
作者&投稿:塞兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My dog(下面汉语翻译)
I've a dog and it's lovely and brave.
My dog has two clear eyes and four strong legs. It runs faster than any other dog, I believe. My dear dog's eyes can see something that other dog can't see, too.
My lovely dog is also very brave. It kept beasts(野兽) from attacting(袭击) me. That's my real experience(经历).
I love my dog and I shall pay more attention to it.


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I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about two kilograms. Peter's favorite food is meat. He also likes bones.
Peter is very friendly. I feed him every day. He never barks or bites. Peter likes lots of exercise. It is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy. So I play with him every day in the park. Peter likes to run in the park. He often chases cats and birds. It is very interesting. Peter can find the way back easily. I think he is the cleverest animal of all.
    I like my dog and he loves me too. He is very healthy. All my family like him. We look after him very carefully. I'll make a small and lovely house for him. I think he will be happy to live there. Do you like my dog?

which has moved many people.Please take good care of your dear pets. Their destinies are completely on your hands.保护狗的英语作文相关推荐:1. 保护流浪狗的英语作文范文 2. 有关保护动物英语作文带翻译 3. 保护动物的英语作文 4. 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译 5. 关于爱护狗狗的英语美文 ...

小狗的生日到了,伙伴们都来到小狗家为它庆祝生日。接下来是我带来的给狗狗过生日英语作文,希望对你有所帮助~给狗狗过生日英语作文1 The puppy's birthday is coming, and all the friends come to the puppy's house to celebrate the birthday.The puppy birthday party was filled with food, ...

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翻译"我养了一只小狗,非常可爱和勇敢.我的狗有两只玲珑的眼睛和四条粗壮的腿.我相信,我的小狗比其他任何的狗跑得都快.它也能够看到其他小狗看不到的东西.我的小狗很勇猛.它曾经把野兽赶跑,防止它们来袭击我.那是我的真实经历.我爱我的小狗,我将更多的关注它."。 8. 关于写狗的英语作文 第一篇 I have ...

I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about two kilograms. Peter's ...

4. 一篇《我家的小狗》英语作文 我家的小狗 我家有一只可爱又调皮的小狗,它那水汪汪的大眼睛十分美丽,身上的毛是白色的,摸上去十分柔顺。每次我一到家里,它就在我的脚下蹦来蹦去,有时还在我身旁不停地打滚。每隔一个星期,我都会给它洗一次澡,用梳子把它身上的毛梳得十分光滑。我家的狗...

is always bite shoes. makes me very angry, and this is my favorite pet.我最喜欢的宠物是狗,它叫XX,它很小,四肢很短,黄色的皮毛,眼睛很美丽,黑色的鼻子,长长的耳朵.它很可爱和聪明,老是会逗我们开心,所以我们都很喜欢它.唯一的不足,就是老是咬鞋子.让我很生气,这就是我最喜欢的宠物....

not because of the owner's gesture. However, its love for its master is the most real.这只小狗经常思考“我的狗生有什么意义”,感觉就像我们人经常思考人生那样,不过狗狗并没有想得那么复杂,例如它可能只是尾巴痒了所以一直在转圈,而不是因为主人的手势。不过,它对主人的爱是最真实的。

cute and friendly.I love him very much.Do you like him?我有一个狗.他的名字叫鲍勃.他两岁了.他是黄色的并且非常胖.他有两个大眼睛.他穿着一件黑色的衣服.我经常跟他玩.我妈妈和姐姐每天都照顾的他很好.当我回到家的时候,他经常围着我转.他非常可爱也很友好.我很喜欢他.你喜欢他吗?

我家的狗不但对我照顾周到,而且还肩负着看家的重任,每当有陌生人来到我家,它总是叫个不停,但并不咬他们。多么可爱的一只狗啊!4. 写小狗的英语作文(作文和翻译) My dog(下面汉语翻译) I've a dog and it's lovely and brave. My dog has o clear eyes and four strong legs. It...

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