
作者&投稿:圭适 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Be quiet on class.上课安静。
Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。
No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。
Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。
Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生。
Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假。
Be friendly to classmates.友好待人。
No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊。
Don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服。
Be responsible for your behaviour.对自己行为负责。

Come on.加油,快点
Leave me alone. 让我静静
Freeze 警察喊的,别动
Wake up. 快醒醒
Hurry up, 快点

1、Go and wash your hands.
2、Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet.)
3、Be kind to our sister.
4、Watch your steps.
5、Look out!Danger!
6、Keep off the grass.
7、No parking.
8、You go and tell him, Chris. (克立斯你去告诉他。)
9、Do study hard.
10、Don''t be late.别迟到。

1、Go and wash your hands.(去洗你的手。——命令)2、Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet.)(请安静。——请求)3、Be kind to our sister.(对姊妹要和善。——劝告)4、Watch your steps.(走路小心。——警告)5、Look out!Danger!(小心!危险!——强烈警告,已如感叹句)6、Ke...

10个英语 祈使句 (原句,肯定句,回答,翻译)
10. The president will visit China next month.

祈使句:1、Go and wash your hads. 2、Please be quiet.3、Watch your steps. 4、No parking. 5、No smoking.6、Keep off the grass. 7、Look out! Danger! 8、Don't be careless. 9、Put the boxes in the samll room. 10、Be kind to out sister. 11...

谁能举出祈使句(英语)的例子 十个
Don't be late for school! 上学不要迟到!2. Let型的否定式有两种:“Don't + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”.如:Don't let him go. \/ Let him not go. 别让他走.3. 有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句.如:No smoking!

祈使句:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子 1、起立 2、请把房间收拾了 3、请勿吸烟 4、小心!危险!5、去洗你的手 6、请安静 7、请勿践踏草坪 8、出去!9、不要让那只狗进来 10、别傻了

1、Go and wash your hands.去洗你的手。——命令 2、Be quiet,please.(Please be quiet.)请安静。——请求 3、Be kind to our sister.对我们的姐妹们要和善。——劝告 4、Watch your steps.走路小心。——警告 5、Look out!Danger!小心!危险!——强烈警告,如感叹句 6、Keep off the...

谁能举出祈使句(英语)的例子 十个 最好是初一的 要能看懂的 语法...
祈使句:Sit down.坐下 (省略主语you)c.用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个逗号“,”.Go this way,please.请这边走.d.祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”隔开,放在句首或句尾.Li Ming,come here.李明,过来.Come here,...


英语祈使句例句20个简单如下:一、表肯定。1、表示祈愿。May you have a happy new year.祝你新年快乐!Have a good day,sir!祝你愉快,先生!2、表示恳求、建议或邀请。Speak more slowly,please.请讲慢些。Make yourself at home.请随便,不要客气。3、表示命令。Be quiet!安静!Go to the ...

1、Don't be so lazy.别这么懒。2、Don't tell lies to me!别对我撒谎。3、Don't cry. 别哭。4、Don't forget to pick me up after school. 放学的时候别忘记来接我。5、Don't mention that terroble matter any more! 别再提那件破事儿了!6、Don't sleep on in class. ...

四方区15542043272: 英语要10个祈使句英语汉语都要. -
蓝卢舒达:[答案] 1、Go and wash your hands.(去洗你的手.——命令) 2、Be quiet,please.(Please be quiet.) (请安静.——请求) 3、Be kind to our sister.(对姊妹要和善.——劝告) 4、Watch your steps.(走路小心.——警告...

四方区15542043272: 我需要10个英文祈使句.要中文翻译,急求,谁知到啊?发到1661046293@QQ.com或者直接回答,谢谢. -
蓝卢舒达: Be quiet on class.上课安静.Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾.No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒.Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人.Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生.Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假.Be friendly to classmates.友好待人.No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊.Don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服.Be responsible for your behaviour.对自己行为负责.

四方区15542043272: 谁能举出祈使句(英语)的例子 十个最好是初一的 要能看懂的 语法正确 -
蓝卢舒达:[答案] 祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等等.谓语动词一律用原形.句子中通常不用主语,句末用惊叹号或者句号,用降调. 1含有第二人称主语的祈使句 Be careful!小心! Don''t make such a noise.不要这么吵. 1.肯定的祈使句 a.句型:动词原形~.(省略主语) ...

四方区15542043272: 英语里的祈使句 -
蓝卢舒达: 英语里的祈使句:表示命令、要求等语气的句子. 祈使句例句: Don't go out. 别出去. Go out. 出去. Go out, please. 请出去.

四方区15542043272: 10个英语 祈使句 (原句,肯定句,回答,翻译) -
蓝卢舒达: 原句:come on 肯定:come on 回答,可以是OK 或者是 come on (支持,同意别人观点嘛) 翻译,来吧,一起吧,加油.....(有很多意思,根据语境而定)

四方区15542043272: 英语祈使句家规10条 -
蓝卢舒达: 1,Don't eat in the living room. 2.Don't watch tv in the weeks. 3.Don't play computer games over than 3 hours. 4.You need help your mother with housework on weekend. 5.Read books everyday. 6.Write diary everyday.

四方区15542043272: 英语 祈使句
蓝卢舒达: don't 打头的祈使句,结构可以是: don't +adj.(形容词) 或don't+冠词+adj.(形容词)+n.(名词)---

四方区15542043272: 英文祈使句 -
蓝卢舒达: Go and wash your hands. (去洗你的手.——命令) Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet.) (请安静.——请求) Be kind to our sister. (对姊妹要和善.——劝告) Watch your steps. (走路小心.——警告) Look out!Danger! (小心!危险!...

四方区15542043272: 谁能写10条英语班规要祈使句的,不要太长~~~~<br/>急~~
蓝卢舒达: 1.早操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈. (此项由体育委员负责执行). 2. .课间操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认...

四方区15542043272: 写15个英文祈使句和它的中文意思.(初一水平) -
蓝卢舒达: Come here, please.Go downstairs, please.Stand up.Sit down.Be quiet.Be careful.Come in, Amy.Sit down here, Tom.Mary, give me a book please.Don't come here.Don't sit down.Don't stand up.Don't give me it.let sb. do 让某人做Let me pass.

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