
作者&投稿:霍贤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

闪电麦昆(Lightning McQueen. )是一辆渴望赢得“活塞杯汽车大赛”(Piston Cup Championship)的赛车。骄傲和自负的麦昆,相信自己在赛车场上的表现是“个人秀”,总是忽略维修团队提供的建议。在“迪诺可400”(Dinoco 400)大赛的季决赛,麦昆在最后一圈取得压倒性的领先,并且即将成为史上第一个夺得车王的新人,此时麦昆的轮胎却爆胎了(他没有让维修团队进行更换)。麦昆勉强跑完比赛,并且和路霸(Chick Hicks)与前任“车王”斯特里普("The King", Strip Weathers)打成平手,将要在七天后在加州再次举行附加赛以分出胜负。
在比赛结束后,麦昆和他的运输卡车伙伴马克从北卡罗莱纳州启程,横跨整个国家,前往位在加州洛杉矶的“洛杉矶国际赛车场”。麦昆想要抢先抵达赛车场,因此拒绝让马克停靠在卡车休息站中过夜。在40号州际公路上,马克越开越累,甚至在路上不断打盹。四辆飙车族-布斯特(Boost)、温格(Wengo)、DJ、斯诺特(Snot Rod)开始捉弄打盹的马克,而在路上的颠簸让拖车里的玩具掉落,压到控制车门的开关。拖车的后门被打开,闪电麦昆在睡梦中滑到车流量密集的州际公路上。在经过几次惊险的闪躲后,麦昆试着要寻找马克,但却追错了一辆外型类似的拖车,麦昆还发现自己在66号公路上迷了路。麦昆因为超速被路边埋伏的水箱温泉镇(Radiator Springs)警长追捕,而麦昆却将警长的排气管爆音误认成是枪声,因此在黑暗中四处窜逃,沿路破坏了水箱温泉镇上的主要街道,直到他被几条电线缠住后才停下来。
隔天早上,麦昆醒来发现自己被上了轮胎锁。在和拖吊车“板牙”(Mater)交谈后,他被带到法庭。镇上的法官兼医师“哈德逊医生”(Doc Hudson)命令麦昆这辆赛车立即离开本镇(麦昆也欣然接受,因为他很想赶快到加州),但镇上的保时捷911律师—莎莉(Sally Carrera)来到法庭,并说服博士让麦昆留在镇上把马路修好。于是博士带着麦昆来到“贝西”(Bessie)旁边——一台巨大、肮脏的铺路机,并告诉他可能需要花上五天的时间才能将路面修好。
闪电麦昆一心只想离开镇上前往参加他的比赛,在板牙解开他的轮胎锁准备让他开始进行社区服务时,麦昆立刻加速逃离,随后却发现他的汽油不足,只好跟早已在路边等他的警长和莎莉回到镇上。麦昆想要迅速铺好路面,却把路面弄的更糟,镇上的居民无法接受,并要求麦昆铲除掉刚铺上的路面从新来过。哈德逊医生对麦昆的种种抱怨感到厌倦,因此提议和麦昆在威利山丘(Willy's Butte)进行一场比赛:若是麦昆赢了,他就能够离开镇上,而哈德逊医生会帮他修复所有路面。而若是哈德逊医生赢了,麦昆必须依照哈德逊医生的方式修补马路。在比赛开始时,麦昆很快的向前冲出起点,而哈德逊医生却留在原地,还请板牙沿路帮忙。看起来麦昆将会赢得比赛,他却在一个急转弯处飞了出去,并卡在一丛仙人掌中(正如哈德逊医生所料)。于是哈德逊医生“赢了”这场比赛,而板牙则把麦昆从仙人掌中拖出来。
在比赛过后,麦昆修复了一半的道路,路面变得非常平整,镇上的居民都感到非常惊讶。麦昆在比赛时飞出了弯道,因此警长让麦昆在他的监视下试着再次过弯,结果还是失败。哈德逊医生提示他要使用“打反胎”(opposite lock)的方法,但麦昆忽视他的提示。不久之后,麦昆发现了哈德逊医生最大的秘密:他曾经是活塞杯的传奇赛车手“哈德森·霍内特”,并且是连续三届的车王(1951年、1952年、1953年)。哈德逊医生生气的把麦昆赶出了他的诊所仓库。随后,麦昆也发现哈德逊医生因为严重的车祸意外而终止了他的赛车生涯。当他维修好准备重回赛车场时,却发现没有任何人要赞助他。莎莉最后决定要带着麦昆穿越水箱温泉镇外围的山谷兜风,最后停在“轮仓旅店”(Wheel Well Motel)—一间座落在能俯瞰整个小镇和山谷的悬崖上的老旧饭店。在悬崖上,麦昆得知了水箱温泉镇以前因为在66号公路旁边而相当繁荣,但因为40号州际公路的启用,没有人再走66号公路了,因为66号不是高速公路。因此小镇的访客逐渐减少,最后终于没落。随着时间过去,麦昆了解了小镇遇到的困难,并且和镇上的所有居民成为好朋友。当麦昆完成铺路的工作后,他到镇上的每一间店去消费,之后他们举办了一场“游行”(慢慢的开车)。此时,当麦昆帮助完每个人之后,哈德逊医生暗中通知媒体麦昆正在他们的镇上,于是大批的媒体和马克全都来到小镇,麦昆就在匆促下离开小镇去参加比赛。
在加州的比赛中,麦昆因为不时想到莎莉和水箱温泉镇而分心而落后,但在他看到水箱温泉镇上的居民都到了赛车场上担任他的维修团队(除了莎莉、荔枝婆,他们留在镇上透过电视转播观看这场比赛)之后,麦昆重新振作了起来,而哈德逊医生是他的总维修师。除了麦昆被燃起的斗志之外,来自水箱温泉镇的维修团队也帮了很大的忙,包括哈德逊医生的战术指挥,和奇诺超快速的更换轮胎技巧,甚至要比大多数整组的维修团队还快。这些让麦昆能够追上其他的车辆并且取得领先。在最后一圈时,路霸为了不让自己成为最后一名而采取了最后的激烈手段,紧跟在车王(The King)后面,并把他撞飞到空中,使得车王重重的摔落地面后又滚了好几圈。即将赢得胜利的麦昆,看到这一幕便想起了当初哈德逊医生因为车祸而终止了他的职业生涯,于是麦昆踩下煞车,在距离终点线仅有一小段距离的地方停下。他停留在终点线前直到路霸通过,之后折回赛场中从后面把车王推向冲点,让他能有尊严的完成这场比赛,因为麦昆不希望发生在哈德逊医生遭遇的事情在车王身上重演。路霸赢得了活塞杯,但却因为作弊而被众人唾弃;而大家纷纷赞赏车王和麦昆高尚的体育精神。恐龙公司邀请麦昆成为代言人,但是他拒绝了,麦昆决定继续跟他的旧赞助商“除锈灵”(Rust-eze)合作,麦昆说“是他们帮助我走到现在”。但麦昆还是要求恐龙公司的总裁得克斯先生(Tex Dinoco)帮他一个忙,用直升机载板牙一程,这是麦昆之前答应他的约定。
麦昆决定搬到水箱温泉镇建立他的赛车事业总部,以及哈德逊医生的博物馆。因为麦昆,大量游客始重回水箱温泉镇,让小镇重新繁荣起来,而曾经一度废弃的66号公路又再次成为主要的交通路线,并且正式被官方认定为“历史性的66号公路”(Historic Route 66)。

  汽车总动员法拉斯 高英文名三:
  法拉斯 高
  Fallas Gogh



赛车总动员 Cars (2006)

演职员表 :
乔·兰福特 Joe Ranft ..... (co-director)
约翰·拉塞特 John Lasseter

编剧:乔·兰福特 Joe Ranft ..... (story)
Klubien ..... (story)
约翰·拉塞特 John Lasseter

John Ratzenberger ..... Mack (voice)
安德鲁·斯坦顿 Andrew Stanton ..... Fred (voice)
欧文·威尔森 Owen Wilson ..... Lightning McQueen (voice)
邦尼·亨特 Bonnie Hunt ..... Sally (voice)
Cheech Marin ..... Ramone (voice)
迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton ..... Chick Hicks (voice)
Paul Dooley ..... Sarge (voice)
Mario Andretti ..... Mario Andretti (voice)
保罗·纽曼 Paul Newman ..... Doc Hudson (voice)
理查德·佩蒂 Richard Petty ..... The King (voice)
Larry The Cable Guy ..... Mater (voice)
Katherine Helmond ..... Lizzie (voice)
Darrell Waltrip
Jenifer Lewis ..... Flo (voice)
George Carlin ..... Fillmore (voice)
托尼·夏尔赫布 Tony Shalhoub ..... Luigi (voice)
Sherry Lynn ..... Various
Guido Quaroni ..... Guido (voice)
Bob Costas ..... Bob Cutlass (voice)
Ray Magliozzi ..... Clunk (voice)
Tom Magliozzi ..... Clink (voice)
Michael Wallis ..... Sheriff (voice)

制片人:Darla K. Anderson ..... producer

原创音乐:兰迪·纽曼 Randy Newman

剪辑 editor
1 Ken Schretzmann .....

造型设计 production designer
1 William Cone .....
2 Bob Pauley .....

艺术指导 art department
1 Anthony B. Christov ..... character and environment designer
2 Craig Foster ..... graphic designer
3 Tia W. Kratter ..... shading art director
4 Ellen Moon Lee ..... graphic designer
5 H.B. 'Buck' Lewis ..... visual development
6 Albert Lozano ..... production artist
7 Sue Maatouk-Kalache ..... art development manager
8 Nathaniel McLaughlin ..... character and environment designer
9 Jerome Ranft ..... sculptor
10 Gary Schultz ..... character and environment designer
11 Gary Schultz ..... set designer
12 Jay Shuster ..... character and environment designer
13 Andrea Warren ..... art manager

声效 sound crew
1 David Acord ..... assistant supervising sound editor
2 Christopher Barrick ..... foley editor
3 Vince Caro ..... original dialogue mixer
4 Bryan Clements ..... scoring crew
5 Bruno Coon ..... music editor
6 Teresa Eckton ..... sound effects editor
7 Coya Elliott ..... assistant supervising sound editor
8 Sean England ..... digital archivist
9 Sean England ..... foley recordist
10 Mark Eshelman ..... scoring crew
11 Greg Hayes ..... score recordist
12 Ellen Heuer ..... foley artist
13 E.J. Holowicki ..... original dialogue mixer
14 Doc Kane ..... adr mixer
15 Doc Kane ..... original dialogue mixer
16 Greg Loskorn ..... scoring technician
17 Mickie McGowan ..... adr loop group coordinator
18 Adam Michalak ..... score recordist
19 Shannon Mills ..... sound effects editor
20 Tom Myers ..... sound designer
21 Tom Myers ..... sound re-recording mixer
22 Tom Myers ..... supervising sound editor
23 Al Nelson ..... assistant sound designer
24 Jonathan Null ..... foley editor
25 Juan Peralta ..... sound mix technician
26 Frank Rinella ..... foley mixer
27 Jurgen Scharpf ..... sound mix technician
28 Dee Selby ..... sound effects editor
29 Tony Sereno ..... sound mix technician
30 Michael Silvers ..... supervising sound editor
31 Steve Slanec ..... adr editor
32 Patrick Spain ..... score assistant engineer
33 Gary Summers ..... sound re-recording mixer
34 Dennie Thorpe ..... foley artist
35 Jana Vance ..... foley artist
36 Frank Wolf ..... scoring mixer
37 Dustin Cawood ..... assistant sound editor
38 Brian Magerkurth ..... sound re-recordist (uncredited)

特效 special effects
1 David Munier ..... sets shading supervisor

全体团队 crewmembers
1 Benjamin Andersen ..... technical director
2 James S. Baker ..... additional story artist
3 Bobby Beck ..... animator
4 Suny Behar ..... layout artist
5 Bert Berry ..... digital painter
6 Bryan Bird ..... supervising animal trainer
7 Malcolm Blanchard ..... software engineer
8 Colin Bohrer ..... development
9 Brian Boyd ..... modeler
10 Torbin Xan Bullock ..... second editor
11 Brett Coderre ..... animator
12 Kate Cronin ..... render wrangler
13 Lars R. Damerow ..... systems administrator
14 Arik Ehle ..... additional animator
15 Ray Felipe ..... script researcher
16 Jamie Frye ..... digital painter
17 Grant Gatzke ..... media systems engineer
18 Craig Good ..... senior camera operator
19 Pascal Grapard ..... assistant to vice president of production
20 Susan Boylan Griffin ..... technical documentation
21 Andrew Harris ..... lighting technical director
22 Yvonne Herbst ..... digital painter
23 Kearsley Higgins ..... animation technical coordinator
24 Ling Hsu ..... systems administrator
25 Jason 'Jayfish' Hull ..... systems administrator
26 Jose Ignacio ..... systems administrator
27 Ewan Johnson ..... additional layout artist
28 Brad Kane ..... effects coordinator
29 Zack Keller ..... editorial intern
30 Glenn Kim ..... digital painter
31 Eric Lebel ..... graphics software development
32 Matthew Lindahl ..... systems administrator
33 David Lortsher ..... colorist
34 Steve Mason ..... animator
35 Josh Minor ..... software engineer
36 BoB 'Naked BoB' Morgan ..... systems administrator
37 Terry Lee Moseley ..... systems administrator
38 Joey Newman ..... conductor: video game music
39 Joey Newman ..... orchestrator
40 Noah Newman ..... post-production coordinator
41 Randy Newman ..... conductor
42 Adrian Ochoa ..... sets department coordinator
43 Adrian Ochoa ..... story department coordinator
44 Japeth Pieper ..... digital painter
45 Joe Ranft ..... dedicatee
46 Martin Reddy ..... software lead
47 Amera Rizk ..... editorial production assistant
48 Eric Rosales ..... rendering coordinator
49 Jonathan Sacks ..... orchestrator
50 Mark Sanford ..... layout artist
51 Chris Schoeneman ..... software engineer
52 Gary Schultz ..... character designer
53 Sajan Skaria ..... technical director
54 David Skelly ..... story artist
55 David Sotnick ..... senior systems administrator
56 Keith Stichweh ..... technical director
57 Michael Stocker ..... animator
58 Elle Yoko Suzuki ..... unix systems administrator
59 Andy Thomas ..... systems administrator
60 Jason Topolski ..... production supporter (as Jason 'JTOP' Topolski)
61 Erick Tryzelaar ..... render wrangler
62 Erick Tryzelaar ..... rendering systems administrator
63 Mike Wallace ..... systems administrator
64 Ian Westcott ..... systems administrator
65 Anna Wolitzky ..... first assistant editor
66 Wayne Wooten ..... rendering software engineer
67 Bill Zahn ..... digital painter
68 Margaret Lily Andres ..... second assistant editor
69 John V. Graziano ..... technical director (uncredited)

视觉效应 visual effects
1 Frank Aalbers ..... character rigger
2 Frank Aalbers ..... models & sets
3 Carlos Baena ..... animator
4 Fareed Behmaram-Mosavat ..... character technical director
5 Jeremy Birn ..... lighting artist
6 Stephan Vladimir Bugaj ..... technical director
7 Christopher M. Burrows ..... technical director
8 Gordon D.B. Cameron ..... production software engineer
9 Susan Fisher ..... rendering software engineer
10 Julian Fong ..... renderman team
11 Andrew Jimenez ..... digital artist
12 Jason Johnston ..... effects animator
13 Paul Kanyuk ..... technical director
14 Lisa Kim ..... lighting
15 Lisa Kim ..... modeler
16 Piotrek Krawczyk ..... technical director
17 Todd Krish ..... Additional Crowds Artist
18 John Lee ..... matte painter
19 Mark Leone ..... rendering software engineer
20 David MacCarthy ..... technical director
21 Jessica Giampietro McMackin ..... visual effects supervisor
22 Amy Moran ..... lighting technical director
23 David Munier ..... sets shading supervisor
24 Ernesto Nemesio ..... matte painter
25 Eben Ostby ..... supervising technical director
26 Jack Paulus ..... technical director
27 Maxwell Planck ..... illumination engineer
28 Evan Pontoriero ..... layout artist
29 Evan Pontoriero ..... modeler
30 Phillip Prahl ..... technical director
31 Steven Quinones-Colon ..... lighting technical director
32 Afonso Salcedo ..... technical director
33 Gary Schultz ..... modeler
34 Suzanne Slatcher ..... technical director
35 Taylor Smith ..... render technical director
36 Keith Stichweh ..... technical director
37 Esdras Varagnolo ..... lighting technical director
38 Jeremy Vickery ..... digital artist
39 Kiril Vidimce ..... software engineer
40 Athena Xenakis ..... shading technical director
41 Maggie Oh ..... technical director intern (uncredited)

制片公司 Production Companies
1 Walt Disney Pictures
2 Pixar Animation Studios

发行公司 Distributors
1 Buena Vista Pictures (2006) (USA) (theatrical)
2 Buena Vista International (Germany) GmbH (2006) (Germany) (theatrical)
3 Buena Vista International (2006) (Argentina) (theatrical)
4 Buena Vista International (2006) (Brazil) (theatrical)
5 Buena Vista International (2006) (Switzerland) (theatrical)
6 Buena Vista International (2006) (France) (theatrical)
7 Buena Vista International (2006) (Netherlands) (theatrical)
8 Buena Vista International (2006) (Singapore) (theatrical)
9 Falcon (2006) (Czech Republic) (theatrical)
10 Kaskad (2006) (Russia) (theatrical)
11 Walt Disney Pictures (worldwide)

其他公司 Other Companies
1 Act One Script Clearance Inc. script research
2 Marshall/Plumb Research Associates Inc. script research
3 Skywalker Sound post-production sound services
4 Walt Disney Records soundtrack


Film negative format (mm/video inches)

Cinematographic process

Printed film format
35 mm

Aspect ratio
2.35 : 1

故事的主角是一部时髦拉风的赛车,梦想在Route 66道路上展开的赛车大赛中脱颖而出,成为车坛新偶像。但不料他在参赛途中却意外迷路,闯入一个陌生的城镇,展开一段超乎想像的意外旅程……

Lightning McQueen is a cocky, rookie race car. Speeding on his way to a big race, he crashes into Radiator Springs, destroying lots of the inhabitants belongings. In order to make up for what he did, the cocky roadster is sentenced to community service. Though he will do anything to get away from the work, McQueen must learn to respect and bond with the Radiator Springs inhabitants in order to get out of the town and back on the racetracks.

◎导 演 约翰·拉塞特 John Lasseter
◎编 剧 丹·福吉曼 Dan Fogelman
◎主 演 Bob Costas .... Bob Cutlass (voice)
凯瑟琳·赫尔蒙德 Katherine Helmond .... Lizzie (voice)
邦尼·亨特 Bonnie Hunt .... Sally (voice)
Ray Magliozzi .... Clunk (voice)
Tom Magliozzi .... Clink (voice)
切奇·马林 Cheech Marin .... Ramone (voice)
保罗·纽曼 Paul Newman .... Doc Hudson (voice)
Richard Petty .... 'The King' Strip Weathers (voice)
Guido Quaroni .... Guido (voice)
约翰·雷森博格 John Ratzenberger .... Mack (voice)
Larry The Cable Guy .... Mater (voice)
Darrell Waltrip .... Darrell Cartrip
欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson .... Lightning McQueen (voice)
乔治·卡林 George Carlin .... Filmore (voice)
保罗·佐利 Paul Dooley .... Sarge (voice)

赛车总动员 Cars (2006) 演职员表 :导演:乔·兰福特 Joe Ranft ... (co-director)约翰·拉塞特 John Lasseter编剧:乔·兰福特 Joe Ranft ... (story)Jorgen Klubien ... (story)约翰·拉塞特 John Lasseter主演:John Ratzenberger ... Mack (voice)安德鲁·斯坦顿 Andrew Stanton ... Fred (voice)欧...

英文名:Jimmy Lin昵称:Jimmy、小志、小旋风、旋风小子、顽皮豹(儿时外号)生日:1974年10月15日晚上出生地点:台湾省台北市家中客厅的地毯上 身高:174cm体重:58kg生肖:寅虎星座:天秤座血型: O学历:华冈艺校 主修表演 副修摄影求学过程:忠孝小学-怀生国中-华冈艺校个人品牌:JR(Jimmy Racing)出道时间:1992年2月28...

09 长沙快女选手资料
专业:英语 学历:大学本科 身高:168cm体重:45kg 才艺:舞蹈,唱歌,词曲创作 曾担任酒吧驻唱歌手 参赛获奖经历 1997年10月四川成都市中学生健美操第三名。 2001年2月北京[1]“欢乐总动员”栏目超级模仿秀(成都赛区)征选入围。 2001年4月北京“欢乐总动员”栏目超级模仿秀第二名并获过关奖。 2001年9月“波导.李纹...

乔布斯简历:史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Paul Jobs),出生于1955年2月24日。1972年高中毕业后,在俄勒冈州波特兰市的里德学院只念了一学期的书;1974年乔布斯在一家公司找到设计电脑游戏的工作。两年后,时年21岁的乔布斯和26岁的沃兹尼艾克在乔布斯家的车库里成立了苹果电脑公司。乔布斯被认为是计算机业界与娱乐业...

剧情很精彩 这些都比较适合学英语,学英语就要看点有意思的片,不然看不下去就达不到目的,建议看英语和中文双字幕的,坚持看英文字幕,实在不懂的单词再看中文字幕。另外推荐两部电视剧,同寝室的很爱看,说学英语比较好,口语比较地道, 老友记和绝望的主妇,我还没看过,不过准备看了。

1984年,第一台Mac机面市 1985年,被Sculley扫地出门创办NeXT 1986年,乔布斯收购Pixar 1989年,NeXT公司失败 1993年,乔布斯关闭NeXT的硬件部分; 1995年《玩具总动员》播放一举成名。 1996年,苹果收购NeXT乔布斯担任顾问 1997年,乔布斯再次成为苹果CEO 1998年,iMac成为美国最畅销个人电脑 1999年,苹果推...

英文名:zhangyishan性别:男生日: 1992年5月5日身高:1米8左右(发育期间,不断...职业:学生+演员星座:金牛座地区:北京市五十五中电视剧《船政风云》饰演:小苏阿哥电视剧《 谁为爱情买单》 饰演:孔析析电视剧《小兵张嘎》 饰演:乐乐大型情景喜剧《家有儿女》 一二三四部 饰演:刘星电影《24秒以后》 饰演:猴子主持...

英文名:Sara 出生日期:1988-4-30 身高:163cm 体重:48.5Kg 血型:A型 星座:金牛座 最敬爱的人:妈妈 最擅长的乐器:钢琴 最喜爱的音乐:都很喜爱 最喜爱的颜色:所有颜色都喜欢 最喜爱的季节:夏天和秋天 最喜欢做的事:唱歌听歌旅游思考吃东西 最喜欢的运动:散步骑脚踏车羽毛球 ...

巨鹿县18227069428: 汽车总动员(2006年约翰·拉塞特、乔·兰福特执导的动画电影) - 搜狗百科
戊淑安胃: Lightning McQueen, a hotshot rookie race car driven to succeed, discovers that life is about the journey, not the finish line, when he finds himself unexpectedly detoured in the sleepy Route 66 town of Radiator Springs. On route across the country to ...

巨鹿县18227069428: 求汽车总动员2的英文简介和英文读后感! -
戊淑安胃:[答案] Synopsis:Film by the "mouse Chef" (Ratatouille) producer Brad - Lewis (Brad Lewis) directed the 2006 "Cars" sequel is in addition to "Toy Story" sequel to the shooting outside the only Pique Adams car...

巨鹿县18227069428: 汽车总动员简介 -
戊淑安胃: 成功的新秀车手闪电麦奎因,他很高兴,只是赢得了3路配合与老对手鸡希克斯和冠军“国王” ,但也感到自豪和unappreciative长的时间(大多是老年人)的支持者已经足够他忽视坑船员沙漠他.意外失去途中加州为配合断路器,他撞车通过...

巨鹿县18227069428: 求<<汽车总动员>>英文简介 -
戊淑安胃: Cars (2006) Successful rookie racer Lightning McQueen has, to his pleasure, just won a 3-way tie with elder rival Chick Hicks and champ "The King", but is also proud and unappreciative of long-time (mostly older) supporters enough to have his...

巨鹿县18227069428: 求汽车总动员2的英文简介和英文读后感!! -
戊淑安胃: Synopsis: Film by the "mouse Chef" (Ratatouille) producer Brad - Lewis (Brad Lewis) directed the 2006 "Cars" sequel is in addition to "Toy Story" sequel to the shooting outside the only Pique Adams cartoon. And Part, as the Owen - Wilson...

巨鹿县18227069428: 弗朗西斯 - 福特 - 科波拉英语简介 -
戊淑安胃: Francis Ford Coppola (pronounced /?ko?p?l?/ KOH-p?-l?; born April 7, 1939) is an American film director, producer and screenwriter. He is widely acclaimed as one of...

巨鹿县18227069428: 求几部电影的英文简介1.功夫熊猫2.汽车总动员3.后天4.变形金刚5.玩具总动员6.海底总动员要求每个50词以下 浅显易懂 让人听了能猜出是什么电影 英语课上... -
戊淑安胃:[答案] Kung Fu Panda中文片名:功夫熊猫 英文片名:Kung Fu Panda 国家地区:美国 影片类型:喜剧 动画 上映时间:2008年06月06日 影片公司:派拉蒙导 演: 约翰·史蒂芬森 John Stevenson/马克·奥斯本 Mark Osborne主 演...

巨鹿县18227069428: 请帮我找"汽车总动员"的英文概括不超过180个字 -
戊淑安胃:[答案] 电影简介:Cars is a 2006 animated feature film produced by Pixar and directed by John Lasseter and the late Joe Ranft.It was the seventh Disney/Pixar feature film,and the final film by Pixar before it...

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