
作者&投稿:韶富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Red River Valley

Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) and Gillian Chung (钟欣桐) look very much like twins---there are hardly any differences. But they`re not ! In fact, they come from different parts of the world and were brought by Hong Kong Emperor Entertainment Group(EEG 英皇娱乐集团) in 2000
They go by the name of "Twins" and were the top choice of EEG`s New Star competition that year . Sincethen , they`ve become one of the most promising pop duos (一对) in Hong Kong .
And they are joining the battle against SARS . On May12 they gave HK $500 000 to help Hong Kong middle school students fight the deadly disease .
Middle school students love Twins and accept the girls as one of them . The beautiful young pair give feelings of happiness , pureness and simplicity when they sing their pop songs .
"Since we were together , we could understand each other and we work quite well together . We are good sisters and we hope we will never separate ," said Choi .
Born in Canada , 19-year-old Choi`s hobbies are singing , dancing and design . Chung , 20 , was born in Hong Kong and studied in Australia after high school . She enjoys singing , shopping and films .
In the past two years , they have released eight albums including "twins", "Amazing Album" and "Touch of Love". They mainly sing about love , peace and friendship .
"Their healthy , energatic and special image has attracted many crazy young fans", said keizo kitahara from Epson Hong Kong Ltd .
The popular girls won the Most Promising Singers Award in Hong Kong in 2001 and were selected as the best pop duo last year .
Not only have Twins achieved fame within the music industry , but they are also starting to be noticed in the movie world .
Thet starred in "The Twins Effect" alongside international superstar Jackie Chan .
Although They are still very popular , both hope to continue their studies , "You never stop learning", thet said .

蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi)和钟欣桐(Gillian Chung)看起来非常的像双胞胎,而且她们有着惊人的相似,但她们并不是真正的双胞胎。实际上,她们俩是来自世界的不同地方,2000年她们加入香港英皇娱乐集团。
蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi)说:"自从我和钟欣桐(Gillian chung)在一起后,我们工作得十分开心,并且能彼此知道对方在想什么。我们就像亲姐妹一样,我希望我们能永远不会分开"。
现今19岁的蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi)是出生在加拿大,爱好是唱歌,跳舞和画画。而钟欣桐(Gillian Chung)今年则是20岁,出生在香港,在中学毕业后便去了澳大利亚。她喜欢唱歌,购物与看电影。
在过去的2年里,她们发行了包括“Twins”同名EP的一共8张唱片,比如《Amazing Album》,《Touch of Love》。 她们歌曲的主题都是关于爱情,和平和友情的。
“她们健康,活力,以及不断变化的造型吸引了许许多多忠实的歌迷”。Epson香港分公司的keizo kitahara 如是说。

Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) and Gillian Chung (钟欣桐) look very much like twins---there are hardly any differences. But they`re not ! In fact, they come from different parts of the world and were brought by Hong Kong Emperor Entertainment Group(EEG 英皇娱乐集团) in 2000
They go by the name of "Twins" and were the top choice of EEG`s New Star competition that year . Sincethen , they`ve become one of the most promising pop duos (一对) in Hong Kong .
And they are joining the battle against SARS . On May12 they gave HK $500 000 to help Hong Kong middle school students fight the deadly disease .
Middle school students love Twins and accept the girls as one of them . The beautiful young pair give feelings of happiness , pureness and simplicity when they sing their pop songs .
"Since we were together , we could understand each other and we work quite well together . We are good sisters and we hope we will never separate ," said Choi .
Born in Canada , 19-year-old Choi`s hobbies are singing , dancing and design . Chung , 20 , was born in Hong Kong and studied in Australia after high school . She enjoys singing , shopping and films .
In the past two years , they have released eight albums including "twins", "Amazing Album" and "Touch of Love". They mainly sing about love , peace and friendship .
"Their healthy , energatic and special image has attracted many crazy young fans", said keizo kitahara from Epson Hong Kong Ltd .
The popular girls won the Most Promising Singers Award in Hong Kong in 2001 and were selected as the best pop duo last year .
Not only have Twins achieved fame within the music industry , but they are also starting to be noticed in the movie world .
Thet starred in "The Twins Effect" alongside international superstar Jackie Chan .
Although They are still very popular , both hope to continue their studies , "You never stop learning", thet said .

蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi)和钟欣桐(Gillian Chung)看起来非常的像双胞胎,而且她们有着惊人的相似,但她们并不是真正的双胞胎。实际上,她们俩是来自世界的不同地方,2000年她们加入香港英皇娱乐集团。
蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi)说:"自从我和钟欣桐(Gillian chung)在一起后,我们工作得十分开心,并且能彼此知道对方在想什么。我们就像亲姐妹一样,我希望我们能永远不会分开"。
现今19岁的蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi)是出生在加拿大,爱好是唱歌,跳舞和画画。而钟欣桐(Gillian Chung)今年则是20岁,出生在香港,在中学毕业后便去了澳大利亚。她喜欢唱歌,购物与看电影。
在过去的2年里,她们发行了包括“Twins”同名EP的一共8张唱片,比如《Amazing Album》,《Touch of Love》。 她们歌曲的主题都是关于爱情,和平和友情的。
“她们健康,活力,以及不断变化的造型吸引了许许多多忠实的歌迷”。Epson香港分公司的keizo kitahara 如是说。

Charlene Choi + Gillian Chung, a.k.a. Twins continue to get excellent marks for their productivity. Shortly after the release of their latest major album The Missing Piece, they present their same titled live tour with a vengeance. Letting fans relive such spectacular performances like "Strawberry/Apple/Orange" (Disc 1 - Track 6), "Samba Queen" (Disc 1 - Track 10), "Kindergarten" (Disc 2 - Track 6), "Love's Bigger than Anything" (Disc 2 - Track 8), and "Kite + Wind" (Disc 2- Track 9) as well as Diva! Oh Hey (Disc 1 - Track12) together with Isabella, Twins hits all around the clock are guaranteed!

Twins--Yi Shi Wu Liang

2006-02-12 11:30:53 CRIENGLISH.com

Along with their age, the style of their songs changes gradually throughout the years. Composition wise, lyrics wise, arrangement wise, this album is worth listening.
Album Title: 一时无两 The Missing Piece
Singer: Twins
Release Date: December 23, 2005
Language: Cantonese

“一时无两 Yi Shi Wu Liang”, the title song is a great one. It sounds like a circus song, catchy and lively, yet not sugary. “幼稚园 You Zi Yuan” is a song about growing up and the responsibilities to face as an adult, which many teenagers, including myself, can relate to it.

Waltz “海底深 Hai Di Shen” and classical-like “佳偶天成 Jia Ou Tian Cheng”are good in both composition and arrangement. I can’t have enough of the strings in the latter!

“德州的故事 De Zhou De Gu Shi” may be the first time Twins sing a country song. I feel like I’m at the countryside on a lovely sunny day when I listen to the song. I can almost see a huge prairie and herds of sheep.

Then there are also the K-songs. “寻找莫扎特 Xun Zhao Mo Zha Te”, “天对地 Tian Dui Di” and “作词人的错 Zuo Ci Ren De Cuo” are good choices if you like Cantonese pop. The first two are composed by 伍乐城 Ronald Ng, while another is composed by Edward Chan. I especially like “Zuo Ci Ren De Cuo”, which is cute and lively. The lyrics is interesting, which blends the titles and lines of their previous songs like “风筝与风 Feng Zheng Yu Feng”, “眼红红 Yang Hong Hong”. Even the name of the most famous lyricist, 林夕 Lam Chik appears in the lyrics.

If you’re looking for a strong vocal, forget about it. But overall, it’s creative, entertaining, and definitely not boring. Their singing has also improved, and is more mature.

This is perhaps their best album so far. Only one thing, 3 albums every year is way too fast! Maybe slowing down their pace will lead them to a further way.

JL: Let’s talk about Twins Effect. You worked with a young female pop singer in Princess Blade (Yumiko Shaku), and she ended up looking tough and capable in a fight. Are you going to work the same transformation on the Twins?

DY: Yes, and hopefully I will succeed, but this is a comedy. I’m going to keep it light and funny, but also up to my standard (of martial arts). You know, the movie business is international now, and I’ve been working all over the world the past few years. This is my first film since I came back to HK, and I want to share my experience of working in Hollywood. It’s a high profile movie with lots of well-known actors. Jackie Chan is going to do a cameo! And of course it’s a fight scene, so I’ll be directing him. Anthony Wong is in it, and Ekin Cheng. It’s actually going to be more difficult than Princess Blade, because I have a lot more actors to work with, and many of them don’t have any training in martial arts. So I have to make these non-action actors look good in their action scenes! EMG offered me a cameo in the film, but I decided against it so I can focus on the action direction.

JL: Will you be using any of the traditional weapons in Twins Effect?

DY: There’s going to be a lot of sword work, but I’m going to try to do something different this time. It will be better than Princess Blade - I’m not entirely content with the way that turned out.

JL: It’s been well received in film festival screenings. And ADV Films has picked it up for a US theatrical release next year.

DY: Yes, and the producer wants to remake it in an English version. He’s asked me to direct it.

JL: What do you have planned for the future?

DY: I’ll be working on Twins Effect until Nov. 11. Then I’ll be flying with the cast of Hero to Beijing for an international press conference; after that, we’ll do a promotional tour of China. Then I’ll head to Japan, to work on a Playstation 2 movie, sort of a Final Fantasy thing. And the next project after that is also in Japan, a Japanese version of Charlie's Angels. I’ll be directing that one. As far as action direction goes, I’m really busy. But as for acting, I’m still looking. I turned down Tomb Raider 2, with Angelina Jolie, because the role they offered me felt like an Asian stereotype. Daniel Lee (director of Black Mask, Moonlight Express) wants me to star in a classic wu xia film, one of those classic stories about integrity in the martial world. So I’m looking around. But for now, I’m going to concentrate on working behind the camera in HK and Japan.



英文姓名:Charlene Choi
最喜爱演员:周星驰 张曼玉

英文姓名:Gillian Chung

Twins 是英文中的一个名词,表示“双生子”的意思。用来形容两个在出生时共享母体而一起出生的婴儿。Twins 一词源于古代日耳曼语,表示“握手而立的人”,在进化的过程中逐渐演变成了“双生子”的意思。在世界各地,双胞胎文化都有其特殊的意义。在非洲,被认为是来自同一灵魂的双胞胎具有超自然能力;在...

英文Twins 翻译成中文是什么意思?我知道有首歌叫《Twins》。


一对双胞胎翻译成英文:A pair of twins 希望能帮到你

英文Twins 翻译成中文是什么意思?我知道有首歌叫《Twins》。

Charlene Choi + Gillian Chung, a.k.a. Twins continue to get excellent marks for their productivity. Shortly after the release of their latest major album The Missing Piece, they present their same titled live tour with a vengeance. Letting fans relive such spectacular performances ...


翻译英文短文it seems that beauty and women are twins.

1.The double sub-god steals 2.不知 3.vain hope 4.不知 抱歉,只知道这些了

twins是双胞胎姐妹或双胞胎兄弟,twin是双胞胎之一 参考资料:英语书

雁峰区13421842356: 有没有介绍twins的英语文章,200个单词以内 -
衅俊法兹: Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) and Gillian Chung (钟欣桐) look very much like twins---there are hardly any differences. But they`re not ! In fact, they come from different parts of the world and were brought by Hong Kong Emperor Entertainment Group...

雁峰区13421842356: twins的英文名字叫什么?怎么读呀? -
衅俊法兹: TWINS的英文名字: 蔡卓研:Charlene汉语意思是桐:Gillian汉语意思是:吉莉恩 Gill的汉语意思是:吉尔(Gillian的昵称) ... 不好意思音标不知道怎么打上不过中文发音是这样的............好运吧!!

雁峰区13421842356: Twins的介绍 -
衅俊法兹: 以广告女郎身份签约英皇的蔡卓妍、钟欣桐,因为多次被指相貌相似,犹如双生儿,故两人组成Twins.可爱的娃娃脸和青春跳舞路线,使得她们在半年内人气直升,吓坏了其他新人.初一露面,引来歌迷无数,甚至要有警察来维持秩序,真是...

雁峰区13421842356: TWINS的 资料
衅俊法兹: 中文姓名 : 蔡卓妍 英文姓名 : Charlene Choi 出生日期 : 1982年11月22日 (旧历10月8日) 星座 : 天蝎座 身高 : 5英尺5英寸(165厘米) 体重 : 100磅 血型:O 语言 : 广东话、英语及普通话 喜好 : 唱歌和跳舞 曾就读学校:玫瑰岗中学...

雁峰区13421842356: 求TWINS的详细资料
衅俊法兹: 钟欣桐 英文姓名:Gillian Chung 花名:阿娇 出生日期:1981年1月21日 (旧历12月16日) 星座: 水瓶座 身高:5英尺3英寸 (160厘米) 体重 : 98 磅(88斤) 语言: 广东话、英语及普通话 --------------------------------------------------- 阿Sa中文姓...

雁峰区13421842356: 求Twins的简要资料,不要复制的
衅俊法兹: Twins是香港殿堂级女子歌唱团体,成员包括蔡卓妍和钟欣桐,他们于2000年签约英皇娱乐集团成为旗下艺人.钟欣桐(阿娇)中文名:钟欣桐英文名:Gillian Chung 花名:阿娇 生日:1981年1月21日 身高:160cm 体重:46kg 星座:水瓶座 属相:鸡 血型:O型 语言: 粤语、英语及中文蔡卓妍(阿Sa)中文名:蔡卓妍 英文名:Charlene Choi 花名:阿Sa 生日:1982年11月22日 身高:165cm 体重:45kg 星座:天蝎座 属相:狗 血型:O型 语言: 粤语、英语及中文

雁峰区13421842356: 英文twins的意思 是两个么 只可以用both, -
衅俊法兹:[答案] twins是双胞胎的意思,是名词 both是指都……,是介词 a.两者的 ad.两者都 int.两者

雁峰区13421842356: 英语作文:twins -
衅俊法兹: Alice and Amy are twins.Alice is thirteen years old.Amy is thirteen years old,too. They are come from America.Their hair are yellow. Alice skirt is red.Amy skirt are yellow.Alice's trousers are pink.Amy's trousers are biue.

雁峰区13421842356: twins的英文名字叫什么?帮我写出音标和拼写 -
衅俊法兹:[答案] TWINS的英文名字:蔡卓研:Charlene汉语意思是:查伦 钟欣桐:Gillian汉语意思是:吉莉恩 Gill的汉语意思是:吉尔(Gillian的昵称) ...不好意思音标不知道怎么打上不过中文发音是这样的.好运吧!

雁峰区13421842356: TWINS的档案?
衅俊法兹: 19岁的蔡卓妍和20岁的钟欣桐以“年轻得像威化饼干一样干脆”的青春可爱形象赢得上至公公婆婆,下至3岁女孩的喜爱,打破了“香港女子组合好难红”的咒语.可爱的娃娃脸和青春跳舞路线,使得她们在出道半年便人气直升,吓坏了其他新...

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