
作者&投稿:卫要 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.too to2.old enough to3.easy too to4.too to


1、If they had time, they would go there。

2、I'm too tired that I can't talk to the police。

3、He was too excited that he couldn't keep still。

4、She was going to go abroad。

5、They were late for the school because the weather was bad。

6、Peter was too tired to keep his eyeys open。

7、Neither Lim nor Tom knew anything about it。

8、Both of Lim and his friend have been to HongKong。

9、If you get up early, you will not be late。

10、She likes singing more than dancing。

11、My sister didn't past her cooking exam。

12、The dress is too expensive for me to buy。





1.They didn't go there until they had time.
They went there after they had time.

2.I am too tired to talk to the police.
I am so tired that I won't talk to the police.

3.He was too excited to keep still.
He was so excited that he couldn't keep still.

4.She decided to go abroad.
She made up her mind to go abroad.

5.They were late for school because of the bad weather.
They were late for school because the weather was bad.

6.Peter was too tired.He could not keep his eyes open.
Peter was so tired that he couldn't keep his eyes open.

7.Lim didn't know anything about it,neither did Tom.
Neither Lim nor Tom knew anything about it.

8.Lim has been to HongKong so has his good friend.
Both Lim and his good friend have been to HongKong.

9.You will be late unless you get up early.
If you don't get up early, you will be late.

10.She preferred singing to dancing.
She liked singing more than dancing.

11.My sister failed her cooking exam.
My sister didn't pass her cooking exam.

12.I can't afford to buy the dress.
I have not enough money to buy the dress.

1、 If they had time, they would go there.
2、 I'm too tired that I can't talk to the police.
3、 He was too excited that he couldn't keep still.
4、 She was going to go abroad.
5、 They were late for the school because the weather was bad.
6、 Peter was too tired to keep his eyeys open.
7 Neither Lim nor Tom knew anything about it.
8 Both of Lim and his friend have been to HongKong.
9 If you get up early, you will not be late.
10 She likes singing more than dancing.
11 My sister didn't past her cooking exam.
12. The dress is too expensive for me to buy.

Where is it?

Once time is wasted, life is wasted.你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。12.Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.知识改变命运,英语成就未来。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

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眼里有你,所以满眼幸福,心里有你,所以满心欢喜,生活有你,所以快乐无限,枕边有你,所以甜蜜无尽,爱你是我一生的承诺,愿携你手到永远!你知道有哪些怦然心动的可以知道摘抄的好 句子 呢?这里给大家分享一些关于怦然心动的句子,供大家参考。 怦然心动的经典语录 1、愿你无灾无难,无我不欢。 Wish you no disaster,...

评论 收起 中雯卿觅露 2020-05-28 · TA获得超过3531个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:3056 采纳率:30% 帮助的人:264万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 可以训练语感呀~学英语就是要语感+应用。但不一定全背,背些常用的句子。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。

邓州市17238577733: 高手解决12句英语句子同义句.1.They didn't go there until they had time.2.I am too tired to talk to the police.3.He was too excited to keep still.4.She decided to ... -
犹烟宫血:[答案] 1.They didn't go there until they had time. They went there after they had time. 2.I am too tired to talk to the police. I am so tired ... 11.My sister failed her cooking exam. My sister didn't pass her cooking exam. 12.I can't afford to buy the dress. I have not ...

邓州市17238577733: 英语同义句 -
犹烟宫血: 1.He can't come to your party because of the hard blow . (同义句) He can only come to your party if without the hard blow.2. She learns hard in order that she can go to the best high sch...

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犹烟宫血: 1.The hairstyle is suitable for you2.He promised a mobile phone to me3.We felt very happy4.How to look after sick panda?5.This travel is decided by the weather6.You must take more sports7.Both he and you did the job well8.Both your car and mine ...

邓州市17238577733: 英语句子的同义句 -
犹烟宫血: This is a white map 这是张白色的图.同义句: This map is white. 这张图是白色的.

邓州市17238577733: 英语句子的同义句 急~~~1
犹烟宫血: Tom will stay at home instead of visiting the farm. 这种有两个并列动作或者名词的句子,改同义句的话,一般都是用instead of这个短语.

邓州市17238577733: 帮我解决一下这几个英语同义句,谢谢!
犹烟宫血: you needn't stay at homemy faher went to Dalian instead of going to beijing my teacher needs ten deaka moreTom is not the same tall as his brother

邓州市17238577733: 英语高手进!1.It took him three weeks to finish the work.(改为同义句) He - ____ - three weeks - ____ - the work. 2.The tiger no longer came to the village.(... -
犹烟宫血:[答案] spent,on any more What,think don't,is too,to more than,around is full of so that,could don't hurry up How often to be,grows up how to drive was buying something Hurry up,give When,where,born intersted,interesting too,to dress laugh at,in trouble have a ...

邓州市17238577733: 英语同义句咋解决?
犹烟宫血: sb. spend time on sth. sb. spend time in doing sth. It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 知道如上的这种固定搭配就可以做同义句了..其实不难的,背一下固定搭配就好了

邓州市17238577733: 英语高手进,帮我转换同义句.
犹烟宫血:1.The name of the boy is carl . The boy's name is carl.2.He has a pen in his pencil--box. There is a pen in his pencil-box. 3.That dress is mine .That's my dress.4.Don't be late tomorrow?You will not be late tomorrow, will you? 5.Mary is ...

邓州市17238577733: 英语高手帮忙改一下同义句!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
犹烟宫血: 1. I have interest in collecting coins.2. This book is useful, partly.3. This box is the same size as that one.4. He is well-known because of his cartoon characters.5. Can you tell me how to get to teh subway?6. At that time, the dire alarm was dead.7. At that time, the fire alarm was dead.

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