
作者&投稿:宿芳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我的周末计划 英语作文要带翻译~

The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .若想获取更多精彩英语范文,点击下方链接注册即可获取免费外教写作课一节,跟着专业外教学习。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,点击蓝字领取欧美一对一外教课,还能免费测试英语水平。学英语来阿卡索,课均不到20元,可以与外教一对一上课学习英语,也可以领取大量英语学习资料,反正试课是不用花钱的,还能提高英语水平多好。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

October 1st is the National Day of the People ' Republic of China,our country.I love our country and I'm so pround of I am Chinese.On the National Day,I went out with my mother and saw there were a lot of national flags in front of many shops.I was so happy to see that because that shows the Chinese people 's love for China .There were also a military parade(阅兵式) in the Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on that day .I saw it on TV and I was so excited . I hope our country will be stronger and stronger. 10月1号是中华人民共和国成立的日子。我热爱我们的国家。作为一个中国人我感到无比骄傲和自豪。在国庆节这一天我和我妈妈出去逛街看到许多商店的门口都挂着国旗。看到这种情景我十分高兴因为它显示出了中国人民对祖国的爱。今天在北京天安门广场有阅兵式。当我从电视上看到阅兵式的时候感到十分激动。我希望我们的国家变得越来越强壮。


I am going to get up early this Sunday. I am going to help my mother do some housework. Then my parents and I are going to visit my grandparents in the morning. We are going there by bus because they live in the countryside. 

I am going to feed their dog and cat then I am going to ride the horse. In the afternoon I am going to go to the library to borrow some books. After that I will do my homework. In the evening I am going to read some books, watch TV and listen to some beautiful music. I won't go to bed until 10:00. 

周日我打算早起。我要帮助我母亲做家务。然后我和父母上午去看祖父母。 我们乘车去,因为他们住在乡村。我打算给他们的狗和猫喂食。然后去骑马。下午我要去图书馆借书。之后我做作业。 晚上我要看书,看电视,听优美的乐曲。我要在10点上床睡觉。







I can do what I like on Sunday. On that day, my mother would give me some "free" time to relax. Besides, I don't have to do my homework that day, and I don't have to go to cram school that day. I


 can also surf the Internet to play games, watch TV programs, play badminton to exercise a healthy body.


Sunday is really a rare day, I will follow my mother to scale. Big shopping center to go shopping, blow air conditioning, leisurely walk away from the heart of trouble. Sometimes, I will go to the shopping center with my friends to make the mood more pleasant.


Beautiful Sunday ah, let me glow, let me full of energy, let me relax, I of course love Sunday!


I am going to get up early this Sunday. I am going to help my mother do some housework. Then my parents and I are going to visit my grandparents in the morning. We are going there by bus because they live in the countryside. I am going to feed their dog and cat then I am going to ride the horse. In the afternoon I am going to go to the library to borrow some books. After that I will do my homework. In the evening I am going to read some books, watch TV and listen to some beautiful music. I won't go to bed until 10:00. 周日我打算早起。我要帮助我母亲做家务。然后我和父母上午去看祖父母。 我们乘车去,因为他们住在乡村。我打算给他们的狗和猫喂食。然后去骑马。下午我要去图书馆借书。之后我做作业。 晚上我要看书,看电视,听优美的乐曲。我要在10点上床睡觉


请你选择一件你喜欢物品来进行观察,试着写一篇小短文,注意要写出它的外形特征和作用,并告诉大家你为什么喜欢它。 2.根据下面的观察提示去观察你喜欢的物品,先完成观察提示上的填空再去习作。 五年级上册作文这个星期有些黑500字 这个星期天,阳光明媚,万里无云。我和我的父亲,我的母亲,我的表哥的车在九龙游乐园...

I went to the sport centre with my family last Sunday.The weather was fine.My father rode a horse on the grass.My mother played pingpong with the teacher in the gym,and there were many people in it.My brother and I played soccer on the field.We were all had fun on that...

(1) 星期天的早上,我到一个朋友家去,路过一条小巷口,忽然眼前一亮:“嗬,好美的花,在路边一字排开,开得正盛、正旺!为这破旧的小巷平添了几分生机.”我不由得停住了脚步,深深地被花吸引住了,真想过去嗅一嗅.(2)“吱——”一声门响,一间矮矮的花房中伸出一根拐杖来,一个十五六岁、眉清目...

这个周末让我过得很愉快,我很高兴,星期六的早上,我睡了一个懒觉,十点过的时候才起床,中午我去肯德基吃了汉堡和薯条.下午的时候,我去找了我的朋友一起去看电影和打羽毛球.这一天我过的很充实.星期天 星期天,我和朋友约好一起到动物园去看东北虎、猩猩、大象和海狮等等.我很喜欢这个周末,因为,这...

《那个星期天》 文章描写了小男孩儿心情的变化是什么?

what a good hand writing.It is really supprise for me, there are so many things to see in the park,everybody seen enjoying the life over here,I love this type of living, i may joint my parent to the park during weekend for more meaningful lives. 今天星期天,我陪我的父母...

写作思路:根据题目要求,围绕上周末展开描写。Yesterday was Sunday, I didn't go to school, but I was very busy.昨天是星期天,我没有去学校,但我很忙。In the morning, I get up at eight o'clock, and then I have breakfast.早晨,我起床八点钟,然后我吃早餐。After breakfast, I ...

写一篇40到50个词的英语短文介绍一下星期天和妈妈购物的经历_百度知 ...
今天是星期天,又是我们家打扫卫生的日子了。我正在做作业,看见妈妈正在挥汗如雨地打扫卫生,我十分不忍心,就连忙放下手中的笔,跑过去帮妈妈做家务。 我们家打扫卫生一般是擦窗户、扫地和拖地。首先是擦窗户,我先把抹布放进装有水的桶里浸湿,然后找来一张椅子,小心地站在上面擦起玻璃来。只见...

以My Weekend Chores 为题写一篇短文,谈一谈上星期天你做过得家务活...
MY WEEKEND CHORE last sunday,i did house works at home.in the morning,i cooked breakfaes.to be honest,i like cooking very much.Bacause cooking meals is very interesting,I can do what I want.in the afternoon,i cleaned my bedroom.I hate cleaning my room .It is boring and ...


红安县13384353731: 星期天你干些什么?英语作文 -
侨侮艾达: This Sunday, I am going to watch a football match with Jack. As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon, Jack is going to meet me at my house at two o'clock. Then we are going to take a bus to the stadium. The journey will take about half...

红安县13384353731: 英语作文周末打算做什么. -
侨侮艾达:[答案] 举报违规检举侵权投诉|2012-02-20 22:29 提问者采纳 In this weekend, I have a plan, if tomorrow is a sunny day. Saturday ... I hope this weekend I can live very happy! 在这个周末我有个计划,如果明天是晴天的话. 星期六的早上,我将要去看望我的外...

红安县13384353731: 用英语写,这个星期天你准备怎么过 -
侨侮艾达: this sunday,there will be many things for me to do.but, what i like to do most is to fish. i am going to fish fish with my dady.i think fishing will be an exciting thing. the place where we are going to fish is a large lake. the lake is near my home and very quiet. i believe we are going to have a good time.

红安县13384353731: 英语作文星期天你打算去哪里 去哪里干什么 -
侨侮艾达:[答案] This Sunday,I am going to watch a football match with Jack.As the match will begin at three o'clock in the afternoon,Jack is ... we are going to buy some snacks in the snack shop outside the stadium.I think I am going to have an enjoyable day. 这个星期天...

红安县13384353731: 明天是星期天,你打算做什么?请用英文写一篇短文介绍自乙和家人打算做什么(40词左右) -
侨侮艾达: Tomorrow is Sunday ,Afer After the completion of the work,we shall play . I am going to play football with my friends . My sister is going to watch cartoon translation Boonie Bears at home . Father is going to maintenance computer and Mother is going to dance square dance . We shall all have our own things to do.

红安县13384353731: 在这个星期天你将要做什么?用英语怎么讲 -
侨侮艾达:[答案] What will you do on this Sunday?

红安县13384353731: 假如今天是星期五,英语老师让你用英语谈一下本星期日打算做的事情.请你根据下列中文提示,以为题目写一篇约60词左后的英语短文.短文内容包括下... -
侨侮艾达:[答案]It's Friday today. I am going to do some things on Sunday. I will get up at 6:30. After breakfast, I will go to the People' Park with my brother by bike. We will not only go swimming, go skating and climb mountains but also take some pictures. We will ...

红安县13384353731: 英语作文 你周末做什么 不少于50个字 -
侨侮艾达:[答案] What do you do at weekends(By Kaiser3344) Recently,I always work when others are free at home ,so I hope at this weekend I can have two days to do some things that I would like to .As usual ,I went shopping with my best friend ,ate delicous food and ...

红安县13384353731: 写周末你打算干什么?英语作文50个单词,求,快点,谢谢!50单词左右,谢谢! -
侨侮艾达: Weekends is a wonderful day! Because we will have plenty of free time in weekends. In this weekend,i have a nice plan. In saturday moning i will stay in my home and do my homework . In afernoon when i have done my homeworks,i plan to take the ...

红安县13384353731: 英语作文《你计划星期天做什么》 -
侨侮艾达: I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am ...

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