
作者&投稿:窦风 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 英文作文我的收获100字,加翻译

When I was young, I believe in fate. Think oneself all by fate, so crazy on the Inter, books constellation, measure destiny. I remember a time, in the 5grade. At that time, his reading is very serious. Examination that day, bought a silver shell of the pen, the examination down, got the first in the class. I am the cancer, lucky color is silver. At that time, I was so happy, I think the book too accurate. After this, I more believe in fate. Until the sixth grade in the entrance examination. I used the silver shell of pen, test is still very good. Until now I on the first day, every time the exam or with a silver pen. It was bad. I was puzzled to ask mother, mother said:" this is groundless statement. That was good, because at the time of you work very hard, I give you to buy paper, you have to plete a work, and that is very simple, you will. But the junior high school, you have no intention to learn, that led to the examination score is bad, look at their own. If the constellations can be predicted that the destiny of man, why in the world there are so many losers? After the matter, make me change before so naive.

Yeah, good harvest in total after the hard, let us conscientious efforts, happy harvest.



2. 我的收获英语作文40词

“'No pains, no gains',if you want to be successful ,you must work hard .”This is told by my senior English teacher , and also it's the first that I heard in English class . Until now , I still remembered . As a college student , everyone must experienced a hardship period , especial the three years in high school . We feel pains , and we have gains . In order to take our university dreams bee a reality , we had to study all day almost , that's to say the time that can be used to sleep is only four hours . The following day we would do a great deal of papers and remembered lots of words from morning to night , and others . Even though we extremely tired , we never surrendered . The fact proved that our efferts were not in vain , we were admitted to university we dreamed . From now on , I began to believe not to move or retreat this truth : No pains, no gains . As is known to us , the sky will not fall out,that means no investment , no gain we'll have . We never see there is a person who can get succeeded without pays . The thing 孩供粉佳莠簧疯伪弗镰itself will not to chang towards good direction , only the action we take can change . Thereby , in the eve of victory , what is absolutely exist are some pains—our investments . To believe or not to believe , if you want a good future , you should make pains . Born in misery , died of happiness , no pains, no gains .。

3. 【《我的收获》英语作文】

我播种,所以我收获 寒风吹落了树枝上摇曳的黄叶,让它埋进了深土.南国的冬天,只剩下一些四季常青的树木,傲然挺立在寒风中.噢,我愿当作那一棵在寒风中褪尽了树叶的落叶树,不像常绿树在寒冬里刻意展示自己,而是把那一份展示化作力量,等待明年春暖花开.有人说:"简单一点,再简单一点,这就是生活."在收获的气氛被南下的寒风中冲淡之后,我深刻地感受到在与时间赛跑的日子里,生命是这么的短暂,青春是这么的充满活力.学习的知识就像年轮,随着时间的流逝,它在你的头脑里一点一滴地在刻写知识的痕迹.在学习上收获之后,我不禁感慨:忙碌一点,再忙碌一点,这就是学习.我感叹于时间的流逝似流水无痕,所以我加倍珍惜时间.在明年的那一次决定命运的考试前,我们的生活就是一片书的海洋.奥斯特洛夫斯基说:"生命只有一次,不要在碌碌无为后而悔恨."他说到,也做到了,这才有了一部闪烁着生命 *** 的不朽伟著--《钢铁是怎样炼成的》.从与时间的赛跑中,我懂得了"少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲"的真谛.是的,在学习的田野上,拥有同样的阳光,充足的水源,但结果长出的果实的丰富与否,就要取决于它所得到的肥力高低.我们在简单的生活中忙碌地学习,努力制造能量,在不断的努力中等待明年取得丰盛的收获.我惊叹于青春的 *** 与活力,所以我加倍努力播下自己的一份种子,等待开花结果. *** 同志说:"十七八岁的青年犹如八、九点钟的太阳,朝气蓬勃."是的,我们就像太阳,要懂得播种光和热,才会收获一片生机勃勃.但如果我们不懂得播种,那么大地将是一片死气沉沉的局面,而我们所获得的也仅仅是一片黑暗而已.青春是向上的,只要在青春时懂得播种,善于播种,展现在你面前的将一片绿油油、生机盎然的丰收之野.纵然播种是我们通往成功殿堂的一条重要道路.我们渴望收获,渴望走进成功的殿堂,那么,我们就得学会去播种.当我们立足于一幢宏伟的建筑前惊叹于它的辉煌时,我们不该忘记,这不是空中楼阁,而是由一块块普通的砖块堆砌而成的,也可以说,这是由一次次地播种而收获到的.同样是一堆砖头,如果你去利用它,它可能会制造出世界上最华丽的建筑,相反,如果你懒于利用它,那么它最终仅是一堆无用的砖头,而你也将一事无成.我播种,所以我收获.我深深地懂得"一份耕耘,一分收获"的道理.所以,我握着知识的锄头在学习的田野里辛勤地劳动着,在梦境中从朦胧的状态逐渐清晰,直至将它成为现实.也许,冬天里的树儿也在做着同样的梦.它们在寒风的摇曳下,逐渐地褪尽了自己的叶子,让它们落叶归根.这也是在播种一种与我们同样的希望.它让叶儿们给它补充了养分,积蓄力量,想在明年春天展现自己的繁盛,让人们看到了生命的力量--这是树的收获.在春天,人们只会赞美这些重现光彩的树儿,而不会去赞美那些不懂得播种的常绿树."丰富一点,再丰富一点,这就是收获."我们渴望收获,所以就要"辛勤一点,再辛勤一点地去播种".。

4. 有关"我收获了什么"的英语作文

Harvest? What is the harvest? What have you harvested? Some people have harvested the fruit, some people have harvested the grain, some people have harvested the knowledge, I have harvested the success. remembered the childhood, mother in my birthday time, has bought a front wheel to me, the following wheel, nearby o added on a wheel's vehicle to ride again to me, along with the time outflow, I gradually long has been also high, on kindergarten time, mother picked off the behind o side wheels, like this, turned a bicycle, let me train well. the first day, I have trained happily, because I am a beginner, therefore, trains, I did not understand how to grasp balanced, always leans this way and that has fallen many tumbles. the second day, I happily study the bicycle, studies period, will always hit the thing, will also trip and fall! Therefore, must pay attention to this, pays attention to that rides a spot not to be free. to the third day, my that excited vigor had not known where has gone, did not want to e to study, but when I thought that these “insisted was wins, the defeat was mother of the success.”Edison, Newton, Madame Curie, these celebrity famous saying, I am relentless, is never discouraged. finally, Huang Tian does not lose the person with high aspirations, I learned to ride the bicycle fruitfully, might ride the bicycle freely. in this event, I has understood: Must learn each ability, must pay a price, can be successful.









5. 有关"我收获了什么"的英语作文


要想收获,就必须付出。 记得有一位老师对我们说过:“因为你们还不懂得付出,所以收获并不多。”





有时纸团刚好呆在过道中间,同学们就会视若无睹。试问:弯下腰捡起废纸团能消耗我们多少力气呢?为什么我们要吝啬这么一丁点的爱心呢? 当我们做一件事时,第一时间是想什么呢?是思考做了这件事后会吃亏。

假如这件事每个人都觉得做了后会吃亏,还会有什么人做这件事呢? 要想收获,就必须付出,付出了就不应该计较收获。 People often say: "would only e, and the yield." In order to gain, it must pay. I remember one of our teachers said: "Because you do not know how to pay, not many gains." After listening to these words, I really feel very ashamed of self-Gugu landed that day on, I pay the few , and others for me to pay the other hand, is more numerous, such as parents in order to raise my pay, teachers have to educate me, they are not eager to pay the return. And we? Not only did not pay, but also hope that the harvest. When we see others for the time being, others also want to be appreciated, but what they all simply does not deserve the highest mendation. When we see others achieved excellent results, also want outstanding results, but I did not study hard. If this like "quick" the idea of a habit, then we will be very selfish, and the interpersonal relationships in the munity will bee very bad, in our class, the students do not unmon selfishness. When they find themselves at the foot of a paper corporation, who are reluctant to pick up, only to waste at the foot of the court of another clas *** ate. This will not pick up to the students to continue to Zhiqiu passed around, such scenes like the same ball on the court, and with the different athletes, each of us do not want this "ball." In this way passed around until a spread of the foot of enthusiastic students, Zhiqiu can *** oothly to the trash bin. Zhiqiu sometimes just stay middle aisle, the students will turn a blind eye. How: into the group will be able to pick up the paper how much energy we consume? Why are we so stingy a little bit of love? When we do one thing, the first time is to what? Thinking is done after this will be a disadvantage. If this matter every person feel that the latter will suffer, what will people do this? To gain, it must pay, should not be paid regardless of harvest.。

6. 我的收获英语作文


葡萄收获季节: at the grape harvest;

比喻心得、战果等:results; gains;

一次很有收获的访问:a most rewarding visit;

她的努力很有收获:Her efforts have been fruitful; Her efforts have yielded good results;



7. 英语作文《上学期的收获》怎么写

I were president, what hard task I would have! Firstly, our education is very unfair, it isn't the same. There are a lot of differences beeen public and private education. And in some places we haven't got teachers with good preparation, even titles! There shouldn't be street children. We need a las that protects the childhood and puts the children in places where they can study, eat and learn a lot of good things, and don't worry about anything. This law has to take off the children from their houses where they are hurt and exploited. If I were president, I would get a hard work but we have the money, just it's bad distributed.。

8. 《这个学期我收获了什么》英语作文

您好:Before going to dinner. However, I sometimes careless, obviously the formula to write, but the results are wrong. And then the English, in the final exam, I have progress. Originally, the test is not ideal, the test niy-five points, is cannot do without the teacher let me to learn more, read more and write these three factors, let me remember the meaning of words and writing. Finally I in science class, the teacher's explanation, know how things formed. Electricity is opened, the negative poles; flowers and animal will carry on the family line; I also know the importance of nutrition on the human body, not partial eclipse; there are mineral use. This is what I learned in this semester's harvest. In the new term, I will study harder, to correct bad problems one one





6. 我的收获英语作文 收获有很多翻译: 葡萄收获季节: at the grape harvest; 比喻心得、战果等:results; gains; 一次很有收获的访问:a most rewarding visit; 她的努力很有收获:Her efforts have been fruitful; Her efforts have yielded good results; 等等。 准确翻译要看语境和上下文。 7. 英语作文《上...

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成功的秘诀在于勤奋英语作文篇1 Everyone knows that diligence is the key to success. As a proverb goes: “ Diligence is the mother of success.” Diligence means working hard and persistently.All famous people of great achievements are examples of diligence. They all owe ...

【努力与成功英语作文的翻译】 当我们上学,总是被教育没有付出就没有收获,这意味着如果人们想要成功,他们必须努力工作。但是事实上,并不是每个人都可以得到他们想要的,即使他们很努力的工作,但是如果付出没有带来成功,为什么人们还要努力工作呢。在我看来,努力工作并不意味着人们一定可以成功,成功需要更多的因素,比如...

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汝南县15522337359: 《我的收获》英语作文 -
蹉重磷酸:[答案] 我播种,所以我收获 寒风吹落了树枝上摇曳的黄叶,让它埋进了深土.南国的冬天,只剩下一些四季常青的树木,傲然挺立在寒风中.噢,我愿当作那一棵在寒风中褪尽了树叶的落叶树,不像常绿树在寒冬里刻意展示自己,而是把那一份展示化作力量...

汝南县15522337359: 我的收获英语作文 -
蹉重磷酸: 收获有很多翻译: 葡萄收获季节: at the grape harvest; 比喻心得、战果等:results; gains; 一次很有收获的访问:a most rewarding visit; 她的努力很有收获:Her efforts have been fruitful; Her efforts have yielded good results; 等等. 准确翻译要看语境和上下文.

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蹉重磷酸: “'No pains, no gains',if you want to be successful ,you must work hard .”This is told by my senior English teacher , and also it's the first that I heard in English class . Until now , I still remembered . As a college student , everyone must ...

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