
作者&投稿:孔辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 百合花的根像大蒜瓣一样。它长着一根很长的茎,茎上有许多嫩绿的叶子,它们成螺旋状分布。茎的最顶端挂着许多铃铛似的百合花。张慧林还告诉我:百合花到了一定的时候,花骨朵自然就会炸开。我还发现,里面有七根花蕊,其中一根是雌蕊,其余六根是雄蕊。
Lily roots are like garlic cloves. It has a very long stem. There are many green leaves on the stem. They are in a spiral distribution. There are many bell like lilies hanging at the top of the stem. Zhang Huilin also told me that when the lilies arrive at a certain time, they will explode naturally. I also found that there are seven pistils in it, one of which is pistil and the other six are stamens.

Lily leaves are dark green, like a pair of hands, holding a sleeping bud in my arms. This naughty little flower bud doesn't know when it wants to show its lovely little face. Within a few days, a beautiful lily blossomed, like a trumpet. The lanceolate petals glow with sanctity under the bapti *** of dew.

Lily flowers all year round, its petals are white, like a beautiful white skirt. Among the petals, there are many green stamens, some of which are only two or three petals, some of which are all open, some of which are still flowers. Lily leaves are green and *** ooth, and there is a little yellow ornament on an unknown grass, which is also very fragrant, very similar to Dogtail grass, and several red roses.

Lily petals are tender white, with a light brown line in the middle, making Lily not so monotonous. There is a pink at the bottom of the lily. It looks like the rouge on the face of a beauty. It looks like a shy girl. It's very beautiful. The red and brown pistils are crescent shaped and hang in the flowers. As soon as the wind blows, it will shake like a wind bell.

Lily is a kind of delicate and charming flower. It emits a strong fragrance, which can be beaten and inlaid from time to time after a long *** ell.

The buds of lilies will also send out bursts of fragrance, which will quietly flow into people's memory, making people green and lovely whenever and wherever they are, but green up, setting off the flowers. Green leaves can not be said evergreen, green, there are a few *** all butterflies flying in to suck fresh nectar. What about the flowers to be put in shame? They are dancing in the breeze in crystal white clothes.

The lilies swayed in the sun and the wind. The delicate petals, beautiful shape, just like a graceful fairy dancing, noble and elegant, graceful. Perfume lily, worthy of the name of Lily queen, can not see any spots on the petals of white, but those budding flower bones are shy and head low, as if a shy girl, *** iling face to face.

Lily, although beautiful, but she is not proud: although she has charming fragrance, but she does not show off. She stands for purity, like a white dove of peace. She usually just lives in obscurity, but in the bouquet, she is always in the middle, and other *** all flowers will only set off her more beautiful.

Lily has oval petals. The color is pure white, but it also permeates the light purple. It is full of protrusions, in the middle of which is sleeping a little angel in a light green coat, full of bright colors in the breeze. But when it was the most prosperous, the little angel was dressed in red, as red as the sun's basin.
Lilies are like a graceful girl dancing and intoxicating. Lilies have various colors, pink, white and yellow... Beautiful, the root of the lily is green, the leaves are blue, the petals have five to six slightly downward curled one has a posture, constitute a fairy lily.

Lily leaves are also very beautiful, white flawless, red as the sun's basin. The flower just bloomed, but the little angel was dressed in red, with bright colors in full bloom in the breeze. But when it was the most prosperous, in the middle of it was a little angel in a light green coat, but also permeated with a light purple. It's full of protuberances. I love the unique lily.

Lily usually has two colors, one is white, which represents purity and kindness; the other is pink, which is often put on when people are married and celebrating, because pink represents love for a hundred years.

Lily that delicate body, dancing to dance, intoxicating. The fairy was wearing a yellow skirt, which was very dazzling in the sun. She looked up, disdained to see anything, as if she had no interest in them. The charm of lilies makes many admirers envy them and makes them feel inferior. The leaves set off the beauty of the flowers. There are also flowers on the branches. They are very *** all. They are shy and hide behind the leaves. They are covered tightly for fear of being found by others.

The buds of lilies will also send out bursts of fragrance, light and light, fragrant and pleasant. In the evening, if you stand in front of it, you will *** ell the fragrance, which will make people fall three feet.

Lily leaves are very beautiful, green, set off the flowers. Green leaves can't be said to be evergreen all the year round, but when they are green, they are lovely and green. They quietly flow into people's memory and remind people of Lily leaves whenever and wherever they are.

Lily is not only very beautiful, but also very noble, which makes many scholars sing and praise for it. When lilies are in full bloom, they can release strong volatile substances, purify the air, prevent air pollution, stimulate people's spirit and make people feel comfortable.

White lilies, like a master of superb craft *** anship carved with white marble, are also like crystal flowers. The flower bud is golden, like a beautiful Topaz in a white marble.

Lilium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs. Most species are native to the temperate northern hemisphere. They comprise a genus of about 110 species in the lily family (Liliaceae). They are important as large showy flowering garden plants. Additionally, they a...

lily ;百合花的英文例句:1. There were lilies every-where in tall white porcelain vases.高高的白色瓷瓶上绘满了百合花。2. The cottage gardens blaze with irises, lilies and peonies.村舍花园万紫千红,鸢尾 、 百合花和牡丹竞相争艳.3. She is as fair as lily.她像百合花一样美.4. He...

赞美百合花的优雅句子 An elegant sentence of praise for lilies

百合花 greenish lily flower 双语例句 1.我是沙仑的玫瑰花(或作水仙花),是谷中的百合花。I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.2.我们都是随从,而不是领导人,我们是疯狂的百合花上的镀金。We are followers, not leaders; we are the gilding on this mad lily.3.她...

I favourite flower is the plumeria flower. It has a variety of colors- the crimsons, tangerines, the white and the yellows. The five petals of the flower overlap each other in a beauty spiral. This exotic flower is usually seen in tropical countries. I like this flower because...

grasslike leaves or leafy stems. A few are woody and some are small trees. Evolutionally, the lily family is probably the basic monocotyledonous stock, its ancestors having given rise to the majority of contemporary monocots, e.g., the orchids, the palms, the iris and amaryllis...

百合花的底部有一片粉红色,那粉红色好似美人脸上的红胭脂;又好似一位羞红了脸的小姑娘,非常美丽。红棕色的花蕊是月牙形的,挂在花朵里面。只要风一吹,它就会像风铃一样摇晃。 Lily petals are tender white, with a light brown line in the middle, making Lily not so monotonous. There is a pink at ...

用英文描述百合花 少字 简单30字以内
Lily, scientific name, also known as strong Shu, Muscovy leek, Shandan, Xian, heavy step, atrium, Moro, heavy boxes, in every flower, Lily garlic, master Fu Suan, garlic brain potato, magnolia flower, is Liliaceae Lilium perennial herbaceous plant, native to China, mainly ...

风吹百合香。 来欢暂巧笑。 还泪已沾裳。 依稀如洛汭。 倐忽似高唐。 别离未得语。 河汉渐汤汤。 百合 接叶有多种,开花无异色。 含露或低垂,从风时偃仰。 -- 萧察 此首诗为后梁宣帝之第三子萧察描写百合花的作品,作者以清词丽句,素描淡抹,描摹了一帧诗意浓厚的百合图。全诗四句,首两句由叶至花,后两句由花...

White as a lily.象百合花一样白 A lily symbolizes purity.百合花象徵纯洁。The flower of any of these plants.百合花任何这些植物的花朵 I grow orchids,chrysanthemums, lilies and cactuses.我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。I grow orchids, chrysanthemums, lilies and cactuses...

鸡泽县18312527348: 百合花英文介绍 -
大送低分: lily n. 百合, 百合花, 洁白的东西, 纯洁的人 adj. 洁白的, 纯洁的 liliaceous adj. [植] 百合花的, 百合科的

鸡泽县18312527348: 怎样用英语介绍百合花的外貌?
大送低分: They are lilies.They have good fragrance.They are white and beautiful.They have bent petals.Their pistils are longer than any other flowers.

鸡泽县18312527348: 关于介绍百合的英文文章50字左右,初三程度,简单一点
大送低分: 植物学上: Lilies are leafy stemmed herbs. They form naked or tunic-less scaly underground bulbs from which they overwinter. In some North American species the base of the bulb develops into rhizomes, on which numerous small bulbs are found. ...

鸡泽县18312527348: 一篇关于百合花(Lily)的英语作文 -
大送低分: 我们家很喜欢花,我也见过许多花.有国色天香的牡丹,有洁白无暇的荷花,有亭亭玉立的水仙花.独有百合花我最喜爱. 百合花的花瓣是椭圆形.颜色洁白,但也渗透看淡淡的紫色.它全缘突起,里面正中睡着一们身披淡绿色外衣的小天使,...

鸡泽县18312527348: 想找一些关于百合的英文诗 -
大送低分: 生查子 晁补之 永日向人妍,百合忘忧草.午枕梦初回,远柳蝉声杳.藓井出冰泉,洗瀹烦襟了.却挂小帘钩,一缕炉烟袅. 北窗偶题 陆游 尔丛香百合,一架粉长春. 堪笑龟堂老,欢然不记贫. 窗前作小土山蓺兰及玉簪最后得香百合并种之 ...

鸡泽县18312527348: 英语百合花怎么写 -
大送低分:[答案] 百合花:lily | Calla | sego | Green Grow The Lilacs 苏西 希伯来 百合花:Susie 百合花轻轻挥舞:The lily lolls upon the wave 复活节百合花:Easter lily 百合花盛放:Lillian

鸡泽县18312527348: 帮我写一篇介绍百合花的英语作文 -
大送低分: The genus Lilium are herbaceous flowering plants normally growing from bulbs, comprising a genus of about 110 species in the lily family, Liliaceae. They are important as large showy flowering garden plants, and in literature. Some of the bulbs ...

鸡泽县18312527348: 4年级描写百合花的英语作文 -
大送低分: density that must be used to stop expansion.. However, we cannot exclude this possibility, almost uniformly distributed in the entire universe of possible and we failed to detect other forms of matter, it can still make the univ

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