
作者&投稿:仪泪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. (10%)

  1. On the desert travelers often see _______rivers and lakes.

  A. imagining

  B. imaginative

  C. imaginable

  D. imaginary

  2. The only thing _____ is that you consult your lawyer about it.

  A. which I can suggest

  B. which can suggest

  C. that I can suggest

  D. that can suggest

  3. The gangster ________at his helpless victim and put a cigarette just out of

  A. scorned, arm’s distance

  B. sneered, reach

  C. peeped, arm’s length

  D. grinned, hold

  4.“Do you want to stay for super?”---‘I______, if you don’t mind.’

  A. would much rather go home

  B. would rather go home much

  C. much rather go home

  D. the same as

  5. The discovery of the ruins of an ancient palace was the of their expedition.

  A. climax

  B. opportunity

  C. crisis

  D. adventure

  6. He that his guests were bored, although they were listening politely.

  A. impressed

  B. sensed

  C. inferred

  D. identified

  7. The work he was upon would him, he hoped, the fellowship to Oxford.

  A. allow

  B. accept

  C. earn

  D. reward

  8. Mary is _______ than Alice.

  A. more experienced a teacher

  B. a more experienced teacher

  C. more an experienced teacher

  D. more experienced teacher

  9. Television was not invented by any one person. ______ into being overnight.

  A. Nor did it spring

  B. Nor does it spring

  C. Nor has it sprung

  D. Nor can it spring

  10. In the nineteenth century_____ of communication developed--- the railway.

  A. a new means, was

  B. a new mean, was

  C. new means, was

  D. new means, were

  Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the following words (10%)

  appealing, autonomous, ethnic, in, large, majestic, rich, throughout, types, with,

  Qinghai province, located ____ the northeastern pant of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, is known as “the roof of the world”. The climate is a typical plateau continent climate; the low temperature, long sunshine ______ strong radiation, and low-level oxygen are the main characteristics of the climate of the province. Qinghai province is ______in area and _____ in natural resources. There are more than 250 ______of wild animals; one hundred and twenty-three kinds of minerals have been discovered. The natural scenery in the province is also beautiful and ______with its own unique characteristics. All the _____ groups living in Qinghai have a long history. Local folk customs are unique and _______. Qinghai province has trade relations with 40 countries and regions __________ the world. The whole province has six _______ prefectures.

  Ⅲ. Translate the followings into English (20%)











  Ⅳ.Translate the followings into Chinese (20%)

  1.the Living Buddha

  2.Wheat Tea


  4.Butter Sculpture

  5.Chinese Caterpillar Fungus

  6.Mani Stone Piles

  7.Stone Carving


  9.Gold and Silver Grassland

  10.Chaidamu Basin

  Ⅴ.Translate the following passage into Chinese (15%)

  Located in the northeast of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the Qinghai Lake borders on the counties of Gonghe and Haiyan in Qinghai Province, at an altitude of 3.195 meters above sea level. The maximum depth of the lake is 32.8 meters with an average depth of 19 meters. It covers about an area of 4.583 square kilometers, 360 kilometers in circumference, ranking the first of all continental salt-water lake in China.

  It has three islands, Birds Island, Haixinshan Island and Sand Island.

  Qinghai Lake is also famous for its naked carp, which is the only fish in the lake; it is also called the Scaleless Carp. Because of the complicated natural environments, the fish has been degenerated to be scale less over the centuries. The naked carps live on plants and planktons in the lake and grow very slowly but very long due to the low water temperature. For this reason, it has been introduced to the similar lakes in Inner Mongolia and Liaoning Province.

  Ⅵ. Translate the following passage into English(15%)



  Ⅶ. Reading comprehension (10%)

  ‘Sesame Street’ has been called ‘the longest street in the world’. That is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of American’s exports soon after it went on the air in New York 1969.

  In the United States more than six million children watch the program regularly. The viewers include more than half of the nation’s pre-school children. Although some educators object to certain elements in the program, parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders who have learned from ‘Sesame Street’ are in the same class with children who have not watched the program.

  The program uses songs, stories, jokes and pictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers, letters and human relationships. Tests have shown that children have benefited from watching ‘Sesame Street’.

  Why has ‘Sesame Street’ been so much more successful than other children’s show?Many reasons have been suggested. People mention the educational theories of its creators, the support by the government and private businesses, and the skillful use of a variety of TV tricks. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch ‘Sesame Street’. But the best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching it feel able to learn. The child finds himself, and he wants to learn more.

  1. Why has ‘Sesame Street’ been called ‘the longest street in the world’?

  A.The program has been shown ever since 1969.

  B.The program became one of American’s major exports soon after it appeared on TV.

  C. The program is now being watched in most parts of the world.

  D. The program is made in the longest street in New York.

  2. Some educators are critical of the program because .

  A. they don’t think it fit for children in every respect.

  B. it takes the children too much time to watch it

  C. it causes problems between children who have watched it and those whohave not.

  D. parents attach to much importance to it.

  3. So many children in the United States watch the program because

  A. It uses songs, stories and jokes to give them basic knowledge.

  B. It is arranged for most children to watch it regularly.

  C. Tests have shown that it is beneficial to them.

  D. Both A and B.

  4. Mothers often watch the program along with their children because

  A. they enjoy the program as much as their children.

  B. they find their children have benefited from watching the program.

  C. they are attracted by some famous adult stars on the show.

  D. they can learn some educational theories from the program.

  5. What is the most important reason for the success of the program according to the author?

  A. The creators have good educational theories in making the program.

  B. The young viewers find they can learn something from it.

  C. Famous adult stars often appear in the program.

  D. It gets support from the government and private businesses

  Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure

  1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.

  Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the following words (10%)

  in, with, large, rich, types, majestic, ethnic, appealing, throughout, autonomous

  Ⅲ. Translate the followings into English (20%)

  1、园林 Gardens

  2、万丈盐桥 Thousand-Zhang Salt Bridge

  3、书法 Calligraphy

  4、阿尼玛卿雪山 Animaqin Snow Mountain

  5、中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival

  6、藏传佛教 Tibetan Buddism

  7、三江源 the Origination of the Three China’s Largest Rivers

  8、阁 pavilion

  9、青藏铁路 Qinghai-Tibet Railway

  10、文房四宝 the Four Treasures of the Study

  Ⅳ.Translate the followings into Chinese (20%)

  1.the Living Buddha 活佛

  2.Wheat Tea 麦茶

  3.Mutton-Eatean-with-the-Hand 手抓羊肉

  4.Butter Sculpture 酥油花

  5.Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬虫夏草

  6.Mani Stone Piles 嘛尼堆

  7.Stone Carving 石头雕刻

  8.pilgrimage 朝圣

  9.Gold and Silver Grassland 金银滩草原

  10.Chaidamu Basin 柴达木盆地

  Ⅴ.Translate the following passage into Chinese (15%)




  Ⅵ. Translate the following passage into English (15%)

  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Qinghai. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Wen Lin, you could call me Xiao Wen. I am your local guide of this travel. I will accompany you throughout your trip in Qinghai. Well, on behalf of Qinhai International Travel Service and my colleague, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to your visiting to Qinghai Province. This is Mr. Wang, our driver, and our coach number is Qing A-20748.

  Now we are heading downtown. You’ll stay at Qinghai Hotel, a four-star hotel in downtown Xining. Breakfast is at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. You will find the breakfast vouchers in your room. At 9 a.m., we are be ready to go to the Taer Lamasery, it is a repository of Tibetan culture and arts. Taer Lamasery is well known for its architecture, precious relics and “three unique” ----- frescoes, embossed embroidery and butter sculpture. In the afternoon, we will visit Beichan Temple. This is a Daoist Temple, it was first built during Eastern Han Dynasty. You will see many people worshipping the temple and praying for a life of peace and good luck.

  I believe that the wonderful and charming scenery of Qinghai as well as our hardworking would make you a happy journey.

  Ⅶ. Reading comprehension (10%)

  1.C 2.A 3. D 4.A 5.B


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帮助的人:94.6万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. (10%) 1. On the...

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开封市18955205270: 请考过青海英语导游的朋友们帮帮忙,200分相送 -
淫芸痔疾: 呵呵这个问题我来回答你,青海考英语导游证的时候四门笔试全是和中文导游一样的卷子,而且是一起考,但口试的时候就要用英文,你大可放心,03年之前只要自已准备好一段英文景点导游词给考官背出来就行.之后所有考外语导游的人员要抽签口试,只要你把青海主要的几个景点(青海湖、塔尔寺、衢坛寺、互助土族风情园等)用英语自已找点资料翻译出来就行,不要太长,简尔精炼.只要笔试你能过,口试保准你过,毕竟青海缺语种导游,主考老师们不会太为难你的,相信我我有经验的!还有我类似有一本青海旅游景点英文版的书,不用买的,如果我能找到我送给你!

开封市18955205270: 现在英语导游考试试题是什么样的?有没有今年的初级 -
淫芸痔疾: 首先笔试科目是与中文导游证完全一样的,科目一二三四.只有面试科目五的部分与中文导游证不同,需要用英文来讲解导游词和进行.这个部分可以查看国家旅游局大纲中对应省份的要求,会划定导游词的范围.

开封市18955205270: 导游证 考试要求和科目是什么啊?英语类的都什么特别要求么 -
淫芸痔疾: 导游考试尚未国家统考,教材也未统一,考试由各地自己组织,地区不同,考试内容和考试科目也有差异. 一般导游考试分笔试和口试: 1、笔试:中文类(普通话)导游考生笔试科目为3科,即《导游基础知识》、《导游业务》、《政策法规...

开封市18955205270: 考导游证的详细流程 -
淫芸痔疾: 报考流程(以我的一点经历): 首先自审:根据《全国导游人员管理条例》规定,必须是健康的中国公民,年满十八岁,无犯罪历史并没有被吊销过导游证的青年.有高中文化或同等学历(中专、技校等)但湖南省曾发文要求大专文凭. 然后...

开封市18955205270: 想考青海英语导游证需要看什么书?什么时候考?怎么报名? -
淫芸痔疾: 拥有 中 专或 高 中及以上学历 即 可报 名. 考 试 由 笔试与现 场考试两 部分 组成 , 笔试 采取 机考 方 式进行 , 笔 试科 目为:政策法规、导游 业务、全 国 导游 基础知 识 、地 方导游 基 础 知识 .现 场 考 试 科 目为 :导 游 服 务能 力 , 要 用所 报考科目的语种进行 . 科 目 一、 科 目二 合并为1张 试 卷进行测试, 其 中 科 目一、 科 目 二 分值 所 占比例各 为5 0%; 科 目三、 科目 四 合 并 为 1张试卷进行 测 试.考 试题型 包括判断 题 、单 项 选择题 、 多 项选 择题.建议看看 1 01贝考 导游证 考试ap p.

开封市18955205270: 英语导游资格证考试 -
淫芸痔疾: 现在每个省每年都会有英语导游证考试啊,你可以先考了中文的再去考英文的,也可以直接考英文的,一般分为笔试和面试,笔试是中文的,如果你直接考英文导游证的话,面试就是英文的了.我们现在说的考导游证其实考的只是资格证,要工作一年后才可以拿到导游证的,而且如果你以后不在旅行社做事的话,那个证也就废了.如果你只是想为了免景点费而不是想从事这项工作的话,我劝你就别考了,这个证是要用钱养的,每年年审费等各种费加起来也不是一笔小数目,够你门票费了.

开封市18955205270: 导游证好考吗?导游证考试试题哪找 -
淫芸痔疾: 考导游证,难于不难在与你对导游的业务了解多少,知道的多就不难,如果你现在没干过导游,那可就太难了!毕竟是国家的一个行业知识.导游证每年都考,但必须先参加旅游局和相关部门组织的专业培训.每年能够靠上的,也就30%左右....

开封市18955205270: 英语导游考试 -
淫芸痔疾: 英语导游大概需要的英语水平就是4级左右,不是很难 河北这边的话是在考了普通话导游资格证的前提下,可以加试英语 英语笔试内容是10个单词翻译,5个句子翻译和一个小作文 相关的资料你可以去百度文库下载 希望我的回答对有有所帮助,如果你想交流这方面的考试经验,可以留言给我

开封市18955205270: 英语导游证考试 -
淫芸痔疾: 我是直接报考的英语导游证,在湖北武汉考的.笔试之后就是口试,笔试是中文试卷,跟普通的一样的. 口试就是全英文的,分三部分, 第一部分是导游词讲解,考官会让你抽签,你抽到那个景点就讲哪个.(湖北有十个景点,每个省不一样的) 第二部分就是现场翻译,英译汉和汉译英,这个有点难度,当时考官读了一段英文,我当场翻译中文还可以.但是接下来他说了一段中文:道教的教义,一气生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦,我当场无语,只能say sorry. 然后就到第三部分,就是问你怎么处理突发事件之类的问题,这个还容易啦! 其实这些考试内容都有中文版的,你只要知道中文版的英文怎么说就行了,其实不难的. 希望你努力哦!加油!

开封市18955205270: 四级英语、导游证
淫芸痔疾: 你说的四级是指CET4么?如果是的话,就必须等你上了大学才可以考.因为从前两年开始(具体哪一年我也不记得了,好像是07年),CET考试就不让社会考生报名了,只针对全日制在校大学生.一般是要到二年级才能报名.不过这个也要看...

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