
作者&投稿:不岸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一 which,live是不及物动词,所有通常和"in"连用表示"住在什么地方" 捋直了就是"we live in the flat ".这里的which在句子里做in 的宾语,所有用which ----------
二 whose 这个比较好判断了,windows是the room的,所有选whose表示"...的"
三 that/which或者不填都可以 明显从句补充完整是"i sent the-email to you yesterday"<这里的the e-mail在句子中充当宾语成分,所有which that都可以.不填的情况是神略that而已
四 whom 首先补充完整句子i talked with the man just now,明显从句没有the man ,所有选一个词来代替他起宾语的作用


1. B 意思是the highest of the sky-scapers has more than 100 storeys;如果选C,就应该在逗号后加and;
2. B 第一个是定语从句;第二个是强调句的。不选A是因为where不能当in的宾语;
3. B 不选A是因为先行词中有last(先行词中有序数词时,用that),不选C是因为where不能充当visited的宾语。

Underline the adjective clause. Circle the noun it modifies

1.I lost the (scarf) [I borrowed from my roommate]
2.The (food) [we ate at the sidewalk cafe] was delicious
3.A storekeeper is a (person) [who owns or operates a store]
4.The (bus) [I take to school every morning] is usually very crowded
5.(Pizza) [that is sold by the piece] is a popular lunch in many cities and towns throughot the world
6.Two hundred years ago,people on ships and in coastal towns greatly feared the (pirates) [who sailed the South China and the Gulf of Thailand].
7.The earth receives less than on-billionth of the enormous amount of (heat) [the sun produces].
8.Piranhas are dangerous (fish) [that can tear the flesh off an animal as a horse in a few minutes].
9.The heart of education is in a culture's literature.(People) [who read gain not only knowledge but also pleasure].A (person) [who dose not read] is mo better off than a (person) [who cannot read].
10.Cedar waxwings are gray-brown (birds) [that live in most parts of North America]. If you see a crested (bird) [that is a little larger that a sparrow and has a band of yellow across the end of its tail], it may be a cedar waxwing.

提示用下划线标出的地方 是[]之间的部分。
需要划圈的名词部分 是()括住的名词。


它要求前后两个成分性质上必须保持一致。即必须先选入一个能和what he said性质一致的名词短语,因为后者是一个表语从句或名词性从句,相当于一个名词短语。所以必须先填入一个名词短语:the way,可以排除BC。3)后句中,the way是先行词,后面用一个定语从句来修饰它。很明显,定语从句 ___ he sa...

【典型例题】[例1] Friendship is needed by all, ___ plays an important role in people’s lives.A. which B. that C. who D. it 分析:___ plays an important role in people’s lives为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词Friendship用which连接定语从句。答案:A [例2] Uncle Li ...

选择: B. \/ 解析:1)本句可以改写为两个简单句——This is the school. 这是那所学校。We visited the school three days ago. 三天前我们曾参观过那所学校。2)由改写的句子可以看出,空白处应该用关系代词充当宾语,where 和 when 都是关系副词,不能用;what 不能用来引导定语从句。3)...

14. A. that引导定语从句,因为先行词是all,所以只能选用that引导. 15. D. the same……..as是固定用法, as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本句话中,as作从句的主语. 16. D. such……… as是固定用法,as引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语. 17. B. as作关系代词...

1. 第一题B选项应该是that is。先行词为不定代词时,关系代词只能用that。2. C.先行词是the reason,但是在定语从句中做found的宾语,而且是非限制性定语从句,所以只能用which。3. A. 先行词是the days,定语从句中做主语,follow在这里是一个不及物动词,根据后一句可以看出用一般过去时,所以用...

1飞机是一种能飞行的机器。---The plane is 【a】 kind of machine 【which\/that】 can fly.2我们今天早上买的鱼不新鲜。---The fish 【which\/that\/不填】 we bought this morning isn't fresh.3昨天参观我们班的外国人来自法国。---The foreigner 【who\/that】 visited our class yesterday...

但因为这样子说显得啰嗦,所以就产生了各类的从句。^_^ 4.He has 2 sons, ___ work as chemists.A.two of whom B.both of whom C.both of which D.all of whom 答:选择B。这道题你可以用排除法,因为只有两个,不能用all,(all是起码有三个以上的对象时候才...

PS: 定语从句题,不能光靠翻译,翻译成汉语是,这个which就是指前文中的那个【它】。要记住关系代词有那些.。人称代词是不能引导定语从句的。② By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, ___ can be very eye-opening and rewarding.A. who B. which...

...bought the book taht\/which i liked定语从句的问题?
1)是否有定语从句中有引导词是that,which,who,whom后跟不完整句子?是的。原因:关系代词已充当了其中一个成分,所以,这个成分就不重复了。2)此句我从the book是具体名词判断出它是定语从句,且先行词是物用that或which,对吗?正确。先行词是物,引导词在从句中充当宾语或主语,就用that\/which...

—When did your brother begin to show his interest in medicin...
该定语从句的先行词是a Saturday,关系词在从句中作时间状语,所以用关系副词when。句意是; --你哥哥是什么时候开始显示出他对医学的兴趣。--是在一个星期天,当时他看他同学给青蛙做实验。选C。该题考生常误选that,认为是强调句型。考点:考查定语从句点评;解答有关定语从句题目的关键是:先找出先行...

市辖区18791239220: 关于定语从句的练习题 -
能亭降旨:[答案] 定语从句专项练习50题 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2. Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel ____...

市辖区18791239220: 问几道关于定语从句的题,1.The girl - _ - __ - ___ - ___ - ____ - ______(昨天你在街上看见的)is a student of jilin university.2.My uncle - ___ - _____ - _____... -
能亭降旨:[答案] 1.The girl _whom__ _you__ _saw___ _in___ __street___ _yesterday_____(昨天你在街上看见的)is a student of jilin university.2.My uncle __who___ ___is___ __a___ __teacher___(当教师的)is an excell...

市辖区18791239220: 几道有关定语从句的题 1)This is the school____the sports meeting is held every year. 2)I'll never forget the day____I went to meet you at the airport. 3)The trees,... -
能亭降旨:[选项] A. where B. of which C. in which D. on which 给出原因

市辖区18791239220: 关于定语从句的题目1.He has got himself into a dangerous situation ( )he is likely to lose control over the plane.A.where B.which C.while D.when2.Occasions ... -
能亭降旨:[答案] 1.Awhere引导定语从句,修饰先行词situation,在从句中做状语.因为从句中the plane做介词over的宾语,所以从句不缺宾语,排除B.2.Dwhen引导定语从句,修饰先行词occasions.从句中不缺主语或宾语,排除AB.3.Dwhere引导定语...

市辖区18791239220: 两道关于定语从句的题,OOO5.That is the day - B_____I'll never forget.A.which B.on which C.in which D.whenoooo6.The factory - _B____we'll visit next week ... -
能亭降旨:[答案] 第一题不对,应该选A.which在从句中=主句中的day,做forget的宾语,如果选B的话则从句中没有宾语了. 第二题也不对,犯的是和第一题一样的错误.句子原意是“我们访问的工厂...”如果选B的话,就成了“我们访问在工厂” 这样的题一定要看从句...

市辖区18791239220: 求6道有关定语从句的答案及解析1.Is this the factory___he worked ten years ago?Sorry.I am not sure.A.when B.where C.which D.the one2.The man___I was ... -
能亭降旨:[答案] 1.C 先行词是factory,作work的宾语,所以用which(或that、不填) 2.A 先行词是man,因为已经有介词next to了,所以可以直接用which 3.D 应该是talk about the book,所以排除A和C,而定语从句中不能再出现修饰的词了,所以B排除,只能选D,...

市辖区18791239220: 一道关于定语从句的题, The Smith family,which - rather a large one , - very fond of their old house. -
能亭降旨:[选项] A. were were B. was were C. were was D. was was 为什么选B啊?

市辖区18791239220: 关于定语从句的几道题,我不太会, After graduating from high school,you will reach a point in your life_______you need to decide what to do. -
能亭降旨:[选项] A. that B. what C. which D. where

市辖区18791239220: 几道关于定语从句的英语选择题1.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread our further,______New York is an example.A.for which B.in which C.of ... -
能亭降旨:[答案] 第一题选C of which,which 指代前面的many cities第二题选C in which,由词组in a period而来第三题选D 首先排除A C,而后面的从句完整的句子,如果选which代替不了任何成分,所以选when第四题选D,空格后面句子的语序可...

市辖区18791239220: 问一道有关英语定语从句的题, After graduate she reached a point in her career( )she needed to decied what to do. -
能亭降旨:[选项] A. what B. which C. which D. where 选什么呢? 抱歉B和C打一样了= =那个C改成when了... ps.选项里没给that...

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