
作者&投稿:邬楠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)














  ① 直接由引导词引导定语从句

  The man who you’re talking to is my friend.

  ② 由介词+关系代词(whom/which)引导

  The man to whom you’re talking is my friend.

  I need a pen with which I can write a letter.

  =I need a piece of paper on which I can write a letter.

   介词的选用可根据从句中的相关词组确定 ,该介词通常可以放在关系代词之前,也可放在从句之尾。例如:

  The man (who/whom/that) I talked about at the meeting is from Beijing University.

  =The man about whom I talked at the meeting is from Beijing University.

  The palace (which/that) I often pay a visit to was built in the 17th century.

  =The palace to which I often pay a visit was built in the 17th century.


  ① 直接由引导词引导定语从句。

  ② 由介词+关系代词(whom/which)引导。

  I live in a house far away from the city, in front of which is a big tree.

  There is an apple tree standing at the gate, on which are many apples.

  This is the man to whom I gave the book.

  ③ 由“代词/名词+of+whom/which”或“of which/ whom +名词/代词”(先行词指

  人用whom,指物用which)引导。One, some, any, none, all, both, several, many, most, neither, either等词、数词、分数或百分比与of whom或of which连用。

  He has five children, two of whom are abroad.

  (比较:He has five children, and two of them are abroad.)

  We have three books, none of which is/are interesting.

  (比较:We have three books, but none of them is/are interesting.)




  The engineer, whose leg was badly hurt, was quickly sent to hospital.


  The engineer whose leg was badly hurt was quickly sent to hospital.


  3.在非限定性定语从句中,任何引导词都不能省略(包括引导词在此定语从句中充当宾语在内)。指人做主语时只能用who, 做宾语时用whom; [要学习网-中学生最喜欢的学习论坛;网址www.yaoxuexi.cn手机版地址wap.yaoxuexi.cn]

  指物做主语,宾语都用which; 关系副词用when或where,也不能省略。

  The man, ______ is sitting on the chair, is my father.

  The woman, _______ I met yesterday, is my English teacher.

  The city, _______ is far away, is very beautiful.

  He went to America, ______ his parents live.

  He joined the Army yesterday, ______ I left, too.


  The house, whose window faces south, is mine.

  =The house, the window of which faces south, is mine.

  =The house, of which the window faces south, is mine.



  Do you know the gentleman who/that is sitting there?


  ① 当作动宾(动词后接宾语)时,关系代词可省略。

  Do you know the gentleman (whom/who/that) we met just now?

  ② 当作介宾(介词后接宾语)时:



  The man (whom/who/that) I spoke with is my teacher.

  The man with whom I spoke is my teacher.

  ※注:固定的动词短语(动词+介词)如look for, take care of等不能把动词与介词拆开,既介词不能提至引导词前。

  She is the right girl (who/whom/that) we are looking for.

  3.whose: 指人或物,是所有格“…的”形式。Whose+n.一起在定语从句中充当主语、宾语(动宾或介宾)即先行词的什么东西怎样了,whose不能省略。。Whose+n. = the +n. + of which/whom= of which/ whom+ the =n.

  I didn’t find the desk whose leg was broken. (主语)

  He is the student whose pencil I broke yesterday. (动宾)

  The boss in whose company I work is very kind. (介宾)

  4.which/that 指物,指代先行词且在定语从句中作主语或宾语(动宾或介宾)。

  ① 当作动宾时,关系代词可省略。

  ② 当作介宾时:



  The house which/that was destroyed in the earthquake is weak.

  The pen (which/that) you found yesterday is mine.

  The games (that/which) the young men competed in were difficult.

  The games in which the young men competed were difficult.


  ※5.as指人或物,在定语从句中可作主语,宾语,表语或状语,不能省略。主要用于 “the same …as…;such …as…;so …as…;as … as…;as follows”固定结构中,形式固定此时的引导限定性定语从句。要用as代替who(m), which, 或that引导定语从句:

  Such people as knew Hill thought he was honest.

  Such people as Hill knew thought he was honest.

  My hometown is no longer the same as it was.

  Here is so big a stone as no one can lift.

  The child knows as much as grow-ups (know).

  I’d like to have the same books as are used in your school.

  He is not such a person as I expected.

  He will marry as pretty a girl as he can find.


  Our team lost the game, as/which was reported in the newspaper.

  She was terrified, as/which I could see from her eyes.

  He married her, as/which was natural.



  He married her, as/which was natural.

  =As was natural, he married her.

  Mark Twin is a great writer, which/as is known to all.

  =As is known to all, Mark Twin is a great writer.


  as we all know, as is known to all, as everybody can see, as is expected, As is known/ said/ reported/ told/ we all know等。如:

  As we all know, paper was first made in China.

  To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish.


  Our class has won the football match, which made us very happy.

  Bamboos are hollow, which makes them very light.


  She didn’t pass the exam, which we couldn’t expect.

  She didn’t pass the exam, as we expected.


  I still remember the time when I joined the League.

  =I still remember the time on which I joined the League.

  =I still remember the time (which/that) I joined the League on.


  I still remember the school where I joined the League.

  =I still remember the school in which I joined the League.

  =I still remember the school (which/that) I joined the League in.

  ※注:对关系副词when, where的认识。

  ①. 先行词是时间的名词,并非都用关系副词when引导定语从句。

  I’ll never forget the time (which/that) I spent in Beijing.

  ②. 先行词是地点的名词,并非都用关系副词where引导定语从句。

  This is the factory (which/that) he visited yesterday.

  ③. 当句型为It/This/That is(was) the first(second…last) time引起的句子时用that连接其后的句子。此时的time是次数,不是时间。

  It/This is the first time that we travel.

  It/This is the last time that I shall give you a lesson.

  8. why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,先行词通常为reason,不能省略。且why引导的定语从句只能是限定性定语从句。Why= for which

  I don’t know the reason why he was late yesterday.

  The reason why(for which) he was late is that he missed the bus.


  This is the reason (that/ which) he gave/ explained to us.



  I will never forget the day (which/that) I spent in Hongkong.

  ( spent是及物动词,后缺宾语,因此用关系代词或省略 )

  I will never forget the day when/on which Hongkong returned to its motherland.

  ( 从句主谓宾结构完整,缺状语,因此用关系副词或介词加关系代词 )

  The reason (that/which)he gave for not coming to school yesterday isn’t believable.

  ( gave是及物动词,后缺宾语,因此用关系代词或省略 )

  The reason why he didn’t come to school yesterday isn’t believable.

  ( 从句主谓宾结构完整,缺状语,因此用关系副词或介词加关系代词 )

   三. 值得注意的几个问题:

  第一. 当先行词是物时,关系代词(that/which)只用that的情况。


  This is the best film that has been shown this year.

  This is the first book (that) I borrow from the library.

  ※He is the first student that/who came to school today.


  He talked about the teachers and the school (that) he had visited.

  3.当先行词本身是all的,用that。(all that=what)

  All that (what) I want to say to you is “Thank you”.

  =All (what) I want to say to you is “Thank you”.

  Go over all that (what) we learned.

  =Go over all (what) we learned.(that在定语从句中充当宾语可以省略)

  4.先行词为something, anything, nothing, everything, thing时,用that.

  I’ll tell you anything (that) I know.

  5.当先行词前有all, much, little, many, (a) few, every, some, any, no, only, the very, one of, the only, the last, the next等修饰语时。

  This is one of the books (that) I’m very interesting in.

  ※ This is one of the books in which I’m very interesting.

  This is the only book (that) I read.

  He is the only one of the boys that likes playing the piano.

  All the glasses that were on the table fell off onto the floor.


  Who is the man that is talking with the lady?

  Which of you that know the answer can come to the front?


  He likes the girl that she used to be.

  第二. 当先行词是物时,关系代词(that/which)只用which的情况。


  The room in which he lives is very large.

  2.引导非限定性定语从句时(主,宾都用which, 都不能省略).

  Football, which is a very interesting game, is played all over the world.

  The house, which I visited yesterday, is very large.


  He always makes fun of me, which upsets me.

  第三. 其他特殊情况.

  1.先行词是these, those指人时,关系代词只用who.

  Those who are playing over there are my students.

  2.先行词是人称代词(he, she…)时,关系代词只用who.

  He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

  3.不定代词someone, anyone, everyone, no one, somebody, anybody, everybody作先行词时,关系代词用who.

  Anybody who breaks the rules would be punished.

  4.①先行词是the only one of +可数名词复数,在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句中的谓语用单数形式(因为此时的先行词是the only one,而不是of 后的可数名词复数).

  He is the only one of the boys that likes playing the piano.

  This is the only one of the books that is borrowed.

  ②先行词是one of +可数名词复数,在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句中的谓语用复数形式(因为此时的先行词是of 后的可数名词复数,而不是one). [要学习网-中学生最喜欢的学习论坛;网址www.yaoxuexi.cn手机版地址wap.yaoxuexi.cn]

  This is one of the students who are late.

  5.当主句缺先行词时,用the one 代替,但须注意:the one只能代替可数名词单数.如为不可数名词时,指什么用什么.

  Is this school the one I visited yesterday?

  Is pop music the music he likes best?

  6. 当先行词是the way, 在定语从句中充当方式状语时(the way表"以…方式/方法"),引导词通常用that或省略,也可用in which.

  I don’t like the way (that) you speak.

  =I don’t like the way in which you speak.

  =I don’t like the way (which/that) you speak in.



  1.介词+which在定语从句中分别作时间、地点和原因状语,代替相应的关系副词when, where和why。如:I still remember the day on which (when) I first came to school.我仍然记得初来学校的那一天。

  The factory in which (=where) I work is a large one.我工作的工厂是一个大工厂。

  This is the reason for which (=why) he was late.这就是他为什么迟到的原因。

  2.介词+which(指物)/ whom(指人)在定语从句中作地点状语,表示存在关系,定语从句主谓一般要倒置。

  They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.他来到一处农舍,前边坐着一个小男孩。

  I saw a man, on the head of whom stood a bird.我看见一个人,他的头上站着一只鸟。

  3.介词+ which(指物)/ whom(指人)在定语从句中作目的、方式或地点状语。这种结构中的介词一般受动词或介词后的名词所制约。如:

  Could you tell me for whom you’ve bought this coat?你能告诉我这件衣服是给谁买的吗?

  The man, from whom I learned the news, is an engineer.这人是一位工程师,我是从他那里得到这消息的。


  The wolf by which the sheep was killed was shot.

  The man by whom the wolf was shot was a good hunter.打死狼的那人是个好猎手。

  5.不定代词+of+which/whom,在定语从句中作主语,说明整体中的部分,常用的不定代词有:both, all, any, some, each, none, most等。如:

  There are a lot of books here, none of which belongs to me.这儿有许多书,可一本也不属于我。

  Yesterday Mary bought a few clothes, all of which were expensive.昨天玛丽买了一些衣服,他们都很贵。


  In our class there are fifty-four students, twenty-five of whom are girls.我们班有54名学生,25人是女生。

  Two watches were stolen, one of which was mine.两只手表被偷了,其中一只是我的。


  I saw some trees, the leaves of which (=whose leaves) were black with disease.我看见一些树,他们的'叶子因害病而发黑。

  I live in a house, the windows of which are all broken.我住在一所房子里,其窗都破了。

  8.介词+ which(指物)/ whose(指人)修饰后边的名词。如:

  It rained all night and all day, during which time the ship was broken into pieces.雨下了一天一夜,就在这期间轮船撞碎了。

  The driver was the man from whose room she had stolen the maps.司机就是那个人,她从他的房间偷走地图。


  China has thousands of islands, the largest of which is .中国有成千上万个岛屿,其中最大的是台湾岛。

  In our class there are twenty girls, the cleverest of whom is Li Hua.我们班有20名女生,最聪明的是李华。


  At last he had something about which to write home.他终于有了给家里写信的内容了。

  He had no key with which to open the door.他没有开门的钥匙。

  He has a small room in which to live.


  1. 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词应和先行词的人称和数保持一致。

  This is one of the books which were written by Mark Twain.这是马克吐温所写的书中的一本。(先行词是books,因此动词应用were。)

  2. 关系代词或关系副词在从句中充当一个句子成分,因此要注意避免从句中句子成分的重复出现。

  This is the most beautiful place that I have visited it.

  This is the most beautiful place that I have visited. 这是我参观过的最美的地方。(去掉it,因that代替先行词the most beautiful place在定语从句中作visit的宾语,再加it就多余了。)

  The school where I worked there is a big one.

  The school where I worked is a big one.我所工作过的学校是一所大学校。(去掉there,因where既引导定语从句,又在从句中代替in the school作状语。)

  3. 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时不可省略。

  The books were on the table were given to you.

  The books that were on the table were given to you.桌上的那些书是给你的。(关系代词that作主语不能省)

  4. “one of the +复数名词”后的定语从句中谓语动词的单复数情况。

  “one of the +复数名词”时,复数名词是先行词,所以谓语动词常用复数形式。如果“one of the +复数名词”前面有the very /only等修饰语,则谓语动词用单数形式,因为先行词是,而不是复数名词。如:

  He is the only one of the students who speaks Japanese in our class.他是我们班唯一说日语的学生。(the only one是先行词)

  He is one of the students who speaks Japanese in our class.他是我们班里说日语的学生之一。(students是先行词)

  5. 定语从句中who和whom的选用。


  Mary is a girl who I think is clever.

  在定语从句who I think is clever中, I think是插入语,去掉后Mary is a girl who is clever是一个完整的句子,who是定语从句的主语,不能用whom替换。但下面的句子,情况就不同了:

  Mary is a girl whom I think to be clever.在定语从句whom I think to be clever中,如把I think看作插入语而去掉,则剩下的部分Mary is a girl whom to be clever很明显不是一个完整的句子结构,所以I think不能被看作是插入语,而是定语从句在的主谓结构,whom作think的宾语,to be clever是whom的宾补。

  6. 定语从句中关系代词或关系副词的选择取决于它们在从句中所充当的句子成分。如作主语和宾语用关系代词;作状语,用关系副词。

  I’ll never forget the day when I went abroad myself.(when在从句中代替时间状语on the day,此句可分解为I’ll never forget the day. I went abroad myself on the day.)

  I’ll never forget the days that we spent together.(that代替the days,在从句中作spent的宾语,该句可分解为I’ll never forget the days. We spent the days together.)


宾语从句的用法归纳总结 宾语从句是主从复合句中用作宾语的从句,通常由连词that、whether(if)以及连接代词或连接副词引导。宾语从句的词序要用陈述句词序,不能用疑问句词序。宾语从句的引导词有三种情况:一是用that引导,that只起引导词作用,不充当句子成分,且通常可以省略;二是用if或whether引导,...

4.由since引导的时间状语从句。 since引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词。一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,而主句的谓语动词用现在完成时。但在It is +时间+since从句的句型中,主句多用一般现在时。例如: I have been in Beijing since you left. 自从你离开以来,我一直在北京了。

主语从句的用法 主语从句与宾语从句两者的用法和在句中的作用是不同的,下面从它们的各自用法来介绍. 一.主语从句 主语从句 定义:在句子中担当主语的是一个从句,这个从句就叫做主语从句. 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替,而本身放在句子末尾. ...

宾语从句的引导词用法归纳总结如下:引导词that 1、连词that引导宾语从句,只起连接主、从句的作用。2、从句的主语是that时,that不省略。3、that引导的宾语从句,表示陈述一件事,即由陈述句转化而来。4、主句由“连系动词+形容词”构成的“系表”结构,常接that引导的宾语从句。引导词if\/whether whet...

1.定语从句的定义:用作定语的从句叫定语从句。 2.先行词:被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词。 3.定语从句的位置:紧跟先行词(名词或代词)之后。 4.引导词:引导定语从句的词(包括关系代词和关系副词)。 ﹙1﹚关系代词:that\/who\/whom\/which\/as ﹙2﹚关系副词:when\/where\/why 5.引导词的位置:位于定语从句之前(先行...

一、在英语状语从句学习中,有一种从句是由:原级:as…as(和……一样),not so(as)…as …(和不一样);比较级:more…than(更);级:The most…in\/of, the + 形容词+est…of\/in。常用引导词:as(同级比较),than(不同程度的比较);特殊引导词:the more … the more … ...

定语从句归纳及用法 1 I 关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分,英语定语从句知识和用法概述。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中作...

下面是我整理的一些关于状语从句用法的总结, 希望能帮助大家更好地认识状语从句,提高英语水平。一、由when, while, as引导的时间状语从句 1. when引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词可以是延续性动词,也可以是瞬时动词。when有时表示“就在那时”。如:When she came in, I was doing some housework....

关系选择 关系词包括关系代词(英语:relative pronoun)、关系副词(英语:relative adverb)和关系限定词(英语:relative determiner)。关系词的选择主要涉及以下因素:1、先行词是人还是事物。2、关系词在关系从句中的句法功能。3、关系从句是限制性的还是非限制性的。4、是口语还是书面语。

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的用法总结简单点. -
弘眨莱亿: 1.定语从句:修饰某一句中的名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面.被修饰的词称为先行词. 2.关系词:引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词 关系词有关系代词和关系副词.关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有where, when, why等. 关系词常有3个作用:1,引导定语从句.2,代替先行词.3,在定语从句中担当一个成分.

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的用法 -
弘眨莱亿: 定语从句放到名、代词之后.1.先行词是人引导词{who主、宾、表whom.宾whose定、that}2.是物引导词which,that.3.先行词作状语引导词根情况(when.where.why…)下面是先行词为物只用that不用which的(1.先行词是不定代词时2.先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时3.被the only.thesame.thevery.thelast修饰时,4.先行词是who或which为避免重复5.先行词同时包括人和非人时)引导词做宾语可省略.由于本人能力有限只能告知这些了,望有助

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的用法和注意事项 -
弘眨莱亿:[答案] 定语从句及相关术语 1.定语从句:修饰一个名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面.2. 关系词:引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有关系代词和关系副词.关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副...

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的具体语法 -
弘眨莱亿: 定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词.定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出

图木自治县市13823565187: 英语定语从句的用法
弘眨莱亿:1.定语从句:定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性成分,相当于形容词,所以又称为形容词性从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面. 2.关系词:引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有...

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句用法

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的用法
弘眨莱亿: 定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词.定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出.

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的用法
弘眨莱亿: 非限定性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常是引导词和先行词之间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立 1. which引导的非限定性定语从句来说明前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分 2.当先行词是专有名词或物主代...

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的用法 -
弘眨莱亿: 定语从句由关系代词who、whom、whose、which、what、as和关系副词where、when、why等引导,但须记住: 1.what不能引导定语从句. 2.关系词的分析须考虑它在定语从句中的成分. 一.指人的关...

图木自治县市13823565187: 定语从句的用法(要全面的,最好有例子,并讲解) -
弘眨莱亿: I. 限制性定语从句的特殊用法 II. 非限制性定语从句 III. 同位语从句 IV. 同位语从句和定语从句的区别 I. 限制性定语从句的特殊用法 1. way + 定语从句 way 后面跟定语从句有三种形式. (1) way + in which + 定语从句 例如: She was pleased with the ...

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