
作者&投稿:鱼潘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I hope you will enjoy yourself here and of course learn lots of English!

1.He was touched by the film.
或The film touched him.
2.I completed my work in the end.
3.Where is the bank?
或Which way can I get to the bank?
或How can I get to the bank?
4.How does your pen look like?
或What is your pen like?
或What kind of pen do you have?
5.I made my shoes wet.
6.He makes an explaination to his teacher for being late.
7.She can not read.
或She is illiterate.(文盲)
8.I am not able to speak English well.
9.Batteries have electricity in it.
或There is electricity in batteries.
10.She seems to be foolish.
或She is like a fool.

总结:1.在做“感动”的意思时,当动词touch = move
3.问路:where is the location of..= where is...=how to get...=could you tell me how to get...=which way can I get to...
4.what does it look like它长什么样子?
=how does it look like
=what is it like(不是动词,表示长的像什么)
5.wet sth=make sth wet前面wet动词“弄湿”,后面wet形容词,湿的
7.can't read=be not able to read=illiterate不会读=文盲
8.can=be able to能
9. A contains B= there is B in A=A has B in it.
10.sb looks foolish某人看起来很傻=sb is like a fool=sb seems to be foolish




7 She can't read.
顺便提醒一下大家,图看不清 可以点大图!

什么是同义句? 麻烦了,请教一下。
你好,同义句就是适当改变一个词语,改变一个语序,但是意思不变。举个例子 我把教室打扫得非常干净。教室被我打扫得非常干净。这两句句子就构成了同义句。

在语言学中,句法同义和句法多义是两个相关但不同的概念。句法同义指的是不同的句子结构能够传达相同的意思,而句法多义则指的是同一句子结构能够传达多个意思。以下是它们之间的区别:1、句法同义和句法多义的定义不同 句法同义指的是不同的句子结构能够传达相同的意思,而句法多义则指的是同一句子结构...

同义句 亦称“同义异构句”。句法结构不同而命题意义相同的一组句子。如“老张批评了小王”、“老张把小王批评了”、“小王被老张批评了”,这三个句子就是同义句。同义句之间可以互相转换而命题意义不变;如果转换前后命题意义不同,则不是同义句。同义句在语义学中也称释义句,运用句法释义的手段可以...


语文同义句:现在是什么时间\/时候?英语同义句:What is the time now? = What time is it now?

【参考答案】同义句:She is not at home now.翻译:现在她不在家。此处 in=at home

《同义句转换的九种类型》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https:\/\/www.liuxue86.com\/english\/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 同义句转换的九种类型 同义句转换题是近几年中考英语的一个常考题型,其出题形式通常是同时给出两个句子,第一句完整,第二句中设有几处空格,要求考生填入适当的词或...

speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth\/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb\/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析.▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代 词或宾语从句.eg:He can say his name.他会说他...

英语同义句转换口诀如下:英语同义句转换是英语学习中的一个重要技巧,可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用英语语言。以下是一些常用的英语同义句转换口诀:动词换形,意思不变;通过变换,名词、代词、形容词、副词以及介词等等都可能换形;尤其注意与数、级和某些介词构成的短语。例如:The box is too heavy ...

翻译如下:The traffic lights are the same in every country.翻译:红绿灯是每个城市都一样的。There are always three lights: red ,yellow and green.翻译:始终有三种灯:红,黄和绿。Red means "Stop' .翻译:红灯意思是停。Yellow means "Wait”, and green means "Go".翻译:黄灯意思...

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新野县17361253116: 英语同义句..........
范垄三七: Millie didn't walk her dog becauseof the heavy rain.同义句 Millie didn't take her dog for a walk because it rained heavily.

新野县17361253116: 英语同义句转换练习 -
范垄三七:[答案] 一、改为同义句1.Put on your coat,or you'll catch a cold._____ you _____ put on your coat,you'll catch a cold.2.Why don't you ask your teacher for help when you are in trouble?_____ ______ask your t...

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范垄三七: 希望对你有帮助1.Why don't you have lunch at school today? 2.I lived near the park in the past. 3.shenzhen is famous because of its electronic products. 4.The children played happily on the beach

新野县17361253116: 什么是英语同义句 -
范垄三七: 就相当与汉语中的近义词 1.your(my) 2.I(you) 3.in(out) 4.this(that) 5.wife(husband) 6.here(there) 7.right(wrong或left) 8.up(down) 9.ask(answer) 10.those(these) 11.daughter(son) 12.close(open) 13.sit down(stand up)

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范垄三七: 同义句就是句式不同但是意思相同的句子 sally comes from the USA=Sally is from the USA

新野县17361253116: 英语同义句???
范垄三七: 1.We promise our hairstyles will make you fell on top of the world We ensure that our hairstyles makes you fashionable. 2.Longer hairstyles suit square faces Longer hairstyles goes along with your square face. 3.It is easier for you to look after a short ...

新野县17361253116: 英语同义句!
范垄三七: Don't forget to wash your hands before meals. Whether an elephant or a turtle is slower? That's all right! / It's my pleasure.

新野县17361253116: 英语的同义句
范垄三七: I think there is nothing in the bag.I --don't----- think there is --something---- in the bag.There are not any other students in the hall.There are ---no---- ---other---- students in the hall.

新野县17361253116: 英语的同义句
范垄三七: 1. I am his teacher. 2.You are my student. 3.You are my friends. 4.We are your students. 5.He is your doctor. 6.She is his aunt. 7.He is my uncle. 8.They are your toes. 9.We are her penfriends. 10.He is our boss. 11.You are our monitor. 12.You rae her ...

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