
作者&投稿:宓豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


歌曲:Ustimdan kulma



Kuaadi qaytishiny
Qaramay sen
Ketayapsan ne qilay

Aybini Sezmay
Kutadi qaytishiny
Qaramay sen
Ketayapsan ne qilay
yongan yurak
Aytkin kirnga kernk
Shuncha yeg yab
zorlansam ham
Scndan Kclmaydi darnk


我修改了一下 大意不变
It was a big day on June 9th when I went to the Red Star Primary School to experience the first time in my life of teaching young students.
The school was quite small with students crowded in the narrow corridor playing games during the break time.
We came to the classroom of Class 1,Grade 1, where I was about to be their maths teacher in the next class.I felt nerous and it was almost bland in my mind for it was the first time for my standing in front of so many young faces and being their tutor.
Howerer,their pure smile and strong desire for knowledge encouraged me.
Afer the bell rang,they began to count from one to a hundred.And I wrote several mathermatic problems on the blackboard with a piece of chalk in their loud voice.When I asked some boys to work out the problems, they were all very active.Since some boy were disappoited for not being asked,I promised them with further opportunities.
Time flies and the class came to an end in a heated atmosphere.
After the class, we took photos with our students for memory.On my way to school,I thought a lot.I feel deeply sorry that they were hungry for knowledge but didn't have good conditions for education but I myself wast not only my time but also the precious resources for study.I realize that I should make a good plan for my time in school and work hard to make some achievements in the future but not simply squander my life.

It up to yourself

高分悬赏:汉译英 翻译!
Javelin, as a track and field events, is a more complex multi-axis of rotation project, full name should be: javelin throw (English: javelin, javelin throw). Javelin throw with a long history. In ancient times, people will use a similar apparatus javelin to go hunting wild ...

当前,随着我国现代化进程的加快及对外开放的不断深入,我国已逐步进入贸易摩擦高发期,其中中美贸易摩擦格外引入注目。加入WTO后中美贸易摩擦接连不断,逆差问题呈逐年上升的趋势,双边贸易摩擦也日益加剧,失业率高居不下的压力以及贸易逆差的不断扩大等各种因素的综合结果,对此必须认真加以对待。Now in ...

It doesn’t matter if you can’t find the book.那本书要是没找到就算了。Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.不要把今天的事情推到明天。We must get this job finished.我们必须把这工作完成。My father decided not to give me any more pocket money.我父亲决定不再...

17. 那位演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。17. That actor is willing to act as one is less important role in drama seemingly very much.18. 国庆节要到了,咱们把寝室彻底(thorough)打扫一下吧。18. National Day is going to have arrived at , we sweep an once completely (...

45、我想先和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。I'd like to talk over with you about the English translation of the article ahead and then send it to Mr. Hobbs 46、那位外国专家希望在三年内达到所有的目标。The foreign expert hopes to achieve all his aims in ...

前面的几个回答吓死我了。有的和你书本上的有出入,但绝对是英语。只是担心老师看了会……1 他哥哥成功地阻止他放弃那份薪水不高的工作。(succeed in\/,dissuade...from)His brother succeeded in persuading him from giving up the low-salary job.2 他独自一人花了两星期时间完成了这项调查(...

高分悬赏 汉译英 翻译短歌词
u were gone in the dream and i woke up from crying watching night wind kiss the terrace how could u feel my affection when the prime elapsing will u still arounding those oaths and lies faded with the bygones people love your young pretty appearance but few of them could ...

(2): 然后,当然了,Cool先生出现了,他的全新的宽带连接拥有比我们大部分人都快的速度。(这是什么人?有上下文联系吗?)2. 在2002年为大众所知的大堡碉(澳大利亚地名)渐渐被腐蚀的情况成为了他最近的兴趣所在。3. (1): 我每天都看到人们帮我撑住门,帮我在咖啡中加冰淇淋,或是帮我穿上外套...

of glasses, he left to record the horrors of the next scene. He struggled through the ruins, once again fell to the ground, disoriented.The same day, rescue workers three times that he will be rescued from the rubble. "They saved my life," he said.不是翻译器所翻。人工 ...


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吴玛复达: Through this contest, I've learned a lot of skills in spoken English. But to my greater benefits, it made me realize the fact that my previous purpose of learning English was merely exam-oriented, that I did not know the most important functions of ...

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吴玛复达: English full name in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland from England. It is located in northwest Europe, is the world's first industrialized countries. And not only is the British cultural and ...

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