
作者&投稿:秦顾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for first place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition which started in 1951.

Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of citizenship. National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used. In general only recognised nations are represented, but a few non-sovereign countries are allowed to take part. The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it compete as Chinese Taipei, due to the political status of Taiwan.

The first Asian games were held at New Delhi in 1952,which again hosted it in 1982

The 15th Asian Games were held in Doha, Qatar from December 1 to December 15, 2006. The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China from November 12, 2010 to November 27, 2010

Referred to as the Asian Games Asian Games Asia's largest integrated Games held every four years term with the Olympic Games held in interphones. Initially sponsored by the Asian Games Federation in 1982 by hosting the Olympic Council of Asia. Since the beginning of the first session in 1951 has so far held 15 sessions. International Olympic Committee recognized the Asian Games as an official Games in Asia.


€€€€€€€€16th Asian Games in 2010 November 12-27 in Guangzhou China and Guangzhou is China's second city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing had in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be located 41 events the history of the Asian Games are the largest events ever. Guangzhou Asian Games will be held after the Tenth Asian disabled.


€€€€€€€€In March 2004 a total of four cities hosting the Asian Games: Guangzhou Kuala Lumpur Seoul (Seoul) Amman; but the other three bidding cities have decided to quit competing. July 1 2004 OCA announced that Canton was the right to host the 16th Asian Games.


€€€€€€€€Asian Games emblem on November 17 2006 Sun Year-end Memorial Hall in Guangzhou solemnly announced to the symbol of Guangzhou - "wuyang statue" as the main outline of the design patterns become the emblem of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games.


Apart from the Olympic Games has 28 the Asian Games there are 13 non-Olympic Games including the new Go wushu dragon boat and other Chinese traditional items.


November 26 2006 the Sixteenth Asian Games Organizing Committee was held in Guangzhou Zhongshan Memorial Hall in 2010 Asian Games emblem launch from Canton Zhangqiang designers design a symbol of "Guangzhou" Guangzhou has become the emblem design Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games emblem. The logo design to the increase in soft lines form a shape similar to the outline shape wuyang torch symbolizing the Asian Games torch burning and never extinguished. Embodies the symbol of Guangzhou city Guangzhou has also expressed the people's aspiration but also the performance of the Games should be dynamic.


Guangzhou Asian Games mascot named LeyYangyang a set of five kinds for the largest number of previous Asian Games mascot. "Wuyang" the city of Canton are the most famous a sign to five sheep as a mascot fully reflects the host country host city of the historical background spiritual outlook and cultural charm. It has five sheep with the Beijing Olympic mascots "Beijing welcomes you" similar name the image of sports are stylish five sheep respectively named "Xiang" "Ah and" "such as the Arab-Israeli" "Ah Yi" "LeYangyang" form a "harmonious smug music titled"。expression of the people in Asia Guangzhou Asian Games will bring "good luck harmony happy successful and happy" the good wishes and also conveyed the current Games "harmony passion" philosophy.


€€Guangzhou Asian Games Mascot of creativity from the Canton city legend. It is said that a long time ago Canton had once occurred famine year after year people living in dire poverty. One day the sky has five immortal respectively Imago riding mouth of 5 cents sheep Canton come. Xianren the rice to the Guangzhou people and wish never famine here and five cents into a stone sheep to stay in Canton. From then on Guangzhou Lingnan into the most affluent places. Thousand years ago the "title wuyang Valley" legend making the "wuyang" has become the most famous city of Canton a sign

the sixteenth asian games will be held in guangzhou, china on november 12 to 27, 2010, guangzhou will be the second city in china to host the asian games. 41 events are scheduled to be contested, making the most events to be ever competed in history of the asian games. after asian games, guangzhou will be also held the 10th asian games for the disabled. this is another focus after beijing olympic games.
asian game is the great sport meeting and culture pageant of asian region with largest scale and the highest level; moreover, it will show the comprehensive national strength of china completely. it is very important to polity, economy and social with the success of the asian games.
at present, the preparation work of asia games is carrying through ruly, and hotel industry has become focus who as the important program.
during the 2010 guangzhou asian games, there will be 14,700 athletes and team officials, 6300 technology officials and umpires, 10,000 media staffs, 60,000volunteers and 10,000 vip guest from 45 countries and regions come to guangzhou. all guests will live in headquarter hotel, official hotel and appointed reception hotel except athletes and team officials will live in asian games village and technology officials and umpires will live in technology officials’ village, reporters and media staff will live in media village.
第十六届亚运会将在广州举行,中国11月12日至27日, 2010年,广州将成为 国第二个城市,以举办亚运会。 41事件定有争议,使大多数的活动都将在历史上竞争的亚运会。亚运会后,广州也将举行第十届亚洲残疾人运动会。这是另一个关注焦点,此前北京奥运会。
目前,各项准备工作的亚洲运动会正在开展通过ruly ,与酒店业已经成为重点谁的重要计划。
在2010年广州亚运会,将有14700运动员和球队官员, 6300的技术官员和裁判,媒体人员10000 , 60000volunteers和10000贵宾来自45个国家和地区来广州。所有客人都将生活在总部饭店,官方饭店和指定接待酒店除了运动员和球队官员将住在亚运村和技术官员和裁判都将生活在技术官员村,记者和媒体工作人员将住在媒体村。

the sixteenth asian games will be held in guangzhou, china on november 12 to 27, 2010, guangzhou will be the second city in china to host the asian games. 41 events are scheduled to be contested, making the most events to be ever competed in history of the asian games. after asian games, guangzhou will be also held the 10th asian games for the disabled. this is another focus after beijing olympic games.
asian game is the great sport meeting and culture pageant of asian region with largest scale and the highest level; moreover, it will show the comprehensive national strength of china completely. it is very important to polity, economy and social with the success of the asian games.
at present, the preparation work of asia games is carrying through ruly, and hotel industry has become focus who as the important program.
during the 2010 guangzhou asian games, there will be 14,700 athletes and team officials, 6300 technology officials and umpires, 10,000 media staffs, 60,000volunteers and 10,000 vip guest from 45 countries and regions come to guangzhou. all guests will live in headquarter hotel, official hotel and appointed reception hotel except athletes and team officials will live in asian games village and technology officials and umpires will live in technology officials’ village, reporters and media staff will live in media village.
第十六届亚运会将在广州举行,中国11月12日至27日, 2010年,广州将成为 国第二个城市,以举办亚运会。 41事件定有争议,使大多数的活动都将在历史上竞争的亚运会。亚运会后,广州也将举行第十届亚洲残疾人运动会。这是另一个关注焦点,此前北京奥运会。
目前,各项准备工作的亚洲运动会正在开展通过ruly ,与酒店业已经成为重点谁的重要计划。
在2010年广州亚运会,将有14700运动员和球队官员, 6300的技术官员和裁判,媒体人员10000 , 60000volunteers和10000贵宾来自45个国家和地区来广州。所有客人都将生活在总部饭店,官方饭店和指定接待酒店除了运动员和球队官员将住在亚运村和技术官员和裁判都将生活在技术官员村,记者和媒体工作人员将住在MOTICUN.


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一、英语亚运会手抄报内容:The Asian Games, referred to as the Asian Games, is the largest comprehensive games in Asia. It is held every four years by the member countries of the Olympic Council of Asia in turn. It is held alternately with the Olympic Games. It is divided into...

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以下为亚运会英语手抄报资料:Referred to as the Asian Games Asian Games Asia's largest integrated Games held every four years term with the Olympic Games held in interphones. Initially sponsored by the Asian Games Federation in 1982 by hosting the Olympic Council of Asia. Since the ...

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16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the history of the Asian Games is the largest ...

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葛庄留可: 16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the ...

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葛庄留可: 16th Asian Games in 2010 November 12-27 in Guangzhou, China, and Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing held in 1990 in the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events, ...

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葛庄留可: 英语:16th Asian Games in 2010 November 12-27 in Guangzhou China and Guangzhou is China's second city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing had in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be located ...

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