
作者&投稿:墨虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(call) hello!
Hello! What's the matter?
Tomorrow to a picnic in the park?

Article 2 days where the park is? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the park?
Of course, in the second crossroad, park on your side
Far from it?
About 3 kilometers away, you can take bus no.5, in the first two stop
Park: I'm here
We go on a picnic
good Characters:
Mr. Shi, Xiaofu, Dabao
Mr. Shi: Tax is the major source of the fiscal revenue. There is an evident change about the relationship between the tax collector and taxpayer in the past 20 years. Now, the tax collector, Xiaofu, and the tax payer Dabao, a vendor selling Yangrouchuan will show you the very change. The first Act happened in 1980s.

(in Bazaar of Beijing, sanlihe, 1980s)
Dabao: Yangrouchuan , yangrouchuan, eaten one ,want nine, eaten one, want nine.
Hi, Take my yangrouchuan.(slipped, take it up, )
Xiaofu: Tax! Pay the tax!
Dabao: (change faces)
Taxi? Where is the taxi? Here’s no taxi.
Xiaofu: Tax! T---A ---X!
Dabao: What’s the tax? I just know taxi! Do you want me to call a taxi for you?
Taxi----! Taxi----!
Xiaofu: Enough! Are you the vendor?
Dabao: No , No, No, no! I 'm just have a look. The vendor has gone to the toilet.
Xiaofu: Not the vendor ? Impossible! you 've been here for 2 hours.
Dabao: Really ? (Xiaofu: Yes, of course.)
How do you know it?
Xiaofu: The window of my office is open to here and I 've been looking at you for two hours.
Dabao: It’s a big bug!
Xiaofu: Oh. Don’t waste my time! Please pay the tax---- 10 Yuan!
Dabao: 10 yuan?! My god. I had just earned 20 Yuan one day! 5 Yuan, ok?
Xiaofu: Don't cheat me, you've sold more than 2 hundred ones.
Dabao: 6yuan, my dear sisiter.
7Yuan, my lovely beauty.
Dabao: Not for you ,not for me, let's split the difference. 8 yuan ,ok ?
Xiaofu: (looking around) All right ,a deal. But no receipt.
(Dabao payed 8 yuan and Xiaofu left)
Dabao: What a smart woman! Bad luck! I’m bankrupt. I have to change my place.
Hope I would not meet her any more! Let’s go!


The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)
旁白:Good morning everyone. Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an honest Tortoise. Miss Hare is very proud of her long legs and she looks down upon Mr. Tortoise. Today, near the river, an interesting thing is happening.
兔子:Hi! Mr. Tortoise. What are you doing?
乌龟:Hi! Miss Hare. I am walking.
兔子:Why do not you put four wheels on your feet? You will run much faster than now.
乌龟:No, I would run with my feet step by step. I’m sure I can win. I could be the winner.
兔子:Can what? Can run? Just like now? Ah, Ah, Ah, You are too slow. I can even walk faster than you run.
乌龟:Miss Hare, You are too proud. We should have a race. I believe I can run faster than you. That means I can win the match.
兔子:What? What? A race? With you? You can win? OK. OK. Look at the tall tree. Let me see who can get there first.
乌龟:OK !
兔子:Who will be the winner? Of course, It is me.
旁白:Many animals hear about the message that Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare will have a race. They all come to the place near the river.
猴子: Mr. Tortoise, Are you ill? You must know your legs are much shorter than Miss Hare’s. That is to say you would fail the race.
乌龟: Don’t worry. I will try my best. I believe myself.
小鸡: Oh, My God! Do not join the race, and you will not be the winner,
乌龟: You are my good friends. Please believe in me. I can win the race .
猴子: Ready? Go!
旁白: Miss Hare runs very fast, but Mr. Tortoise runs very slowly. A moment later, Miss Hare arrives at a small tree.
兔子: Where is Mr. Tortoise? I can not see him. Oh, he is much far behind me. I think he will arrive here at least in the afternoon, Let me have a good rest.
旁白: Miss Hare wants to have a rest, but after a moment, he feels a little sleepy.
乌龟: How tired, but I can not give up. I must insist. I can arrive at the tall tree.
兔子: Oh, It is Miss Hare. He is sleeping now. I must run faster at his sleeping time.
旁白: Miss Hare is sleeping, while Mr. Tortoise is running much faster now. Now Mr. Tortoise arrives near the tree.
猴子和小鸡: Mr. Tortoise, Come on, Come on. You could be the winner!
兔子: Who is making the noise? Ah? Mr. Tortoise? He will win? Oh, no. Let me catch up with him.
Oh, It is too late, he is the winner, I fail the race. But I do not know why? Do you know?

Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 旁白:三只小猪和他们的妈妈
their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起。丁丁和东东
Dong are brother pigs. They are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他
lazy. They eat and sleep all day. 们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是

Long-Long is the youngest pig. She 最小的,她整天帮着妈妈

works all day. She helps her mother 做家务。
to do the housework.

Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make
your own houses. 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得为自己盖间房。
Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。

Be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。

Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。

Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可以做我的美餐。
for dinner. Mmm.
Sister pig: What are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么?

Ding-Ding: I’m building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。

Dong-Dong: I’m building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。

Sister pig: But leaves aren’t strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不牢固。
And sticks aren’t strong.
Brother pigs: Yes, we know. But it’s easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。

What are you doing, sister? 你在干什么?

Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。
Brother pigs: Bricks! That’s very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。

Sister pig: I know. But bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。

Brother pigs: Oh, we’re finished. Let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打个盹吧。
a nap.

Sister pig: My house is finished. My house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房子很坚固。
is strong.
Wolf: Little pigs. Little pigs. Open your doors! 狼:小猪,小猪,快开门!

Brother pigs: No. No. Go away. 猪哥哥:不开,不开。快走开。

Wolf: This is very easy. Sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶都不牢固。
aren’t strong.

Storyteller: The wolf blows the houses down. 旁白:狼吹倒了房屋。丁丁和东东跑到龙龙家。
Ding-Ding and Dong-Dong run to Long-Long’s house.
Brother pigs: Help! Help! 猪哥哥:救命! 救命!
Wolf: Stop, you two pigs. 狼: 站住,你这两只小猪。

Brother pigs: Open the door, sister. The wolf 猪哥哥:妹妹,快开门。狼来了,
is coming. Let me in. 让我们进去。

Long-Long: Come in, please. Don’t worry. 龙龙:快进来。别担心,我的房子很坚固
My house is strong.
Wolf: Where did they go? Oh they are 狼:他们跑哪儿了?噢,他们
here. Little pigs. Little pigs. Open the door. 在这儿,小猪,快把门打开。
Three pigs: No. No. Go away. You bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。

Wolf: I’ll blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。

Storyteller: The wolf blows and blows. He 旁白:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。
blows and blows. But the house 可是房子非常坚固。
is very strong.

Wolf: I’ll hit it. Oh. 狼:我要撞倒它。噢!
Long-Long: Let’s boil the water. 龙龙:我们把水烧开。

Brother pigs: OK. 猪哥哥:好的。

Wolf: Oh, oh! It’s hot. It’s hot. 狼:噢!噢!好烫,好烫。

Three pigs: Hooray! The wolf is dead. The 三只小猪:好啊!狼死了,狼死了。
wolf is dead

Storyteller: Since then, Ding-Ding and Dong- 旁白:从那以后,丁丁、东东
Dong work hard with Long-Long. 和龙龙一起努力工作。

They work and play together. 他们一起工作,一起玩。

Three Little Pigs三只小猪,我们学校英语节5年级就演的这个,效果不错


为了提高同学们对英语书法的兴趣,规范同学们的英语书写,丰富同学们的校园生活,营造学校的英语学习氛围,给同学们一个展示自我的舞台,通过这次活动,可增进相互之间的交流,取长补短。 二、活动时间:20XX年10月下旬。 三、活动地点:各班级教室 四、活动对象:三、四、五年级学生。 五、活动要求: 1、首先各年级教师充...




如何把一个小学五年级班级管理好? 我的班级里的孩子经常不写字,且作业量完成的特别不好,孩子们的...因为孩子,我们在三原相遇;因为孩子,我们真诚沟通;因为孩子,我们改变自己;因为孩子,我们互相学习,因为...根据主题选择情景剧让学生演,让学生感悟,让学生谈出心声,让学生把课后感写下来。上了《话语暖人心》...

我们一起学习钢琴时,她虽然不会在钢琴上弹奏,但她学会了一些乐理知识,在我练琴时,常常提醒我;我们一起学英语时,配合我玩小小情景剧游戏;我们一起阅读时,分享好故事和优美词句……更多的时候,我们是在一起谈心,分享快乐,分担忧愁,我可喜欢我这位同学了。 7.小学五年级暑假作文500字 放暑假我想做的事是游泳。

情景剧:畅想明天(发毕业证)。 T男:在即将告别母校之际,我们五学年的好多同学都将自己曾经阅读过的图书主动的捐赠。 给母校的图书室,留给小弟弟,小妹妹们阅读。在此,我们真心感谢大家!同学们,谢谢你们!在今天这个特别的日子里,学校也有一份礼物送给所有即将离开复华怀抱的同学们。下面就请校长们为五学年毕业生赠...


参加对象:五年级学生 比赛形式:抽签问答相关英语知识内容,并赠送小礼品 校园活动策划方案 篇2 一、活动背景: 5月25日是中国大学生心理健康日为了能更好地丰富学生的课余生活,推动校园文化建设,以及更好地宣传心理健康教育知识,提高同学们的心理素质,加强班级的凝聚力,心理协会举办了这期校园心理情景剧大赛。 二、...

and Dong- 旁白:从那以后,丁丁、东东 Dong work hard with Long-Long. 和龙龙一起努力工作。They work and play together. 他们一起工作,一起玩。Three Little Pigs三只小猪,我们学校英语节5年级就演的这个,效果不错

饶阳县18358727040: 小学五年级英语情景剧(4人) -
富琪宁纳:[答案] Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 旁白:三只小猪和他们的妈妈 their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起.... 和龙龙一起努力工作. They work and play together. 他们一起工作,一起玩. Three Little Pigs三只小猪,我们学校英语节5年级就...

饶阳县18358727040: 小学五年级英语情景剧(4人) -
富琪宁纳: Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 旁白:三只小猪和他们的妈妈 their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起.丁丁和东东 Dong are brother pigs. They are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他 lazy. They eat and sleep all day. 们整天吃了就...

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富琪宁纳: 英语情景剧剧本:Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈 their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起.丁丁和东东 Dong are brother pigs. They are ...

饶阳县18358727040: 适合小学五年级的英语剧本 -
富琪宁纳: SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow ...

饶阳县18358727040: 5年级5人英语小品剧本,稍微短一点,2~4分钟吧. -
富琪宁纳: 老鼠嫁女儿 角色(character):鼠爸爸(f)、太阳(sun)、云(cloud)、风(wind)、墙(wall) Once upon a time, there was a mouse father. (很久很久以前,有一个老鼠爸爸) He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest person in ...

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富琪宁纳: 狮子王(The lion King) 美人鱼(The little mermaid)

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富琪宁纳: A:Hi where are you going? B;I am going to visit my grandparents. C:Where do they live? B:They live in the center of the town. D:How to get there. B:Just walk along the street for 30 minutes. C:Can I take a taxi? A:Of course you can.

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富琪宁纳: 英语小剧本-----小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水...

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