
作者&投稿:卜妍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



切割刀片:切割刀片是由HSS-E(钴合金)制成, 两头的锐边是可反转的,而且能被削尖。叶片的进料速度能根据需被去角的材料不同而进行调节。











氧化层凹 痕:表面缺陷,在氧化沉降时所形成的凹痕。划痕:表面缺陷,形状各异,离散分布,在运输、整直、仓储或其他操作时对表面所造成的损害或击打。瑕疵:表面缺陷,舌状金属碎片,出现在与基体金属相连的那一面。砂痕:表面缺陷,锻造的表面因变长而变形并被熔渣所玷污。裂痕:表面缺陷,与表面垂直并向深处延伸的金属裂纹,因应力而形成,大多因为构造转变、加热或冷却不够均匀。碎片:形状为裂纹的缺陷,在断裂处的微小园形斑点


1)电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 电化学腐蚀就是金属和电解质组成两个电极,组成腐蚀原电池。2)车架 automotive chassis 车架是跨接在汽车前后车桥上的框架式结构,俗称大梁,是汽车的基体。3)悬架 suspension 悬架是汽车的车架(或承载式车身)与车桥(或车轮)之间的一切传力连接装置的总称,其...

水冷电缆 Water Cooled Cable 水冷铜管 Water Cooled Copper Pipe 导电横臂 Electric Conducting Cross Arm 安全要求 Security Requirements 极圆弧外表面吻合程度 The Fitting Degree of Electrode Circular Arc Outer Surface 密封性 Sealing Performance 夹头夹紧力 Clamping Force of Clamping Head 抗电强度 ...

Gear type are determined largely by the disposition of the shafts; in addition, certain types are better suited than others for large speed changes. This means that if a specific disposition of the shafts is required, the type of gear will more or less be fixed. On the other ...

Through the analysis of traditional access relevant information and the structure and working principle of shape, determines the retrofit design scheme, the movement is still borrow the B665 shaper components, in part to do, the reform of the original face to the bed, instead of ...

Takes the material installment is completes the billet to take the material from the high-quality goods gantry to the high-quality goods table the key equipment. Along with steel mill production rhythm's quickening, the billet ships to takes the material installment the request to be ...

他们指出「多重决策分析法」(MCDA)所作出的比较使用了加权因子是不足够的,因为加权因子通常是随意选定的,而这些因子均难以被确立。MCDA - Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 「多重决策分析法」~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原句如下:They identified that MCDA comparisons using weighting factors are...

机械专业英语翻译 求高人!!!
Permanent magnet bearings is the magnetic bearing is the use of magnetic field strength will be suspended shaft with a new type of bearing, and long life operation with no lubrication, no oil pollution, etc.. With the machinery manufacturing industry has been rapid development, the ...

Date Time Debang Plastic Machinery Factory Phone Wei Zhen Website Address: Liaobu Town, Dongguan-Ling Industrial Zone Monitor screen The length of the crop Fixed-length speed Has cut the number of Production complements The current batch Production rate Speed equipment Equipment Technical ...

- flow characteristic curve of linear good, with the increase of zero leakage expenseIt is increased pressure gain, physical symmetry makes for temperature ,so the oil supply pressure changes will arise from the zero drift decrease.ps:以上不是软件翻译的哦,希望能够帮到你哦!

(1) the multipolar scoop channel embedded mechanical finger manipulator through inserts a series of different outflow boundaries the mechanical finger to obtain the flexibility function, the different shape's work piece may use corresponding the finger to clamp separately takes uses the ...

志丹县17252044939: 机械类英语翻译,跪求高手解答!cutting blade : The cutting blade is made of HSS - E(Cobalt alloyed) , reversible with sharp edge on both ends and can be ... -
拱淑安来:[答案] 切割刀片:切割刀片是由HSS-E(钴合金)制成,两头的锐边是可反转的,而且能被削尖.叶片的进料速度能根据需被去角的材料不同而进行调节. 我自己翻的,作为参考吧!

志丹县17252044939: 机械专业英语请高手翻译中文 -
拱淑安来: Mechanical Professional English

志丹县17252044939: 【机械英语翻译】急机械专业单词 -
拱淑安来: 水冷电缆 Water Cooled Cable 水冷铜管 Water Cooled Copper Pipe 导电横臂 Electric Conducting Cross Arm 安全要求 Security Requirements 极圆弧外表面吻合程度 The Fitting Degree of Electrode Circular Arc Outer Surface 密封性 Sealing ...

志丹县17252044939: 机械类翻译:请求达人帮忙armor bolt是装甲螺栓吗?听上去怪怪的,到底该怎么翻?permentation pump是什么?screw到底是螺钉还是螺杆?bowling ... -
拱淑安来:[答案] bolt 是螺栓 screw是螺钉或螺,也可以翻译成螺杆. armor bolt是装甲螺栓 bowling machine 保龄球机 以上是我的理解

志丹县17252044939: 求教英语高手麻烦帮翻译一下,机电行业(比如绕线机之类的)的机械应该是用mechanical还是Machinery? -
拱淑安来: 工业或者行业都用industry 这个词,日用品是daily necessities .商务英语中也把commodity叫做日用品(是从商业角度说的)

志丹县17252044939: 机械类英文翻译 -
拱淑安来: Abstract This paper is a continuous casting blank teloping Table - the movements on. Casting a blank on a number of ways such as the widening of steel, pushing steel machine, transferring vehicles, lifting hook contrast, the final choice of ...

志丹县17252044939: 英语翻译如题求高手翻译,内容是涉及机械数控方面的东东,知道的速度告知~分不吝惜我吧全句说完吧~I recommend shutting the macine power off on the ... -
拱淑安来:[答案] 其实挺简单的.机械数控方面的东东此句只有shearing,在此处是名词的,剪切机/剪板机;week end应是weekend. stop any shearing over the weekend:这个周末关停所有的剪板机.

志丹县17252044939: 帮我用英文翻译下,里面有机械和模具的专业词汇,请高手翻译 -
拱淑安来: Abilities:1.Being proficient at professional machinery knowledge and skill and familiar with machinery environment of manufacturing2.Mastering Drafting Technique of AutoCAD (being capable to design and accomplish indepently a variety of part ...

志丹县17252044939: 求机械专业英语翻译~急~ -
拱淑安来: 为在冲压中集成了两个C形组合冲压成型工具机内支持和引导下,他们在这样一个可以被淘汰和移动分开的方式使用条款的双方孔打孔机.手段是提供放置组件,一方面在工作位置,其中一拳打工具在一个位置的工具支持的是在预定的距离保持...

志丹县17252044939: 机械相关英语,请高手翻译一下,在线等!着急啊!30分全部奉送 -
拱淑安来: 1,表面处理:碱洗后电镀(镀银ag-3)虚线部分 2,表面不能有划伤、碰伤 3,电镀后,在孔部贴保护膜防止灰尘落入 4,未注倒角C0.2-0.5 5,T6热处理后机加工 (T6应该是渗碳处理)

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