
作者&投稿:植邵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I prefer the old school.
Because there are many of my clas *** ates and friends are familiar with
I prefer the school now.
The school wall is firm, without drilling.
It's warm in the classroom.


1、Our school used to be old and *** all, but it is new and big.
2、There were hundreds of students in our school in the past, but now there are o thousand students studying here.
3、The teachers used chalk and blackboards in class, but now they often use puters and the Inter for their lessons.


, former students eat teacher. Now is the teacher had the students. Previously while the teacher is poor. But the students love the mainstream is sincere. Then there is a word: 1st division, lifelong for father. Before school. Total family difficult students. Will get the help of teacher material. Students with learning difficulties. Also will get the teacher free tutoring. Now? Now the teacher will only have dinner to students, aept parents treat and gifts. Or in the school engaged in cram school, let the students to pay to go to the lecture.
Second, before the students are afraid of the teacher. Now is the fear of the students the teacher. Before the teacher's authority, the overall better than now. This and now part of the teacher undisciplined relationship. Let people underestimate the importance of the. Some teachers like to second generation of students in class of the "rich second generation" or officer more than grades students. In the University. Also popular teacher to students in the unspoken rules of T is the.
Of course. At any time, there are good teachers and good teacher. I do not deny that now there is a good teacher. Just in general. The relationship beeen teachers and students now, than before, and the *** ell of money much. Sincere taste less. It also and the social environment is a certain relationship of.
When all the money thought popular in the munity, the quiet campus is inevitably affected.


春姑娘悄悄地来到我们身边,冰雪融化,万物复苏,那青的草,绿的叶,各种色彩鲜艳的花,给校园构成一幅生机勃勃的春景图。 在校园的草坪上,可以看见嫩绿的小草从土壤里探出头来,高兴地望着我们,仿佛在说:“亲爱的同学们,我们又见面了!”一个个圆圆的蘑菇,在春雨的浇灌下,也露出了笑脸。 校园的主道两旁,杨树挺立在那里,一动不动,像一位站岗的哨兵。枝条上长出了圆圆的新叶,远远望去,像一个绿色的小桃子。那一朵朵美丽鲜艳的花儿,争齐开放,使人感到格外舒服。 每当下课的时候,悦耳的 *** 传来,同学们就像一只只鸟儿一样“飞”出了教室,校园里顿时一片欢腾。兵乓球台前,围满了人,一阵阵叫好声,一阵阵欢呼声,使校园里充满了活力,充满了欢乐。 美丽的春天,美丽的校园,真是一幅美丽的画卷。


My shool very beautiful.trees are along the roads.Flowers are among the grass.the tall buildings stand orderly in a line.And my school is very big.We can play football,basketball,volleyball,and so on,in the playground.There is a libruary in my school,which has many interesting books.
Peoplo In my shool are very friendly.Our teachers are very strict but also very nice.They usually take care of us and they work very hard to help us master the knowledge.Our clas *** ates are very kind.We will help each other when we are in trouble.

I love my school . There are more than 1,500 students in our school. We have math, English, Chinese, music, art ,P.E and so on. Our teachers are friendly to us . Although they are strict with us on all subjects, we love them very much. In class, they teach us knowledges, after class, they often play games with us. Such as football, Ping-pong, volleyball.

以前的学校和现在的学校六年级有汉语意思英语作文我是一校的学生, 介绍学校和以前的变化英语作文不少于120词汇

i e from a middle school in west of china. most of chinese maybe guess how backward it is, shabby hut, no playground, let alone a library. BUT i should say your imagination is wrong. RECENTLY my school has change a lot .we have a new teaching building ,and a big library ,a new puter lab. they installed neork too.now we can surf web in classroom. it is convenient for teaching work. we can acquire more information from it and it promote our munication with outside , we can talk with a man from a remote place , we can watch vedio we are interesting. it expands our view and enriches our life. oh, the world is so wanderful.we are not fraid we are in a corner and location cause an estrangement beeen we and our parents outside. so we are lucky and happy . we decide to study hard and wish more progress


Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, the houses in my hometown were very old,①but now many people have moved into tall buildings. The water in the river used to be very dirty,but now the river is very clean. People used to walk or ride bikes to work,but now they go to work by bus or by car.
The life of people in my hometown is much better than before. Best wishes to my hometown.


其实写英语作文不怎么烦,看起来没思路其实结合一下课文内容很容易写出来的。如果一直查别人作文的话就进步不了 还是自己写比较可靠
你可以用 Five years ago,my school is.........(写五年前你学校的状况,可以用形容词) Nowadays,my school is..........(写现在你的学校的状况)的句型
开头可以是My school has made a big change in five years(我的学校在五年内有了很大的变化)
结尾可以是As you can see,my school is ....(围绕你的叙述填一个形容词) today .

, former students eat teacher. Now is the teacher had the students. Previously while the teacher is poor. But the students love the mainstream is sincere. Then there is a word: 1st division, lifelong for father. Before school. Total family difficult students. Will get the help ...



I love my school . There are more than 1,500 students in our school. We have math, English, Chinese, music, art ,P.E and so on. Our teachers are friendly to us . Although they are strict with us on all subjects, we love them very much. In class, they teach us ...

我视这句话为座右铭,在写作文时刻紧记,终于使我的写作 水平提高了。现在当我翻开以前写的作文时,连自己也读不懂是什么意思,真叫人有点啼笑皆非。两年后的今天,我仍然紧记这两句话,以后我还将紧记这两句话。因为是他们让我的字写好了,是他们让我能用笔表心情了,是他们让我懂得了美要靠自己去创造。 小学的...

所以这篇作文就可以将难忘的人、难忘的事、难忘的物、难忘的景写下来。无论选择什么人或事,都一定要在限定在“小学生活”的范围内,最好是直接写小学校园内发生的事情。结尾部分要点题,点明“难忘”二字的含义。 思路一: 思路二: 思路三: 作文一: 在书桌上,我翻着以前的合照,泪水不由自主地在眼眶里打转,...



标准六百字作文 供参考 学校的变化 当美丽的金秋铺满校园时,我已经在这个美丽而温馨的校园学习、生活四年了。今年暑假,我们学校进行了一番装修,变化可大了。我特别喜欢学校的新面貌。一踏进校园令人陶醉的花香扑鼻而来。教学楼的正前方安装了一个长方形的电子显示屏。以前这里是开运动会或是其它活动挂...


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