
作者&投稿:犹虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一个板块是 首届大运会 First start
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries, 985 athletes participated in the competition. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held at the 20th.
World University Games event officially under the general track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country of Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football in 1979 increased in Mexico in 1985, an increase of judo in Japan

第二个是吉祥物 Mascot
Mascot "UU" is the emblem of the Shenzhen 2011 Universiade "Happy U " evolved a smile, the same time, it has the "UNIVERSIADE" (World University Games) in the first letter "U" shape . According to the design industry, film and animation industry, toy manufacturing industry professional advice, "UU" the most suitable as the mascot of the Universiade, which broke the previous Universiade mascot design modeling traditionally realistic style, with the Shenzhen Grand show Games emblem "Happy U " blood relationship between the two, and permanent signs with the FISU showing a gene inheritance, so they have a common temperament and appearance, to form a family relationship by blood.

第三个是 奖牌特色 Medals

Medals style is the most glittering sporting events, the most exciting, most likely to be part of the concern. Shenzhen Universiade medals with three-dimensional design, Medals diameter of 60 mm, thickness 5 mm; FISU logo engraved on the front and "the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade" in English fonts; emblem engraved on the back and Chinese full name of the Universiade , which has a folding surface wavy multicolored mosaic inlaid with mother; ribbon from the core game will be the name of the graphics and so on.

第四个是 口号 Slogan

"from here"(Start Here), this simple and neat, concise sentences but full of impact, was designated as the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Games theme slogan. "from here" that the city of Shenzhen as the vanguard of China's starting point in the value of the globalization process, that of Shenzhen as a "testing ground"and the"vanguard"in China's reform and opening up process in history. Meanwhile, the slogan also shows the 26th University Games to promote friendship between the global aspirations of youth.


World University Games is organized by the International University Sports Federation of comprehensive large-scale international events, known as "Little Olympics," said. Universiade held every two years, sub-Summer Games and Winter Games, to the Universiade in Turkey in August this year so far, has held 23 sessions. Our success in 2001 Beijing 21th Summer Universiade, Harbin also in last year's successful bid to host the 2009 Winter Universiade.

The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen.
The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture. Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality. For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful. However, a good host, light enthusiasm is far from enough . 回答者: 12杰哥 | 二级 | 2011-5-1 08:02 | 检举








The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided the following year to hold the first session of the International University Games. In 1924, the First International University Games (International Universities' Games) held in Warsaw, athletics, swimming and fencing three events. Since then, the games from time to time held in 1939 organized a total of eight sessions. After the Games, was interrupted by World War II in 1947 has resumed. However, in 1951 the causes of the international situation changes, split into East and West, two games, the West called "International Students Sports Council", the East is called "Youth Student Games" or "Youth Friendship Games." The two camps organized by their respective organizations and Universiade.
In 1957, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French National Federation, was held in Paris an international University Games and the International Cultural Festival. After meeting representatives of 30 countries unanimously agreed to decide the future of university students regularly organize sports competitions worldwide, known as the "World University Games," in principle, held every two years.
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries and 985 athletes participated in the race. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held 20 sessions.
World University Games events generally have the formal requirements of the track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country, Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football 1979, an increase in Mexico in 1985 an increase of judo in Japan.
In 1960, fake Olympic competition system, but also held in Chamonix in France, the World University Winter Games. Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games respectively in a single number and held in even years, since 1981, changed to be held in the same year. To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held over 19 sessions of the competitions, there speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic combined, snowboarding.
The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation. From 1977, the Ninth, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive.
As the World University Games are second only to the Olympics Games, the world's large-scale comprehensive, self-organization of the first race in 1959, the world attach great importance to all countries, have sent the best athletes compete. From the age of 60 since the previous World University Summer Games, a total of 18 broke the world record in track and field and swimming 回答者: 百艳天宝 | 二级 | 2011-5-1 09:47 | 检举

我是无奈下发的:我是一个叫冰枫的男孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了,司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了。你看见了这条消息后,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5天后,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看到了这个吓死我了。不管是真是假我都害怕!所以只能乱发了`!对不起啊`!我真不想害人的(转发的 回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-5-1 18:03 | 检举

我是无奈下发的:我是一个叫冰枫的男孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了,司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了。你看见了这条消息后,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5天后,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看到了这个吓死我了。 回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-5-3 12:59 | 检举

据分析,申办大运会,深圳机遇与挑战并存。申办优势主要表现在四个方面:一是国家教育部、体育总局和省政府是申办工作的坚强后盾;二是经过25年发展,深圳综合实力不断增强,已具备承办重大国际赛事的实力。另外现有的体育场馆经过扩充改造,完全能满足举办大运会的需要;三是北京第21届大运会给国际大体联留下深刻印象,他们对中国举办大运会充满信心;四是深圳市气候、地缘、环境、交通等都具有明显优势,海陆空立体交通十分便利,到2011年地铁三号线还将通至新建的龙岗奥林匹克体育新城。但与此同时,面临的挑战也不少:2001年起大运会已连续几届在亚洲举办,另外,由于各国对世界大学生运动会越来越重视,申办城市之间的竞争也将非常激烈。这些困难不可小视。 回答者: liuxingchen13 | 三级 | 2011-5-3 15:27 | 检举

Hhsfhs fhlgj hgdujd.Phsjsw ehdi kfife fjifk oejdwkcs.Bkfjkf
kfkgk hdjd kfkfr hfr?Hdfuhef fjhern ehdse jdwief at Friday. 回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-5-3 16:06 | 检举

21 回答者: 974627321 | 一级 | 2011-5-4 13:12 | 检举







Compiled version to neat, clean. Never make two bites of a cherry. Not such a windbag, illustrated. Content as follows: Civilized, polite, heavy etiquette, laughing, zhu nearly universal meet from myself Good temperament, language is elegant, environmental optimal, first-class image, from a lot of long heart is made Fix the subway, enlarge hui, xi deep green zhu hope Learning manners, changing the vices, neat plastic civilization horizontal hillock Zhu street meet fresh taste, tree ascension show horizontal hillock civilization Tree words wind, elegant made clean the virtue of the gang 回答者: 569606109 | 二级 | 2011-5-9 18:04 | 检举

素有“小奥运会”之称,由国际大学生体育联合会(英语:International University Sports Federation;法语:Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire)主办,只限在校大学生和毕业不超过两年的大学生(年龄限制为17-28岁)参加的世界大型综合性运动会。

The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen.
The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture. Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality. For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful. However, a good host, light enthusiasm is far from enough 回答者: danny1122 | 三级 | 2011-5-9 18:35 | 检举

我为中国骄傲啊!!祝大运圆满成功!!希望你们能帮助大运!!让大运成功举行!!-----朱伟迪 深圳的光明东周!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen.
The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture. Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality. For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful. However, a good host, light enthusiasm is far from enough .








The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided the following year to hold the first session of the International University Games. In 1924, the First International University Games (International Universities' Games) held in Warsaw, athletics, swimming and fencing three events. Since then, the games from time to time held in 1939 organized a total of eight sessions. After the Games, was interrupted by World War II in 1947 has resumed. However, in 1951 the causes of the international situation changes, split into East and West, two games, the West called "International Students Sports Council", the East is called "Youth Student Games" or "Youth Friendship Games." The two camps organized by their respective organizations and Universiade.
In 1957, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French National Federation, was held in Paris an international University Games and the International Cultural Festival. After meeting representatives of 30 countries unanimously agreed to decide the future of university students regularly organize sports competitions worldwide, known as the "World University Games," in principle, held every two years.
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries and 985 athletes participated in the race. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held 20 sessions.
World University Games events generally have the formal requirements of the track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country, Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football 1979, an increase in Mexico in 1985 an increase of judo in Japan.
In 1960, fake Olympic competition system, but also held in Chamonix in France, the World University Winter Games. Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games respectively in a single number and held in even years, since 1981, changed to be held in the same year. To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held over 19 sessions of the competitions, there speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic combined, snowboarding.
The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation. From 1977, the Ninth, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive.
As the World University Games are second only to the Olympics Games, the world's large-scale comprehensive, self-organization of the first race in 1959, the world attach great importance to all countries, have sent the best athletes compete. From the age of 60 since the previous World University Summer Games, a total of 18 broke the world record in track and field and swimming

素有“小奥运会”之称,由国际大学生体育联合会(英语:International University Sports Federation;法语:Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire)主办,只限在校大学生和毕业不超过两年的大学生(年龄限制为17-28岁)参加的世界大型综合性运动会。

The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen.
The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture. Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality. For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful. However, a good host, light enthusiasm is far from enough

上世纪20年代初,当时的国际大学生组织就已开始计划举办世界大学生运动会。1923年5月,在巴黎召开了世界大学生体育代表大会,会议决定次年举行第一届国际大学生运动会。1924年,首届国际大学生运动会(International Universities' Games)在华沙举行,设田径、游泳和击剑3个比赛项目。此后,运动会不定期举办,至1939年共举办了8届。后因第二次世界大战运动会被迫中断,1947年恢复举行。但从1951年起因国际形势的变化,分裂成东西方两个运动会,西方的名为"国际学生体育运动会",东方的叫"青年学生运动会"或"青年友好运动会"。两个阵营各自组织和举办自己的大学生运动会。


运动会指体育运动的竞赛会,运动会中,每人都能展现自己的光彩,迎接胜利的喝彩。下面是关于运动会的手抄报素材的内容,欢迎阅读!运动会手抄报1 运动会手抄报2 运动会手抄报3 运动会 当学校隆重的运动会开幕式结束之后,令人激动的运动会便要开始了。100米跑步开始了,我班赖鹏辉在枪声一响就如离弦之...

致运动员 不为掌声的诠释,不伟刻意的征服,只有辛勤的汗水化作追求的脚步。心中坚定的信念,脚下沉稳的步伐,你用行动诉说着一个不变的真理。没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山,希望在终点向你招手。努力吧!用你坚韧不拔的意志,去迎接终点的掌声,相信成功属于你。致运动员 一个盼望出发,...


【篇一】小学三年级关于运动会的手抄报内容 运动会期间应注意的安全事项:1、比赛过程中,为了同学们的安全起见,非运动员、工作人员不要随意进入比赛场地,也不得在比赛场地内停留,要在指定的地点观看比赛,不要影响比赛。长跑比赛时严禁陪跑,要有组织地为运动员加油助威,不能影响运动员比赛。观看比赛...

省运会手抄报内容可以包括以下几个方面:1. 省运会的起源和历史:介绍省运会的起源、发展历程和重要意义。可以包括首届省运会的时间和地点,以及历届省运会的发展和变化。2. 省运会的意义和价值:阐述省运会对全省体育事业的发展、全民健身的推广、青少年体育的促进等方面的重要意义和价值。3. 省运...

2023杭州亚运手抄报内容:一、2023杭州亚运会简介 2023年9月10日,第十九届亚洲运动会将在中国杭州举办。亚运会是亚洲最重要的综合性运动会,有着“亚洲奥运会”的美誉,每四年举办一次。2023杭州亚运会是中国继1990年北京亚运会和2010年广州亚运会之后的第三次举办亚运会。二、2023杭州亚运的主题 2023...


杭州亚运会手抄报内容如下:1. 主题确定:选定手抄报的核心议题,如“杭州亚运会的历史与文化”,涉及亚运历史、杭州文化遗产及赛事亮点等。2. 资料搜集:通过互联网、书籍、报纸等途径搜集相关资料。准备制作工具:备齐纸张、彩笔、颜料、马克笔、剪刀、胶水等。3. 版面设计:依据手抄报尺寸及主题,规划...

运动会手抄报的字写法如下:1.赞美运动员的内容 磨炼的是非凡的毅力,较量的是超常的体力,拼博的是出类拔萃的耐力。把长长的跑道跑成一段漫漫的征途,听!呼啸的风在为你喝彩。看!猎猎的彩旗在为你加油,加油吧!为了到达终点时那一刻的辉煌!2.运动会的口号 强身健体,立志成材,非同—般。

运动会的手抄报的内容... 运动会的手抄报的内容 展开  我来答 5个回答 #专题# 怎么买保险?答案全在这里了 百度网友8c797f8 2015-06-10 · TA获得超过178个赞 知道答主 回答量:65 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:5.3万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 2015年世界休闲体育大会主题口号: 1、...

榆树市15656501027: 大运会手抄报资料,要有中文和英文 -
郑话培新: The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen.The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole ...

榆树市15656501027: 怎么做大运会英语手抄报?快,明天就要交. -
郑话培新:[答案] 查百科,画一些大运会的标志,在搞一些什么题呀,这里有英语资料:The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen. The world university games is a global youth pageant,professor Yang said,shenzhen teenagers ...

榆树市15656501027: 大运会英语手抄报内容 简短些,谢谢. 急用!!! -
郑话培新: The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was ...

榆树市15656501027: 关于大运会的英语手抄报,要全英的...急急急急 -
郑话培新: Information pack The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided ...

榆树市15656501027: 怎么做大运会英语手抄报?快快快,明天就要交. -
郑话培新: 查百科,画一些大运会的标志,在搞一些什么题呀,这里有英语资料:The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen. The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen ...

榆树市15656501027: 用来办高中黑板报的大运会文章,中英文
郑话培新: The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen. The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole ...

榆树市15656501027: 一篇英语手抄报,关于校运动会 -
郑话培新: ...我们也要做喔.... 我来帮你找资料 o(∩_∩)o The environmental protection is the biggest problem that modern life middleman faces.Wanting to resolve this problem has to start to do from the foundation. First, a great deal of publicity, raise people of...

榆树市15656501027: 大运会的手抄报的英文题目,最好在旁边备注一下(中文意思),要好提一点的,快点给我答案
郑话培新: Universiade SHENZHEN 2011 2011年深圳大运会

榆树市15656501027: 大运会手抄报资料 -
郑话培新: http://blog.szu.edu.cn/Forum/10433

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