
作者&投稿:朱中 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


一、 基本个人信息:
姓名 性别
出生年月 户口
电子邮箱 联系电话
I. Personal Information:
Name –
Gender –
Date of Birth –
Official Residence –
Contact No. –
E-mail Address –

二、 自我评价:
1、 本人普通话发音标准,英语通过CET-6,口语水平有待进一步提高。熟练操作Micsoft Office等办公软件,通过了国家计算机等级二级考试。
2、 热爱运动,积极参加学校和所在单位组织的文体活动,曾获学院羽毛球比赛单项第二名。在工作中认真负责,态度端正,以微笑面对每一位客户,认真处理每一项业务,尽力完成分行下达的各种任务(信用卡、基金、存款、保险)。
3、 作为一名女生,具有良好的沟通表达能力,真诚地尊重和关心别人,富有团队合作精神,心思细腻,办业务效率高,受客户好评,而且业务差错率低,几次受领导表扬。
4、 作为一名正式党员,踏实勤奋,诚实守信,吃苦耐劳,有很高的道德觉悟和很强的职业操守。生活中喜欢与人沟通,为人坦诚、本着开阔的心胸善待身边的好友和同事,有良好的人际关系
5、 具有很强的学习欲望,期待提升自己,业余时间坚持练习英语口语和学习注册会计师知识,现已通过CPA两个单科考试
II.Self Evaluation:
1. I can speak fluent standard Mandarin; I had passed CET-6 but my spoken English still has room for improvement. I had passed National Computer Level 2 Examination and I am proficient in Microsoft Office software.
2. I have great passion in sports and been actively participating in the recreation and sports activities organized by my school and the bank, the best result was a runner-up in a college badminton competition. I am very conscientious and responsible in my work, treating customers with a pleasant smile and decent attitude; I always handle my tasks seriously and try every means to accomplish the various duties assigned by the subsidiary bank(credit card, funds, deposits, insurance).
3. I am a girl with excellent communication skills, full of team spirit and treating people with sincerity, respect and care. I am vey meticulous, assiduous and highly efficient in my work with very low error rate, well received by customers and was commended by superior several times.
4. As a CPC member, I am diligent, dependable, honest, trustworthy, and I can take hardship in my stride with a strong sense of moral consciousness and high professional ethic. 【I like to communicate with people and I have good interpersonal relations with my friends and peers for I treat them with frankness and an outgoing attitude.】 括弧内容与上面重复,建议忽略。
5. I have a strong learning desire hoping to enrich my professional knowledge; in my spare time I persist in practicing my spoken English and relevant CPA knowledge. At present, I have passed through two CPA single subject examinations.

三、 工作经历:
起止时间 任职 主要工作 工作业绩
2009年7月到现在 交通银行南京分行 综合柜员(对私) 个人业务量一直保持所在网点第一。
III.Working Experiences
Duration: From July 2009 to present
Position: Comprehensive service teller (personal); Bank of Communication, Nanjing Branch.
Major Responsibilities:
Performance Achievement: Business volume always maintains top position in the bank.

四、 教育培训:
起止时间 院校 专业/技能
2005月年9月到2009年6 南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院会计学专业 会计学
2009年3月到2009年4月 南京概元诚会计师事务所 审计助理
2009年6月到2009年7月 交通银行江苏省分行培训中心 综合柜员入职培训
IV. Academic Qualifications and Trainings:
From Sept. 2005 to June 2009 – Accounting Major, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
From Mac.2009 to April 2009 – Auditor Assistant, Nanjing GaiYuanCheng Accounting Firm.
From Jun 2009 to July 2009 – Service Teller Orientation Training, Training Center, Bank of Communication, Jiangsu Branch.

五、 技能专长:
熟练操作Micsoft Office等办公软件,通过了国家计算机等级二级考试
V. Personal Skills:
Passed CET-4 and CET-6 with flying colors;
Proficient in Microsoft Office software, had passed National Computer Level 2 Examination;
Passed two CPA Examinations: Law of Economy and Taxation;
Experience of working as auditor assistant, knowledge of company accounting procedures;
Excellent result in passing orientation training for comprehensive service teller in state-owned banks. Have been on the job for almost 2 years, very familiar with banking counter procedures and the handling of various transactions; business volume remains top position in the bank, completely capable of handling teller operations proficiently.

六、 求职目的
VI. Application Objective:
As an authentic native from Sichuan Province, I have been yearning to return and work in Chengdu, as well as to start a family and career. I even have a greater dream of working in a foreign bank, so I am looking forward to an opportunity for an interview.


I graduated from XX university, is a student party members, during the period of school as class competitive person, branch propaganda of duties, organize many class party and tourism activities. Character cheerful confidence, works is responsible earnestly, widely obtain schoolmate's identity.

After graduation from the university of work, let I to things of treatment method and interpersonal communication had the very big enhancement, work in sales this year, to understand sales is a continuous learning and learning process, and the diligent study, frequently communication, frequently brains, frequently summary. Through the study of others' experience and knowledge can greatly reduce mistakes and shortening the time, groping make us more rapid success. With "dependably work, be honest" principle, steadily improve their ability to work with the company development synchronously.

Accepted omnibearing university's basic education and good professional training and skills, have a solid theoretical foundation. Understanding to accept a stronger ability. Can master CAD, sketchup, Word, Excel, photoshop related software. During the period of school as a branch propaganda members, have certain coordinated ability.

Psychology course:The mental state consults with to cure with mental state, social psychology, the personality psychology, the abnormal mental state learn etc.
The 2-year junior college industry international economic trade course:International trade, the currency bank learn, investing to learn, the foreign exchange management and real object etc.
English level:Passed the CET - in 20044
? Passed the CET - in 20056, had good English to hear the ability of read and write.
Calculator:Calculator one class is excellent, acquainting with Windows, can use Word, Excel masterly, PowerPoint etc. Office software
The university holds the post of a job:The ~ was the × × university association consociation meeting office minister assistant in 2005 in 2004
Each section daily pursuit arrangement, the arrangement holds the normal regulations meeting, the document edit
The organization work of the large activity: In 2005 the association 联 president of association conference organization work
Make.Connected a new-born activity in 2005
1.Shanghai absolute being state figures limited company human resource department
*Participated a graduating student to invite a work in 2006, choose the ability test topic, will
Try the answer of book importation computer, use to correspond software to carry on the result analysis.

2.Branch office business department business enterprise in Chinese bank, Shanghai City finance mangaing section
*Check to print , divide to return to list, knock a chapter
*Help the customer audit accounts, recording
*The marketing does card, our set does 20 credit cards successfully for a day, is all groups first

3.Investigate a company zero:00
*The telephone interview, the street intercepts inquisition
*The business enterprise investigate, the oneself contacts to the big and medium-sized business enterprise, the topic have"business enterprise to the evaluation that designs a hospital" etc.

4.AoKaSuo Shanghai branch
*The recreational shoe brand of the best
*Participate the inquisition form of the design"dark visit", the periodical each markets of rightnesses salesclerk carry on dark visit, provide a suggestion for the next training

5.The volunteer activity Chinese youth volunteer association member, the university first light of day volunteer service brigade member of team of × ×
*Carry on a check-up for quiet Anne's area disable and sick person sports games athlete
*The obligation is a family training for kid in disable and sick family court

6.Meet with the prize circumstance professional No. 3 quality to scholarship for 2003-2004 academic years
? 2004-2005 academic years the professional No. 3 quality scholarship
? 2005-2006 academic year the profession is second class to scholarship

1.my personality is friendly, being good at confabulation, the social interaction is very good, be the classmate friends to get off the heart and explain and convince since the childhood.I like to be engaged in a personnel work.
2.because of the professional background of my psychology, I know how make contact with person betterly, how pass exchanges to identify one personal personality characteristics.
3.the practice experience medium, I designed to investigate form, participating personal interview to try the selection of and carry on grade examination papers, understand some procedures of job advertisements, this job advertisement work that makes me have the ability competence unit.
4.my work hard be responsible for, work hard actively, the way of thinking is clear,the responsibility is strong, can be diligent, having the good team cooperation spirit, mental character good, there is the ability of the stronger acceptance work pressure.
5.I would like to the open mind accept the elder generations to lift a point in the work, absorbing precept, the backlog experience, promote an oneself thus and continuously, in thickly accumulate the thin hair realization own life target!

典型的中国式英语! personal status: Name: XX sex: Female Birth Date:In September, 1982 birth place: Zhejiang sungyang State of health: Good degree: Bachelor Political appearance: Member Graduation colleges and universities: XXXXXXXXXXX specialt...


自我评价: 熟练使用Excel、word、ppt、outlook等软件,工作效率高。对新事物、新知识的理解和学习能力强。Self-evaluation: skilled use of Excel, word, ppt, outlook, and other software, efficient. The new things and new understanding of knowledge and learning ability.获得证书:英语CET-4证书...

求高手帮忙把中文简历翻译成英文简历,谢绝网上在线翻译, 高分求急用...
Name * * sex female 165cm birthday 1983.7 height Native ethnic han in wuxi city, jiangsu province Education undergraduate administrative management Address the village in wuxi city, jiangsu province south song lane 18 banker degree February 2007 - December 2010 jiangsu radio and ...

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Name Date of birth 1987.03.20 Specialized first specialty: Application physics Second specialty: Project management school recordNeo-Confucianism bachelor Management study bachelor Computer level Grasps the C++ program language, skilled uses photoshop, graspsP3, VISIO, meets CAD.Personally app...

请验收!!!个人简历 Personal Resume 基本信息Basic Information 姓名:Name: ××× 性别:男 Sex: Male 出生日期:Date of Birth 工作年限:2年 Work Experience: 2 years 毕业院校: Graduated from:电子邮件:E-mail 电 话: Tel:自我评价 Self Evaluation 本人是一个工作认真负责,积极主动,...

January 2004 - 2 ** Hospital, Shanghai trainee July probationary Shanghai Mental Health Center July 9, 2007 in Shanghai Feikeyiyuan internship so far In January 2002 part in volunteer teams to assist in traffic control HS In August 2004 the Shanghai Children Medical Center volunteer...

Computer: proficient in Professional: Computer Software Engineering Work intention: ERP Engineer, ERP Technical Advisor Development Tools: Form \/ Report builder, Toad, sql \/ plus, XML Publisher.OAF.Work experience:So far 09\/8- Job Title: EBS Technical Consultant Company: Shenzhen Worksoft...

全文翻译如下:Personal skills:German levels: skilled to be listening, speaking, reading and writing. A corresponding solid professional foundation.06 by the German primary Germany certification test (ZD) and the German national professional four examinations.English: to be skilled listening, ...

Personal information个人信息 Name 姓名 Sex 性别 Male 男 ethnic Han 汉族 Date of birth 生日 Biogenic Area 生源地区 Jingzhou, Hubei 湖北荆州 Ploitics status 政治面貌 length of schooling:4 years 学制:4年 Undergraduate Education 本科学历 Graduation time毕业时间 Graduate school...

【Experience】2008年11月~至今 Technical Department Engineer --- xxxxxx Main tasks:1. Dealing with mold in the processing, group test, the amount of trial and other problems that occur in the paragraphs on the issue of volume production molds analysis and continuous improvement;2. F...

大通区13152386422: 汉译英:简历内容,不要机器翻译,要人工的.请高手相助,万分感激 -
汪蒋阿沙: 个人技能& 兴趣爱好 Personal skills & Hobbies 专业基础扎实,对能源经济学方面有一定的研究.Better professional foundation, have certain knowledge on the Energy Economics 具有一定的科研及写作能力,已投稿CSSCI论文1篇.With certain...

大通区13152386422: 请英文高手将下面的简历翻译一下,十分感谢: -
汪蒋阿沙: Served as a high school class leadership, and work carried out in the student union, have some organizational skills, event planning capabilities. English spe...

大通区13152386422: 急求英文简历翻译,请高手帮忙!万分感谢! -
汪蒋阿沙: 1、The communication and execution of sales policy2、Channel management FALSIFY management price management3、The management and evaluation of implementation of market recources, promotion.4、Visit important customers ...

大通区13152386422: 请高手帮忙翻译一下简历,我给一百分.急急急!! -
汪蒋阿沙: October 2006 to April 2007 in the cloud-Expo Limited N...

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汪蒋阿沙: was responsible for the product-related industry analysis and project management which belong to the group;mainly in view of chlor-alkali, polypropylene, rubber, polyurethane and titanium dioxide, and other sectors of the industry;took charge of ...

大通区13152386422: 请高手帮忙将简历翻译成英文,非常感谢! -
汪蒋阿沙: Job Description 1: (PQE 2005.7-2008.10) 1 is responsible for new products from development to mass production quality control throughout the production process, to help complete PPAP admit documents; (2) the production of new products ...

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汪蒋阿沙: 2008年04月-2008月11月******财务部 April 2008 -2008 on the Ministry of Finance in November ******工作职责与职务: Job duties and functions:(一)计算工资并审核 1.整理各种产...

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汪蒋阿沙: Name * * sex female165cm birthday 1983.7 heightNative ethnic han in wuxi city, jiangsu provinceEducation undergraduate admini...

大通区13152386422: 哪位高手帮忙翻译成英文,做简历急用,万分感激! -
汪蒋阿沙: Participate in new product market research and feasibility analysis, drafting product development project proposal, make development plan. Parts supplier selection, selection and price, the signing of the agreement. Responsible for the machine ...

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