
作者&投稿:岑钩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Along with the iron and steel industry development, makes the ballmachinery the role which acts in the entire iron and steel industry tobe more and more important, becomes in the entire iron and steelindustry the indispensable equipment. In derived the predecessoroutstanding achievement and in the consult massive literature materialfoundation designs the 7500mm disc to make the ball machine. Thismachine produces the ball group qualified rate to be higher, thebasic performance meets needs of the large and middle scale steelmills production ball group. The present paper comprehensively elaborated the 7500mm disc made theball machine structure principle and its the design characteristic,the paper elaborates has used the 7500mm disc to make the ball machinemerit, in detail introduced the disc made the ball machine idea andits each craft parameter determination, and has made the extremelydetailed elaboration to its electrically operated shaving knifepartial design, blew to it to the performance and the designcharacteristic has made the careful thorough analysis, improved theshaving knife to blow the performance, might make the ball machine asthe design improvement disc reference. The key word ball group disc makes the ball machine electricallyoperated shaving knife to blow the performance


Firstly, we begin with a test function to investigate the edge preserving capability of the proposed denoising algorithm. Filtered results appear in Fig.1. The chosen test function has some abrupt changing features such as discontinuities or sharp bumps. We corrupted the test function by addition simulated spatially Gaussian noise with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.02 shown in Fig.1(a). Fig.1(b) shows the filtered results by local Wiener filter in spatial domain and Fig1.(c) shows the result of the proposed approach. As it appears, Fig.1(b) shows that step edges are poorly filtered by local Wiener filter in spatial domain and the ability of the proposed approach to smooth homogeneous regions simultaneously preserving edges is better than local Wiener filter in spatial domain.

Secondly, the standard 256×256 Lena image is presented for additive Gaussian noise. We corrupted it by addition Gaussian noise at different noise levels. The proposed approach is also compared to other techniques. For quantitative evaluation, we use PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) to evaluate the performance of denoising algorithm. Table 1 lists the results of the PSNR improvement of the proposed algorithm compared with other methods-standard LS-SVM, median filter and wiener filter. It is evident from Table 1 that the proposed method consistently outperforms standard LS-SVM and median filter method in terms of PSNR improvement. Fig.2 shows the comparison of the denoised Lena image corrupted with Gaussian noise at PSNR=22.09 dB. As it appears, Fig.2(b) shows that step edges are poorly filtered by standard LS-SVM filter. The median filter and Wiener filter can reduce noise respectively in certain range. Fig.2(e) shows the ability of our approach to smooth homogeneous regions simultaneously preserving edges. Especially, details of the image are very obvious, e.g, eyes and hat. This indicates that the proposed denoising method achieved the most successful noise reduced in statistically homogeneous areas and preserved interesting edge details.


We highlighted an efficient approach of nonlinear Wiener filtering that relies on the theory of least support squares vector regression. With the proposed approach, the clean signal and random noise are first mapped from input space into a high-dimensional feature space by a suitable nonlinear mapping ∅ and then local Wiener filter is considered in this feature space . This technology provides an elegant way of dealing with the problem of nonlinear Wiener filter by reducing them to linear ones in some feature space nonlinearly related to input space. Furthermore, the number of kernel function satisfying the Mercer condition is enormous. One can also use the wavelet kernel or other kernels as kernel functions to remove noise. Thus, the freedom of the present new registration is very large. Experimental results show that the algorithm can preserve edges with better visual quality and yield better results.




1.edge preserving/preserve edge 保护锐边,或者保边
2.denoising algorithm 降噪算法
3.Filter 原意为“刷选”,这里是“滤波”的意思
4.spatially Gaussian noise 空间高斯噪音
5.Wiener filter 维纳滤波法
6.PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) 峰值信噪比
7.LS-SVM (least square-support vector machine)最小二乘支持向量机


首先, 我们以一个测试函数作为开始,这个测试函数旨在探讨被提议的降噪运算法则的边际保留能力。图表1 显示了筛选的结果。这个挑选出来的测试函数有一些明显的变化特征,比如不连续性或者突兀的起伏。我们通过加入模拟的均值是0标准差是0.02的空间高斯噪音【如图1(a)所示】来改变测试函数。图1(b)显示了在一定空间域下,局部维纳滤波器的筛选结果,图1(c)显示了建议方式下的结果。结果表明, 图1(b)显示局部维纳过滤器对于阶梯状边缘在一定空间域下的筛选很差,而且, 被建议的方式在平滑类似区域和保留边际的能力好于一定空间域下的局部维纳滤波器。 其次,标准的256 × 256的Lena图像显示了加性高斯噪声。我们通过加入不同噪声水平高斯噪声改变图像。那个被建议的方法也和其他技术进行了比较。为定量评价,我们使用的PSNR(峰值信号与噪声比)来评估去噪算法的性能。表1列出了在经过建议方法改进的PSBR得出的结果,并和其他标准方式的LS - SVM,中值滤波器和维纳滤波器做了比较。从表1明显可以看出,被建议的方法在提高峰值信噪比方面优于标准LS - SVM和中值滤波方法。图2显示了在降噪Lena图像在PSNR =22.09分贝的高斯噪声干扰下的比较结果。图2(b)显示阶梯状边缘边在标准LS - SVM的过滤器下的过滤结果不佳。中值滤波器和维纳滤波器分别可以别在一定范围内减少噪声分贝。图2(e)显示了我们的方法在同时平稳类似区域和保留边际的能力。特别的,图像的细节是非常明显的,例如,眼睛和帽子。这表明,该去噪方法实现了在统计的同质地区最成功的降噪,而且维持了边缘细节。


其次,标准的256 × 256的Lena图像,提出了加性高斯噪声。此外,它破坏了我们高斯噪声在不同的噪声水平。建议的方法也比其他技术。为定量评价,我们使用的PSNR(峰值信号与噪声比)来评估去噪算法的性能。表1列出了该算法的峰值信噪比改善的结果与其他方法相比,标准的LS - SVM的,中值滤波和维纳滤波器。从表1可见,该方法在峰值信噪比优于一贯改善方面的标准LS - SVM的和中值滤波方法。图2显示了在去噪莉娜与高斯噪声污染的PSNR =22.09分贝形象比较。表面看来,图2(b)这一步边不佳标准LS - SVM的过滤器过滤节目。中值滤波和维纳滤波器可以减少噪声分别在一定范围内。图2(五)表明该方法的能力,同时保持平稳均匀的边缘地区。特别是图像的细节是非常明显的,例如,眼睛和帽子。这表明,该去噪方法实现了最成功的噪音降低,统计学同质地区保存有趣的边缘细节。


首先,我们开始了测试功能,探讨保边去噪算法所提出的能力。筛选的结果显示在图1。所选择的测试功能有一些尖锐,如不连续性颠簸或突然变化特征。此外,我们损坏的模拟测试函数空间高斯噪声均值为0,标准差0.02在图1(a)所示。图1(b)显示了局部维纳在空间域和图1过滤筛选结果。(三)显示了该方法的结果。表面看来,图1(b)这一步边不佳局部维纳滤波在空间域和该方法的能力,同时保持边缘平滑均匀区域过滤显示比在空间域局部维纳滤波器更好。其次,标准的256 × 256的Lena图像,提出了加性高斯噪声。此外,它破坏了我们高斯噪声在不同的噪声水平。建议的方法也比其他技术。为定量评价,我们使用的PSNR(峰值信号与噪声比)来评估去噪算法的性能。表1列出了该算法的峰值信噪比改善的结果与其他方法相比,标准的LS - SVM的,中值滤波和维纳滤波器。从表1可见,该方法在峰值信噪比优于一贯改善方面的标准LS - SVM的和中值滤波方法。图2显示了在去噪莉娜与高斯噪声污染的PSNR =22.09分贝形象比较。表面看来,图2(b)这一步边不佳标准LS - SVM的过滤器过滤节目。中值滤波和维纳滤波器可以减少噪声分别在一定范围内。图2(五)表明该方法的能力,同时保持平稳均匀的边缘地区。特别是图像的细节是非常明显的,例如,眼睛和帽子。这表明,该去噪方法实现了最成功的噪音降低,统计学同质地区保存有趣的边缘细节。

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