
作者&投稿:愚戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Last Saturday, I went to visit my uncle in Shaoshan. I got up so early in that morning and went there by bus. It took me about two hours to get there. My uncle was glad about my coming, so he invited me to his house. He lives in a cottage. It's not so big, but it's very neat and tidy. His wife and parents were warm-hearted, too. They prepared a big feast for me. We laughed and talked happily around the table.
  After lunch, I climbed the Mountain Shao with my uncle. The scenery there was so beautiful and the atmosphere was so quiet. Then we picked up some fresh vegetables in the field. We were both released and joyous.
  When it was about late afternoon, I was reluctant to leave. I was deeply fascinated by the beautiful scenery and the kindness of my uncle. I hope to go there again soon.

1. I am going to visit my grandparents during Spring Festival,which will take about 2 days.我将花大约2天时间在春节期间看望我的外祖父母
2. I would like to spend 2 hours resding books at home.网想每天花2个小时看书
3. I plan to write articles .我打算写点作文
4. I want to buy a suit for my father 我打算为我的爸爸买套衣服(用压岁钱)
5. I want to buy my mother dress 我想为妈妈买条裙子
6. I wanna go to Harbin with my parents 我想与父母去哈尔滨
7. I will spend at least 3 hours studying 我会每天花至少3个小时学习
8. I will control myself and I won' t spend much time on watching TV and playing CS 我会控制自己而不会花太多时间在看电视 ,玩CS游戏上
9. I willhelp my parents with housework.我会帮父母做家务
10. I will take part in society activities 我会参加社区活动

累啊 一句三分哦 呵呵

  I had a great holiday. We had a big family reunion. All my uncles and aunts came to our house to have a fancy banquet together. I lighted up fire crackers at midnight with my cousins. I got a lot of fortune money from my relatives. All in all, I'm tired from all the festivites.


4、回顾和总结:在暑假结束时,回顾你的活动,思考你的收获、成长以及不足之处。你可以写一个总结报告,以便于你在未来能够参考和改进你的暑假活动计划。主题:提升技能,拓展视野 学习新技能:我计划利用这个暑假来学习一门新的编程语言Python。我已经购买了一些在线课程,并制定了每天至少学习一小时的...

不知不觉中一天又要结束了,相信大家一定感触颇深吧,不如趁现在好好写一篇日记。那么什么样的日记才合适呢?以下是我为大家整理的暑假生活日记,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 暑假生活日记1 暑假就快要到来了,对于暑假我有着很多的期待,我很希望暑假快点到来,让我能够自由的玩耍,让我能够体验一下...

关于暑假的活动总结(精选5篇) 快乐有趣的活动已经告一段落了,我们的个人能力得到了很大进步,那么将这些记录写在活动总结中,让自己铭记于心吧。那么活动总结应该包括什么内容呢?以下是我整理的关于暑假的活动总结(精选5篇),欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 暑假的活动总结1 一、调查摸底,开展准备工作 我们对社区范围内...

my cousins. I got a lot of fortune money from my relatives. All in all, I'm tired from all the festivites.我的假期很棒。我们搞了个全家大聚会。所有的叔叔阿姨都到我家来吃团圆饭。半夜的时候我和表哥表姐一起放鞭炮。亲友给了我很多压岁钱。总之,过节这些活动可把我给累惨了。


难忘的暑假生活 二十多天的暑假作文学习即将结束,在这些天里,我们每天都是在快乐、充实、而有意义的学习生活中度过的。现在大家就要分别了,我还真有点恋恋不舍呢。虽然我们几个人在一起的时光只有二十多天,但我们的友情却架起了一座五彩的长虹。 在这期间,我结识了几个新同学,本来我们并不熟识,但很快就打成了...

在此基础上学校将在开学初开展了学生读书笔记、征文比赛,评选暑期优秀读书笔记促进学生主动读书的活动。 三、强化学生的日记教育、养成良好读书习惯。 学校要求一、二年级学生暑期每周至少写一篇日记(可以用拼音、图画表示),三年级以上每周不少于二篇。学生的日记内容形式多样可以是“日积月累”、可以是“每周一记”...

my cousins. I got a lot of fortune money from my relatives. All in all, I'm tired from all the festivites.我的假期很棒。我们搞了个全家大聚会。所有的叔叔阿姨都到我家来吃团圆饭。半夜的时候我和表哥表姐一起放鞭炮。亲友给了我很多压岁钱。总之,过节这些活动可把我给累惨了。


因此,我每天都去游泳,游泳即可以锻炼身体,又可以避暑。 正因为有了暑假,让我有了充足的时间,去图书馆学习自己感兴趣的自然、科学知识,和朋友一起去游泳,抛开了那似乎永远也听不完的课,写不完的作业,我们有了时间,就可以做一些有意义、开心的事情,暑假真好! 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 ...

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