
作者&投稿:巴舍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Rhinoceroses are distributed in asia and africa,they have a lot of kinds.The body of the rhinocero likes a cattle,the head likes a triangle.Their brains are very silly,and their vision is poor,but they have strong sense of smell and hearing.Although the rhinoceroes are very heavy,they can run very fast.The posture when they are asleep is special,sometimes they sleep when they are standing.They eat all kinds of plants.They breed very slowly,they breed once throughout about five years.I like them very much.
译文:犀牛分布于亚洲和非洲,有很多种类。犀牛的形体像牛,头呈三角形。犀牛头脑比较迟钝,视觉很差,但嗅觉和听觉敏锐。 犀牛虽然体型笨重,但仍能以相当快的速度行走或奔跑。犀牛睡觉的姿势很特殊,它们有时卧倒,也有时站着入睡。 犀牛以各种植物为食。它们的繁殖很慢,近五年才生育一次。我很喜欢它们。

How do you protect yourself when you are robbed?

I don’t believe that being robbed on the street by a stranger is a common experience. However, should you ever be unfortunate enough to come across it, you must know the way to protect yourself. Generally speaking, the culprit is only interested in the valuables that you have on you, so give them to him. Always remember that your life is more valuable than those cash, mobile phone or jewellery. The robber would not attack you if he thinks that he cannot overpower you, thus you must not try to wrestle or attack him. In fact, that would make him angry and he might even hurt you. The best way to hand over your valuables is to throw them far into the distance; and while the robber goes after them, quickly run in the opposite direction to somewhere with a lot of people and get help. Always remember, your life comes before any of the valuables; and that under most circumstances, you will not be hurt if you cooperate.

Rhinos are critically endangered
At the
turn of the 19th century, there were approximately one million rhinos.
In 1970, there were around 70,000. Today, there are only around
28,000 rhinos surviving in the wild. Three of the five species
of rhino are “Critically Endangered” as defined by the IUCN (World
Conservation Union). A taxon is classified as critically endangered
when the best available evidence indicates that it meets any of a
range of pre-determined criteria. It is therefore considered to be
facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. The Southern
subspecies of the white rhino is classified by the IUCN in the lesser
category of being “Near Threatened”; and the Greater one-horned rhino
is classified as "Vulnerable"; even this is considered to be facing a
high risk of extinction in the wild. In 2014, some of us are
lucky enough to be able to travel to Africa and Asia to see them in
the wild. In 2024, when our children have grown up, will they still be able to see wild rhinos?

Rhinos have been around for 40 million years
have been an important part of a wide range of ecosystems for
millions of years; we must not let them join the dodo in extinction.

Humans have caused the drastic decline in numbers
Poachers kill rhinos for the price they can get for the horns (used for
traditional Chinese medicine, for high-status gifts in Vietnam and for
quack cures invented by criminal syndicates to drive up demand); land
encroachment, illegal logging and pollution are destroying their
habitat; and political conflicts adversely affect conservation programmes.

Rhinos are an umbrella species
protecting and managing a rhino population, rangers and scientists take in account all the other species interacting with rhinos and those sharing the same habitat. When rhinos are protected, many other speciesare too; not only mammals but also birds, reptiles, fish and insects
as well as plants.

Rhinos are charismatic mega-herbivores!
By focusing on a well-known animal such as a rhino (or, to use the
jargon, a charismatic mega-herbivore), we can raise more money and consequently support more conservation programmes benefiting animal and
plant species sharing their habitat.

Rhinos attract visitors and tourists
are the second-biggest living land mammals after the elephants. Together with lion, giraffe, chimpanzee and polar bear, the rhino is one
of the most popular species with zoo visitors. In the wild, rhinos
attract tourists who bring money to national parks and local
communities. They are one of the “Big Five”, along with lion, leopard,
elephant and buffalo.

In-situ conservation programmes need our help
and managing a rhino population is a real challenge that costs energy and money. Rhino-range countries need our financial support, and
benefit from shared expertise and exchange of ideas.

Money funds effective conservation programmes that save rhinos
know that conservation efforts save species. The Southern white rhino
would not exist today if it were not for the work of a few determined
people, who brought together the 200 or so individuals surviving, for
a managed breeding and re-introduction programme. Today, there are
some 20,405 (as at 31 Dec. 2012) Southern white rhinos.With more
money, we can support more programmes, and not just save rhino
populations, but increase numbers and develop populations. The
Northern white rhino subspecies may just have become extinct, but it
is not too late to save the rest.

turn of the 19th century, there were approximately one million rhinos.In 1970, there were around 70,000. Today, there are only around 28,000 rhinos surviving in the wild. Three of the five species of rhino are “Critically Endangered” as defined by the IUCN (World Conservation ...

马未都 高凯 摄中新网北京9月22日(记者高凯)9月22日,世界犀牛日,国际环保组织野生救援(WildAid)联合《时尚旅游》在京举行“为它去旅行”公益宣传活动,并发布了野生救援全新保护犀牛公益广告《收藏的真相》。著名文化学者、观复博物馆创始人马未都出席活动,这位著名收藏家直言,“背负杀戮的收藏一...

近日,收藏家、观复博物馆馆长马未都受国际环保组织邀请造访南非卡帕玛野生动物保护区(Kapama Reserve),探访野生白犀牛栖息地,了解犀牛生存危机和盗猎状况,并呼吁公众拒绝购买犀牛角制品。“第一次深入野生动物保护区,我深感震撼。人类没有任何理由伤害这些美丽的动物。” 谈到此次南非之旅,马未都表示,...



该省省长Willies Mchunu称,是时候使用新的方法来遏制对犀牛的盗猎了,盗猎团伙的作案方式正变得越来越复杂。“我们需要确保我们有能力力挽狂澜,保护我们的野生动物。这些犀牛的灭绝将给我们的旅游业带来灾难性的影响。我们的国家,我们的省以能看到非洲五大动物(译者注:指非洲狮,非洲象,非洲野水牛,...



虽然在许多公益人士的呼吁及国家支持下,如今人们也开始对环境、物种等方面重视起来,但曾经逝去的,却再也无法挽回。 华夏文明有着数千年的历史,曾有过面积惊人的领土。在这片土地之上,各种各样的物种在此繁衍生息,其中更曾有着犀牛的踪影。在当时,中国曾有三大类型的犀牛,一为大独角犀,二为小独角犀,三为双角犀...

6. 犀牛不是牛。犀牛属于犀牛科,而牛一般是偶蹄目动物。因此,犀牛并不是牛。每年9月22日被定为世界犀牛日,旨在提醒人们保护这种动物。7. 犀牛是现存陆地上第二大的动物,但由于人类的过度猎杀,它们的数量已经非常稀少,濒临灭绝。世界上共有六种犀牛,其中五种濒临灭绝。8. 犀牛体型庞大,力量强大...

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岑别尤尼:[答案] Rhinos are critically endangered At the turn of the 19th century,there were approximately one million rhinos. In 1970,there ...rhino would not exist today if it were not for the work of a few determined people,who brought together the 200 or so individuals ...

白水县17522208349: 保护犀牛的英语作文60字 -
岑别尤尼:[答案] Rhinoceroses are distributed in asia and africa,they have a lot of kinds.The body of the rhinocero likes a cattle,the head likes ... 犀牛分布于亚洲和非洲,有很多种类.犀牛的形体像牛,头呈三角形.犀牛头脑比较迟钝,视觉很差,但嗅觉和听觉敏锐.犀牛...

白水县17522208349: 保护犀牛的英语作文60字 -
岑别尤尼: Rhinoceroses are distributed in asia and africa,they have a lot of kinds.The body of the rhinocero likes a cattle,the head likes a triangle.Their brains are very silly,and their vision is poor,but they have strong sense of smell and hearing.Although the ...

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岑别尤尼: What should we do to protect the rhino 保护犀牛我们应该做什么

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