....) 那些........的人

英语典型句型:Those who .... 记住这个格式。


that与those的指代用法如下:that和those通常用作指使代词,也可用作替代词。它们总是伴随着限定性的后置修饰语,分别等于the one和 the ones。例如:The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.2.that也可替代不可数名词,但是 the one则不能。例如:The resistance of a...

定语从句的选项有时会出现these those来干扰,想问一下,他们两个怎么用...

that翻译为那个(距离比较远)。this翻译为这个(距离比较近)。these翻译为这些,是this的复数形式(距离也较进)。those翻译为那些,是that的复数形式(距离比较远)。this和that都是指物体单数,these和those是指物体复数。例如:This(That) is my book. 这是(那是)我的书。These(Those) books...


those的单数形式是that。That的用法 1、that可以作限定词或代词连接名词或名词短语,也可单独使用,用以指代人或者物。此外,that不仅可以指代单独的人或物,还可以指代一句话。2、that后面连接一个完整的陈述句,可以位于主语、宾语、表语或同位语的位置,分别引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。

...吗?如Those want to go home?不可以的话,those可以用什么代替_百 ...
those是物主代词,后面应跟表示物主的名词后才能做主语(如those people),those也可以作为定语从句的先行词,后加who后整个从句作为主语,those本身不能单独做主语。做物主代词时,有时those看似可作主语,如those are their bikes. 其实,这句中those后应有bikes,由于和后面的bikes重复,因此省略了。...

"They" 和 "those" 都是代词,但它们在用法和含义上有一些区别。"They" 是一个中性代词,可以用来代替任何名词或名词短语。例如,如果你提到一个群体,你可以用 "they" 来代替这个群体。例如:The students are in the library. They are studying for their exams.My friends are waiting for me....

those 的用法
those指的是参加奥运会的人,在句中做宾语。后面的attending the games是those的定语

在定语从句中 that和those有什么区别?
关系代词不同。当代词 those 后接定语从句时,定语从句通常用关系代词who来引导。如: Those who earn most pay most tax. 挣钱最多的人交税也最多。Thanks are due to all those who helped. 向所有帮过忙的人表示感谢。Thanks are due to all those who took part. 向所有参加的人表示感谢。...

这些都是精指示代词,他可能考到的几种语锐法变化如下:those 和 these 之间的转换,those 指那些,these 指这些 单复数之间的变化 those(复)---that (单 ) these(复)---this(单)

呼兰县18624429351: 英文~these those的these&those可用作指示代词.these指代较近的两个人或两个以上的人或物,意为____those指代较远的两个或两个以上的人或物,意为__... -
大叔张参苓:[答案] 1、这些 2、那些 3、are 4.they

呼兰县18624429351: 英语选择,those,these,the ones,somebody. -
大叔张参苓: 答案是 those.可以指代人或事,这里指代人,那些.所以是正确答案 these 一般指代身边的人或事,这些.故错 the ones指代上文提到的同类不同物的可数名词复数.故错 somebody是指某人 是单数 ,不合句意,故错

呼兰县18624429351: 请问:Can you play - __ - drums.选择:those these the / 怎么选? -
大叔张参苓:[答案] 选the 因为PLAY+THE+乐器 另:PALY+球类运动(basketball ,football)

呼兰县18624429351: theseare和thoseare的区别英语 -
大叔张参苓: these are 和those are的区别关键在于these 和those these:近指,表示(名词)这些,(形容词)这些的 this的复数those:远指, n.那,那个( that的名词复数); (指较远的人或事物)那; (指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那; (特指)那 adj.& pron.是that的复数

呼兰县18624429351: 在英语中the等于these,those吗? -
大叔张参苓: the 这,这个 these 这些 those 那些

呼兰县18624429351: these和those和there选择不同类的一项 -
大叔张参苓: there 表地点 these/those指示代词

呼兰县18624429351: 半小时内给我回答!!一个英语选择 -
大叔张参苓: B.every every与前文中的not构成不完全否定,意思是“我认为并不是每一个女孩都能做这项工作” each是不能等同于every的.every强调个体的相同性和一致性,而each强调个体的不同.再说each很少与not连用的.

呼兰县18624429351: 如何正确使用this,that,these,those -
大叔张参苓: 1.this/that 2.these/those 3.this/these 4.that/those

呼兰县18624429351: these those their在句子中怎么用? -
大叔张参苓: 都是形容词性物主代词 these是 这些(一般代替人,物,these flowers) those是 那些(也是同样用法) their是 他们的 (理解意思就好用了)

呼兰县18624429351: 一道英语选择题 -
大叔张参苓: those 那些人 先行词作定语从句里主语

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