
作者&投稿:勤竿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关于学习的英语作文,我们可以掌握技巧,这样写起来更顺利。阿卡索有学员分享了范文,大家可自行参考下载。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!关于学习的英语范文:English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you’re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read English loudly. Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it’s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck! 不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors including white, blue and yellow. There are also many different kinds of dresses. There are black, green and red dresses. The price of a dress is ten dollars. Red, while and yellow sweaters are sold at fifteen dollars. White and blue shirts are sold at ten dollars. Different hats including black, red and white ones are sold at six dollars. Lastly, we sell bags at fifty dollars and glasses at twenty dollars. Why are you waiting? Come and shop here! (108字)

I have a dream that in the future to open a clothing store of their own, sound equipment, a comfortable environment for people, not very high, is sufficient.
In my mind, clothing stores, not just the production of clothing, only to the people of the United States and a reflection of my thinking is, I have to let everyone through their clothing did not reflect all confident, happy Life, happy to spend every day in order to put on clothing to change views.
I am confident that I will succeed, I will change the meaning of clothing, but to reflect all of the United States.

Come and buy your clothes at my Clothes Store.Do you like hats?We have many hats only 15$!Do you like sweaters?We have many good sweaters in red,green,black and white!Only 25$!Anybady can afford our pirces!

come. and. buy. yourclothes. at. ourgreat. sale

Welcome to Xiao Hua Clothes Store.

初二年纪下册英语作文 假如你有一家服装店,你的店里有衬衫,牛仔裤
we have great bags for only 10.for girls,we have pink skirt for only 30.for boys we have blue socks for 5.anybody can afford our price.come and see for yourself at Mr ku's clothes store.





我是一家服装有限公司请大家帮忙写一篇赞美的诗歌。 急急急。速求...
赞美服装的诗歌 云想衣裳花想容 绣罗衣裳照暮春,蹙金孔雀银麒麟。蕴彩韶华服 丝锦铂素裳 轻羽羞蝉翼 我朝笑西洋 杰兴制衣有限公司十五周年庆藏头诗 杰彩绚丽百事兴 兴盛昌隆大业定 制作制取制成竞 衣冠登顶亮闪进 公司十五周年庆

第一篇:我喜欢的服装 我喜欢的衣服是连衣裙。它是灰色和黑色组成的,它是时尚的款式。他的领子是圆的,它胸前有一个用银色和桔黄色人的小圆片组成了一个精美的图案,他最下面还有两个小兜。他背后有个 连着领子的帽子。他袖子时超短的。扣子在两字的下面,只有两颗。它最下面的是松紧的。我夏天的...


1. 以服装写一篇作文 300字 未来的服装 未来的时代,什么都会变得更好,当然服装也不例外。 未来的衣服一定更美。人们可以按自己的爱好随心所欲地改变衣服的颜色,还可以改变衣服上的花纹和图案。 未来的衣服一更舒服。衣服上有自动按钮。如果是夏天你可以按下绿色的按钮,他就会变得凉爽无比;如果是冬天,你就按下红...

保暖珊瑚绒睡衣三层加厚夹棉家居服 加厚法兰绒长袖家居服,一套温暖的珊瑚绒睡衣作为礼物送她最适合不过啦,时尚大方的设计,天然亲肤。保暖珊瑚绒睡衣三层加厚夹棉家居服 加厚加绒保暖带帽夹棉家居服,优雅大气,简约又美观,衣服既实穿又舒适,家里还没有暖气呢,细节中体现优雅与气质。珊瑚绒三层加厚...

香格里拉县13640123366: 写一篇假如你有一家服装店,写一篇英语80词左右的作文!!!作业君快来!!! -
矣峡凯思:[答案] Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors including white, blue and yellow. There ar...

香格里拉县13640123366: 假如你有一家服装店,给自己的店写一篇英语作文如果你有一家服装店,现在正促销大减价,请给自己的服装店写一片广告【英语短文】 -
矣峡凯思:[答案] Come and buy your clothes at my Clothes Store.Do you like hats?We have many hats only 15$!Do you like sweaters?We have many good sweaters in red,green,black and white!Only 25$!Anybady can afford our p...

香格里拉县13640123366: 假如你有一家服装店,给自己的店写一篇英语作文 -
矣峡凯思: Come and buy your clothes at my Clothes Store.Do you like hats?We have many hats only 15$!Do you like sweaters?We have many good sweaters in red,green,black and white!Only 25$!Anybady can afford our pirces!

香格里拉县13640123366: 英语作文 关于服装店.假设你家附近有一家服装店.请参考以下文字写一篇大约60字左右的短文.There be,new,many kinds of .boss ,friendly,men's clothes,... -
矣峡凯思:[答案] There is a new cloth shop near my house,the boss of which is very friendly.There are lots of men's clothes ,women's clothes and boys' and girls' clothes in the shop .they are so cheap that many people...

香格里拉县13640123366: 以come to mr cool's clothes store!we sell pants for only $30.do you like.开头的英语作文假如你开了一家服装店,写一篇英语作文 -
矣峡凯思:[答案] Come and buy your clothes at Mr ku's clothes store.We have lots of clothes.we have tshirt at a very good price.for only 25.we have biack and biue hats for 15.do you need bags for sports?we have great bags for only 10.for girls,we have pink skirt for only ...

香格里拉县13640123366: 假如你有一个服装店,请给自己的服装店写一篇广告英语的,带中文翻译. -
矣峡凯思:[答案] Come to Mr Cool's Clothes Store.The clothes(are )on sale.We(sell ) shoes for only 15 dollars.(beside )white or black.We(sell )white or red T-shirts for 8 dollars each .Do you (like )bags for sports?We...

香格里拉县13640123366: 英语书面表达,词数15词左右假如你有一个服装店,请给自己的服装店写一篇广告 -
矣峡凯思:[答案] Come and buy your clothes at Mr Li's Clothes Store!We have all our clothes at very good prices.

香格里拉县13640123366: 初中英语作文:假如你有一家你自己的服装店“sunshine clothes store”试为该店做一则广告宣传点内各种商品 -
矣峡凯思: Come and buy your clothes for sunshine clothes store.From all of us here, clothing prices are very reasonable.Sweater in red yellow brown and blue.Trousers have brown, green and white.For boys. Can buy blue shoes and shorts.For girls.Can buy a ...

香格里拉县13640123366: 假如你有家名为Fashion clothes store的服装店,出售各类衣鞋鞋袜,请给自己的服装店写一则小广告. 是英语作文 -
矣峡凯思: Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors including white, blue and yellow. There are also many different kinds of dresses. There are ...

香格里拉县13640123366: 英语作文:假如你的服装店出售衣,帽,鞋,袜等,请根据图画提示,写一则销售广告(价格自拟).字数不少于60字,开头句已给出:Welcome to my ... -
矣峡凯思:[答案] Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. ... red and white ones are sold at six dollars. Lastly, we sell bags at fifty dollars and glasses at twenty dollars. Why are you waiting...

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