
作者&投稿:张雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Tom每天晚上写作业。 你每天学几个小时英语? 你妈妈周末做什么? 我一周看一次电视。 这些句子用英语怎么~

Tom does his homework every night.
How many hours do you learn English every day?
What does your mother do on weekends?
I watch TV once a week.

I usually help my mom do some housework at weekends .

小题1:My mother doesn’t go to work on Saturday and Sunday.
小题2:Do you often go to school with your friends?
小题3:The basketball under the desk belongs to me/is mine.
小题4:Our English teacher is good at telling interesting stories.
小题5:They are listening to music in the classroom now.

将下列句子译成英语,必须用上所给提示词 他一看见我就高兴地跳起来...
1.他一看见我就高兴地跳起来.(as soon ,as , see , jump)He jumped happily as soon as he saw me.2.昨天李明敲门时我在做饭.( when , knock at , cook )When Li Ming knocked on the door yesterday, I was cooking.3.她每天花二十分钟骑车上学.(take , 20 minutes , school , eve...

be valuable for或to sb表示对某人很有价值的含义,故本题可翻译为Father’s suggestions are great valuable for\/to me.小题3:直到know后跟的是一个宾语从句,

1.众所周知,光是以直线方式传播的.As is known to all, light is spread in direct line.2.我们所需要的是更多的时间.what we need is more time.3.他来不来并没有多大关系.It doesn't matter whether he will come or not.4.他为什么这样做还不十分清楚.It is unknown why he did it....

透透新鲜空气即让新鲜空气进入let some fresh air in.故本句翻译为Open the window and let some fresh air in.小题2:本句可以将其翻译为被动形式,交谈为talk to sb,故本句翻译为The old should be talked to politely小题3:It takes some time to do sth花费时间做某事,故为It’s only(...

短头发short hair,那个that,女的woman,是is,你们your,英语老师English teacher,短文发的,做定语修饰那个女人,加介词with,故答案填Is that woman with short hair your English teacher?小题2:考查汉译英。现在now,大家everyone,都all,为做准备prepare for,春节the Spring Festival,根据现在、着可知为...

We shouldn't laugh at her mistake. 15、我们正忙着洗衣服。 We're busy at washing. 16、什么也挡不住我去广州。 Nothing can stop me going Guangzhou. 17、会议在昨天上午准时开始。 The meeting started in time yestoday morning. 26、这些天,我在忙着写一本关于电脑的书。 I'm busy ...

try to do表示尽力做某事,cheer sb up表示使某人振作的含义,故本句可翻译为Let’s try to cheer him up.2.足够的耐心可翻译为patient enough,,表示足以做某事使用enough to do,explain everything to sb表示向某人解释一切的含义,故本句可翻译为I’m patient enough to explain everything to...

5.I put affect and effect wrong on confusion mix.6.Many new mobile phone take the lable of "for sale "exhibit in the Shop window.7.I don`t mind be laugh for others ,always jion in doing the thing what i remain right .8.george anxious to buy the test centre which ...

小题1:What great fun it is to cycle around Suzhou!小题2:He left in such a hurry that he forgot to lock the door小题3:Don’t worry. You’ll soon be used to his sense of humour小题4:Have you noticed \/ Did you notice that the walls of our classroom were painted white...

2. Who are you waiting for?3.现在,他们在打篮球吗?3. Are they playing basketball now?4.我正在打扫教室。4. We are cleaning the classroom.5.那个男孩不是在弹吉他。5. That boy is not playing the guitar.People like swimming in summer.没有错 希望对你有帮助,也希望点击“选为...

颍上县17328536533: 请将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上.1.让我们尽力使他振作起来.___________________________________________... -
驷邓诺迪:[答案] 1.Let's try to cheer him up.2.I'm patient enough to explain everything to him.3.This old photo always reminds me of my hometown.4.The teacher often advises us to read Ebglish every day.5.Wearin...

颍上县17328536533: 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上.小题1:我们正盼着过周末呢.小题2:她让我一连说了45分钟.小题3:你要是见到... -
驷邓诺迪:[答案]小题1:We are looking forward to the weekend. 小题2:She kept me talking for forty-five minutes. 小题3:If you see him,give him this note. 小题4:The child was finally found safe and well. 小题5:It's difficult for her to see her parents as often as before. 略

颍上县17328536533: 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷上标有题号的横线上.小题1:多么可惜!洪水冲走了一个小村庄.小题2:我们错过了末班公交车,只好走... -
驷邓诺迪:[答案] 小题1:What a pity! The flood washed away a small village.小题2:We missed the last bus and had to go home on foot. 小题3:Do you know how long she has been in the Reading Club? 小题4:These magazines c...

颍上县17328536533: 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分) 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上. 1. 你弟弟擅长打网球吗? - ___________... -
驷邓诺迪:[答案] 1.Is your brother good at playing tennis? /Does your brother do well in playing tennis?2.He isn't a member of our school football team. / he isn't in our school football team.3.He often shows the new students around their school.4.It takes him ten ...

颍上县17328536533: 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上.1.一名好的老师应该有幽默感.2.Barry喜... -
驷邓诺迪:[答案]1.A good teacher should have a good sense of humour. 2.Barry likes to show/showing off his new car. 3.Hard work can bring you success. 4.Do you think wearing red (clothes)can make it easier for you to take action(s)? 5.The song always reminds me ...

颍上县17328536533: 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题纸上标有题号的横线上.小题1:如果你英语上有问题,我会尽我最... -
驷邓诺迪:[答案]小题1:If you have problems with your English, I will try my best to help you. 小题2:At last/Finally/In the end, we decided to keep the secret to ourselves. 小题3:He has poor/bad eyesight because of reading too many books/because he reads too many ...

颍上县17328536533: 英语翻译将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上. 76.我们的城市正变得越来越美丽.77.公民是属于某个特定国家的人.78.切勿孤注一... -
驷邓诺迪:[答案] 76.Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.77.Citizens belong to a particular country.78.Do not gamble.79.Children should be taught in English and Chinese.80.Unless you play,otherwise you'll be l...

颍上县17328536533: 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上.小题1:我们正盼着过周末呢.小题2:她让 -
驷邓诺迪: 小题1:We are looking forward to the weekend. 小题2:She kept me talking for forty-five minutes. 小题3:If you see him,give him this note. 小题4:The child was finally found safe and well. 小题5:It's difficult for her to see her parents as often as before.略

颍上县17328536533: 句子翻译,将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在横线上. 听!她的钢琴弹得多好啊! - ______________ --
驷邓诺迪:[答案] 答案: 解析: Listen! How well she is playing the piano!

颍上县17328536533: 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上.小题1:让他们带领你参观我们的新大楼吧 -
驷邓诺迪: 小题1:Let them show you around our new building.小题2:Doing morning exercises helps us get ready for the day.小题3:He hopes he can know how to ride a bike.小题4:We practise playing the piano on Thursday afternoon.小题5:The students here ...

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