
作者&投稿:藩侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

欢迎您来买四川长虹客户,这个产品是一种设备adsk终端接入以太网接口设备,支持多种 adsk标准,通过高速adsk接入服务,为用户提供宽带上网服务

My name is Liu Xiaoming, in school, learning is the electronic and computer professional, to work nearly seven years. I have done ME engineers, QE engineers and managers. Years of work experience I learned a lot of things, such as the various departments of large companies processes, electronic product manufacturing processes, products and parts quality control departments and the communication between the departments, etc., many, many.
The computer application at the same time I also very skilled, this is my love. Word on the EXCEL like to mention these, I also developed two websites have been operating normally.
I am an open person, like communication, I hope we can become friends

Now, let me introduce myself.I graduated from school in July this year, is learning computer professionals.Spoken English in general, but a stronger reading, listening, writing.These are the basis of Spoken I gradually improving.For professional knowledge, I studied in school Java, Flash and so on.I personally interested in the network.LAN ....... especially near my home from here earlier, a very convenient traffic.If at night, then I can do.Hobbies, I mainly like the Internet and play basketball.Carter's favorite basketball star, Yao Ming, of course, is that he is now playing in the NBA.I have finished my briefing.
To see when
Not sent, to stay

Now please let me introduce myself.
I graduated this July with a computer major.

My English oral skills are not that great but my reading comprehensions,listening skills and writing skills are pretty good, which are essential to improving my English oral skills.

As far as my major is concerned, I have learned about Java, Flash and so on.I am interested more in internet, especially networking(局域网networking我不是很懂电脑,不知这个词对吗).我家离这里比较近,交通上很方便
I live not far away from here. It's very convinient to travel.
。I won't have any problems if night shift is necessary.
My hobbies are mainly surfing on the internet, playing basketball.My favorite basketball player is Vince Carter. Of course, Yao Ming is one of my favorite players, too. He is playing in NBA.
I think that's all about myself.


See you later.
bye. take care!

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The program has encountered an application error please refer to the dmp file for more deail。翻译:这个程序出现一个应用程序错误,请参考dmp文件了解详情。ps:dmp是系统错误产生的文件,比如windows自己的memory.dmp和minixxxx.dmp文件.dmp 错误报告文件....

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Beijing is a city of long history, there are also many places of historic interest and science beauty such as the Grate Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace and so on. Courtyards of Beijing is a place which deserve to go, I believe it that you will surely like the layout. ...

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Speaking from a realistic Qualifications and diplomas is a stepping stone, if you can easily get this stepping stone, then, what are you going to train hard for 2 years working experience in such a stepping stone, and the experience of this stepping stone is gone up, that ...

Initially, we are facing the market has undergone a drastic change. If the number of brands increased dramatically, the development of information technology, consumer demand and so on personality. How many brands come to the fore, with consumers how to develop long-term interactive ...

襄阳区15088449852: 请各位帮忙用英文翻译一小段自我介绍,急用啊!需要翻译的一段中文如下: 早上好,请允许我做个简单的自我介绍.我叫**,今年**岁.来自****.我是个热... -
照叶吉浩:[答案] Early very good, please allow me to make simple self introduction. Icall **, this year ** year old. Comes from ****. I Is an enthusiasm is open and bright, deeply loves the life, theinterest widesprea...

襄阳区15088449852: 请帮我翻译一下 下面的这一小段文字,请按以下的本文正确翻译哦!不要弄什么类似的..The pretty little Swiss town of Mayenfeld(梅恩菲尔德) lies at the foot... -
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襄阳区15088449852: 请帮忙翻译一下以下一段文言文乐广尝有亲客,久阔不复来,广问其鼓,答曰:“前在坐,蒙赐酒,方欲饮,见杯中有蛇,意甚恶之,既饮而疾.”于时,... -
照叶吉浩:[答案] 这是杯弓蛇影典故 译文: 乐广有一个极为亲密的好友,很长时间没有来玩了.有一天,他终于又来了,乐广问他是什么原... “我所看到的,同上次见到的一样.”乐广就向客人讲明了原因,使他明白杯中的蛇不过是弓的倒影.客人心中的疑团一下子...

襄阳区15088449852: 请帮忙英文翻译下面的一小段话!谢谢我看完了secret这部影片之后,我了解到了很多对我来说非常新的信息.我同意电影中的观点,我觉得很有道理.首先是... -
照叶吉浩:[答案] I watched secret the film after,I understand a lot for me it is new information.I agree with the movie point of view,I think it is very justified.The first is to believe that this for each one of us i...

襄阳区15088449852: 请帮忙翻译这一小段话 -
照叶吉浩: 所罗门极尽仔细地端详着这些花朵,但却找不出一点不同,甚至连花瓶中的枯叶都一模一样,他知道如果他弄错了,全世界都会嘲笑他.人们都摒气凝神,等待他的抉择.在一片寂静中,所罗门听见窗外蜜蜂的声音,于是他命人打开窗子.一只蜜蜂立即飞了进来,直奔其中的一只花瓶,所罗门指着那只花瓶说那里面的花才是真的.皇后明白所罗门是真的聪明,因为他知道什么时候该求助他人、该求助什么人,即使那只是一只蜜蜂.

襄阳区15088449852: 英语翻译自我介绍 (帮忙翻译一下下面的作文)我叫……,我的爱好很广泛,有英语、书法、国画等.课余时间我有时看漫画,有时看电视,有时玩电脑游戏... -
照叶吉浩:[答案] I'm xxx,a sixth-grade primary school student. I have a lot of hobbies, such as English, handwriting, and Chinese painting and so on. After school, sometimes I read comic books, sometimes watching TV,...

襄阳区15088449852: 帮忙翻译一段英语自我介绍 -
照叶吉浩: Hello, my name is XX, now the XX-year-old.大家好,我的名字叫XX,现在XX岁了. I come from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, allow me to introduce myself.我来自浙江温州,现在请允许我为大家介绍...

襄阳区15088449852: 请帮我翻译一下下面这小段话,请把我的意思译准确一点.给分!(谢绝机译) -
照叶吉浩: I understood I lived up to your exp...

襄阳区15088449852: 翻译下面一小段话 -
照叶吉浩: I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric,such a nobody,has in his heart. 总有一天,我要用我的工作来表明,这样一个怪人,这样一个无名小卒,他的心是怎样的.

襄阳区15088449852: 英语翻译一小段话请帮我英语翻译一下下面一段话,请不要用英语翻译器:有种力量是隐形的,我们看不见,但是一直存在于我们的内心,或许没有经历过... -
照叶吉浩:[答案] There is a type of power,that we can never see,but we know that it is always hidden within our hearts.If we never went through any sort of troubles,we probably would never know of the strength of that power. So,where ever we are,what ever the time,we ...

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