those 的用法

作者&投稿:第柯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
those 和ones的用法~


一、one, ones, that, those的类似用法。

1. one用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数。例如:

(1)-Do you have
a car?

-Yes, I have one. I have a good one. (one = a car)

(2)Yesterday I
have lost my pen. I”m going to buy one after school. (one= a pen)

(3)The story he
told us was more interesting than the one we heard yesterday. (the one = the story)

2. ones用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。例如:

(1)-Do you want
a toy?

-Yes, I want new ones very much. (ones= toys)

bridges last longer than wooden ones. (ones= bridges)

like the students working hard, especially the ones who are active in thinking.
(the ones= the

3. that用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数或不可数名词。例如:

(1)The engine
of your car is better than that of mine. (that= the engine)

(2)The book you
bought yesterday costs less than that I had bought before. (that= the book)

(3)The weather
of Beijing is as good as that of Tianjin. (that= the weather)

(4)He often
tells us the news of his country and that of his country nearby. (that= the news)

4. those用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。例如:

(1)The houses
of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor. (those= the houses)

(2)The bikes
made in China are as good as those made in USA. (those = the bikes)

二. one、ones、that、those的区别。

1. 一般来讲,one代表前面有不定冠词的可数名词单数,that代表前面有定冠词的可数名词单数;ones代表前面无定冠词的可数名词复数(前面总带有形容词作定语,不能单独使用),those代表前面有定冠词的可数名词复数。例如:

(1)This is a
point of idiom rather than one of grammar. (one= a point)

(2)A cake made
of wheat tastes better than one made of rice. (one= a cake)

(3)I prefer the
classroom with enough light rather than that with little light. (that= the classroom)

(4)The school
where my brother is studying is larger than that where I am studying.
(that= the

(5)I like
peaches but I must have some ripe ones. (ones= peaches)

(6)New pens
always write better than old ones. (ones= pens)

(7)He told me
the stories of himself and those of his sister (those= the stories)

(8)I”d rather
like the cars made in France than those made in Japan. (those= the cars)

2. one或ones的定语既可以放在其前面,也可以放在其后面;that或those的定语只能放在其后面。例如:

(1)He has got a
new storybook, but I have got several old ones.

(2)This book is
one that is needed by every one.

(3)The cost of
oil is less than that of gas.

(4)The students
who do best in examinations are not always those with the best brains.

3. 如果在one或ones前面加上定冠词the分别用来代表可数名词的单数或复数,定语又在其后,这时的the one或the ones基本上可以分别与that或those互换。例如:

(1)The singer
from Shanghai sang better in the concert than the one / that from Beijing.

(2)She likes
the car of herself, not the one/ that of her husband.

(3)The TV sets
in that shop are as good as those / the ones in the supermarket.

(4)He”d prefer
the places of interest in the countryside to those / the ones in the cities.

如:That is my friend.那个是我的朋友。(一个人)
Those are my friends.哪些是我的朋友。(多个人)

those指的是参加奥运会的人,在句中做宾语。后面的attending the games是those的定语

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: those 的用法 -
唱寒头孢: those指的是参加奥运会的人,在句中做宾语.后面的attending the games是those的定语

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: 英语语法those和ones的用法 -
唱寒头孢: 1、one/ones:代词,可以用前置定语或后置定语修饰. 例:the good ones (正确)the ones which are good (正确)2、that/those:指示代词,不可以用前置定语修饰,只能用后置定语修饰. 例:good those(错误)those which are good(正确)3、ones 和those都可以代指health problems,但是serious 是形容词作前置定语,后面只能修饰ones.因此,B是正确答案.

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: this that these those 有什么区别? -
唱寒头孢:[答案] this,that,these,those的用法区别 1.近指代词和远指代词 this(包括其复数形式 these),是近指代词.指时间或空间上 较近的人及事物.that(包括其复数形式 those),是远指代词.指时间或空间上较远的人及事物.This is Mr Smith and that is Mr Black.这...

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: this that these those 的分别它们有什么区别,应该怎么用? -
唱寒头孢:[答案] 这四个单词都是指示代词 单数形式:this(这个),that(那个) 复数形式:these(这些),those(那些) this(these)和that(those)的区别 通常this(these)指离说话人较近的物品,that(those)指离说话人较远的物品.指示代词既可以单独使用,也可以与...

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: 指示代词that和those如何在句子中使用? -
唱寒头孢:[答案] 指示代词that和those如何在句子中使用?that 那一个/只/件.(单数)That is a car.那是一辆车子.That is a cow over there 远处的那是一只是牛.That man over there is my father 远处那个人是我的爸爸.those 那些...(...

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: it one that those的用法 one.the one.that以及ones 和those有什么区别?可不可以举几个例子详细的说明一下? -
唱寒头孢:[答案] 一、it和that都替代“the+单数名词(可数或不可数)”,都是特指,但it指前面提到的“同一”事物,而that是指前面提到的... the one复数形式the ones,在口语中也常用those代替;当后面有of短语时,一般用that或those,当有前置修饰语时,只能用...

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: 英语中什么时候用this什么时候用that 什么时候用these 什么时候用those 用法 在什么情况下 用 this that these those -
唱寒头孢:[答案] 这this 这些these那that 那些those

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: those和ones区别. -
唱寒头孢: 含义解释:"吵和Those"是指"那些",是指代复数名词或可数名词复数形式,用于表示离说话者和听者都较远的事物或人."Ones"是指"那些"或"它们",是指代可数名词复数形式或不可数名词,用于代替前文提到的特定事物或人,或...

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: 英语THAT和THOSE的用法 -
唱寒头孢: 答案是 those 正确的句子是这样的: The stories in this book are more interesting than _those_in that one. 分析是这样的: 如果比较对象相同,可以用that/those代替第二个比较对象.从这个句子中,不难看出所要比较的对象是The stories .The stories是名词的复数形式,故选those 代替.

鄂温克族自治旗13418659878: these,this,that,those,it,they等的用法和区别 -
唱寒头孢:[答案] these,those,they指的是主语是复数,意思分别是“这些(指物),那些(指物),他们(指人)” 而this ,that ,it 指的是主语是单数,意思是“这个,那个,它” 都可以指物和人.指物时要有特定的语境,比如打电话时

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