
作者&投稿:众所 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Walking along the Beach

  I really like the sea. Seeing it makes me relaxed and peaceful. My home is near the sea and I love walking on the beach. Often, after dinner, I like going to the beach with my parents or friends. After sunset, the sea becomes so different from daytime. The sea breeze makes me comfortable. Walking without shoes feels great, because the sand is so soft. Sometimes, we will play games on the beach or make some sand sculptures. It's really funny. Besides, there are many people on the beach, and we often talk to them or play with them. Therefore, it's a good chance to make new friends there.

I seem to be born timid, cowardly, before the people did not dare to speak, not to speak in class. Once the teacher let me read the text, I'm nervous trembling, voice changes. Make the students laugh. After class, I suddenly realized timid is fragile, I must overcome and defeat it. Since then, my lessons before class preparation, take the initiative to read the text, raise their hands to speak, and not fear, expression and reading ability is also improved a lot, teachers praised me.
I have a little vanity. The classics do not live of elders publicly criticized. An aunt to my house, my cousin at table in the school announced the composition contest prize, Dad immediately pointed at my nose and said: "you see people younger sister!" A word I said blushed, hate not into a hole. Just after a meal, to hide his own room secretly crying. Cried, the teacher's words in my ears: the personality of the biggest drawback is ... ... Well, it is. Look down on others, not just to motivate yourself up, motivated? Cousin, was more a learning object? It seems the vanity is fragile, must be overcome and defeat it. From then on I pragmatic, diligence, and finally in the composition competition won the two prize. I remind parents not make public, because overcome the vulnerability is my main harvest.
In fact, in the process of practice, I also had to shake. Read a lot of books, watched a lot, wrote an article, is not seen progress, then lost the confidence. Then my notebook, which line sight: vulnerability is a stumbling block on the road of success. I felt a vibration, it has to pick up the pen. In the teacher, parents, classmates' help, I the composition finally up, oh, shake is a weakness, I conquered it, thereby succeed.

我还有点虚荣心。最经不住长辈当众批评。一次姑姑到我家来,我在饭桌上宣布表妹在学校作文竞赛中得了奖,爸爸当即指着我鼻子说:“你瞧瞧人家妹妹!”一句话把我说得满脸通红,恨不得有个地缝钻进去。胡乱吃完饭,就躲到自己屋里偷偷哭起来。哭着哭着,老师的话又在我耳边响起:人格的最大缺陷是……咳,真是的 。别人瞧不起,不正好激励自己争气、上进?表妹好,不正多了个学习对象?看来虚荣也是脆弱,必须克服和战胜它。从此我求真务实,苦练作文,终于在市作文竞赛中获得了二等奖。我提醒爸妈不必张扬,因为战胜脆弱才是我主要的收获。

 A kind of little car may someday take the place of today's big ones. If people drive such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for parking in cities. The streets will be less crowded. And driving will be safer as these little cars can go only 65 km per hour. The future cars will be fine for getting round a city, but they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars will go 200km, before needing to stop for more gas. If big cars are still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be used for the big fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slow and small ones. It's said that three such little cars fit in the space now needed for one car the usual size.

A kind of little car may someday take the place of today's big ones. If people drive such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for parking in cities. The streets will be less crowded. And driving will be safer as these ...



As everyone knows that Lamborghini has once reached the peak of range-topping models. So Lambroghini catches my eyes and of course draws my attention, on the other hand, this is the car that I prefer. Lamborghini belongs to VW enterprise, but it has it's own advantages such ...

我喜欢的车 我喜欢我的玩具汽车——大黄蜂,它是我三岁的时候妈妈特意给我买的生日礼物。那天一回家,妈妈就拿出它,我被吓了一跳,呀!就像活生生的一个大黄蜂。这个大黄蜂小汽车是塑料做的,由黑、黄两种颜色组成,看着就精神。它可以变成汽车人,把它拿起来,再翻到背面,就是一个帅气的汽车人...

每天我写完作业,就把小汽车拿出来,和别的小汽车玩撞击,撞了十七回,结果,战场上只有一个小汽车,那就是我的小汽车,我真佩服我的小汽车啊! 小汽车已经成了我童年的小伙伴了,人家拿了我的小汽车,就像挖了我的一块肉似的,我不能离开我的小汽车。 我非常喜欢我的小汽车。 2. 以我的小汽车为题写一篇作文 星期...

适合不同的人,和不同的路况。如果是在街上人多的地方行驶,选经济模式,如果在高速公路上行驶,可以选择运动模式等。另外,k5后排还加装了符合iso规范的儿童座椅固定装置,让儿童受到更多的保护。我想等我长大了,k5可能又有更多更科技的功能了,我期待着。我喜欢的汽车 ...


希望大家和我一样爱惜自己的玩具。 2. 以《我最喜欢的遥控赛车》为题写一篇作文200字左右 我的玩具汽车是法拉利一样的车型,它有一个平板式的窗户,四个光滑的轮胎两个又圆又大的车灯,车身的颜色是黄绿两种,里面有四个座位,一个方向盘,装饰的非常漂亮,速度也比较快,坐在里面一定很舒服。 有一次,我和哥哥进行...


礼泉县13067419794: 以“我喜欢的汽车”为题,写一篇不少于50个单词的英语作文要求:品牌,颜色,优点,产地,理由.最好的翻译也也写出来, -
播省洁尔:[答案]A kind of little car may someday take the place of today's big ones.If people drive such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the air.There will be more space for parking in cities.The streets will be less crowded.And driving will be safer as these ...

礼泉县13067419794: 以“我喜欢的汽车”为题,写一篇不少于50个单词的英语作文 -
播省洁尔: A kind of little car may someday take the place of today's big ones. If people drive such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for parking in cities. The streets will be less crowded. And driving will be safer as ...

礼泉县13067419794: 以《我最喜欢的遥控赛车》为题写一篇作文200字左右 -
播省洁尔: 我的玩具汽车是法拉利一样的车型,它有一个平板式的窗户,四个光滑的轮胎两个又圆又大的车灯,车身的颜色是黄绿两种,里面有四个座位,一个方向盘,装饰的非常漂亮,速度也比较快,坐在里面一定很舒服. 有一次,我和哥哥进行一场比...

礼泉县13067419794: 我喜欢的车20字一年级写的 作文题目我喜欢的车 -
播省洁尔: 我最喜欢的老师 我的老师有很多,但“我最喜欢的老师”这个称号还是属于我的语文老师——谢老师.谢老师是一位女教师,她有着许许多多的知识.谢老师的脸蛋可漂亮啦:长长的眉毛下有藏着黑宝石的眼睛,高高的鼻梁下面有一张能说会道...

礼泉县13067419794: 求一篇内容关于"车"的600字作文 -
播省洁尔: 《未来的汽车》想象作文 教材分析: 本次想象作文根据中年级学生的认知及年龄特点还有想象思维能力进行设计.以想象未来的汽车为主题,要学生充分张开想象的羽翼去创造,大胆去想象.鼓励学生幻想对于心中未来的汽车,学生的想象可...

礼泉县13067419794: 以“我和汽车的故事”为题作文,急!!~~2000字 -
播省洁尔: 我和汽车的故事 意外 自从把小马3迎回家后,我心情就一直激动着,巴不得能住到里面,即使在睡觉前,我还要扒着窗户,盯着灰暗的灯光下,静静停放在那里的小马儿.以后每天愈发起得早了,不到5点,就起床,理由是练车.开始LP还不太...

礼泉县13067419794: 写一篇事物说明文,我家的汽车为题,写他的特征与功能 -
播省洁尔: 嘿,大家好!我的名字叫“环保汽车”,是汽车大家族的新成员.虽然我的年龄不大,但我的名声很响哦.下面请大家听我说说我的优点吧.汽车尾气是环境的重要破坏者,而我发动时却不会喷出这样的尾气,因为我的燃料不是汽油.我身上有...

礼泉县13067419794: 未来的汽车写一篇作文不少于三百字 -
播省洁尔: 未来的汽车是什么样子呢?你不知道吧!那就让我来告诉你吧!未来的汽车没有轮子,就像磁悬浮列车一样在空中行驶.汽车里有一位向导——卫星导航系统.车子的玻璃能防紫外线,使人的眼睛不受到伤害.车子是靠压缩空气释放的反冲力把车子...

礼泉县13067419794: 以“我心目中的家用轿车”为题,写篇论文,不少于3000字!!!谢谢 -
播省洁尔: 影响我国家用轿车需求的因素分析 摘要:笔者是轿车工业的业外人士,对我国轿车工业的过去、现在和未来趋势了解不多,本文采用微观经济学的一些基本方法对影响我国家用轿车需求的各种因素进行简要的分析,从中找出最主要的影响因素供...

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