
作者&投稿:孟樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6. 当你在寻求高品位时,你就会发现佳衣! 佳衣牌服装 7. 银都时装,国际名牌! 银都牌时装 8. 穿伊人装,做自由人! 香港伊人牌服装 9. 天天丝织品---丝丝入扣! 天天牌丝织服装 国际名 10. 滨哥冬衣,运动从这里开始! 滨哥牌运动服 服装店广告文案 1. 李宁广告语:一切皆有可能。2. 耐克...

英语作文:为自己的服装店写一则广告。不少于50词。初一水平。_百度知 ...
写作思路:为自己的服装店写一则广告。要写出自己服装店的特点。正文:Come and buy your clothes at Mary's Clothes Store.来玛丽服装店买你的衣服。We have many good things at very good prices.我们有许多物美价廉的好东西。Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only fifteen ...

...了家服装店,为(Xinglong Clothes Store)写则广告?

童装店广告语大全,童年服装店广告语:不一样的童装,不一样的童年。小童的童装店:小王子和小公主的衣橱。大童童装店:酷酷的靓靓的衣橱。起跑线童装店:这里是梦开始的地方。天外天童装店:在广阔的天空,父母的爱都能包容。阳光童装店:让你的宝宝更阳光!向阳童装店: 让宝宝一出世,就能享受到“...


Come and buy your clothes at our great sale !We sell all our clothes at very prices.Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only fifteen dollars!Yellow sweaters are only twelve dollars!Do you need trousers?For boys,we have black trousers for only twenty-two dollars.And ...

15. 独一无二——就像你的指纹。 加德纳王子皮装公司 16. 人生之路,童装起步。 志兴牌 儿童 套装 17. 古今胸罩,一戴添娇。 古今内衣 微信服装店广告词 1. 让自己成为别人眼中的风景。2. 美丽青春,优雅绽放。3. 一旦拥有,你就是女王。4. 雅优时尚,异美寻常。5. 美丽人生...

浪渡牌服装 红色鱼尾狮——可信赖的标志! 外贸服装店广告语 世界上那么多店铺,你却走进了我的。 你衣恋,我定制! 潮衣优品,你有我有。 最实惠的时尚! 服装日常一站购。 优衣良品,海淘易购。 超性价比外贸集成店,你的时尚顾问! 美家居,享新服。 一站式优购,闪亮你我他。 小资也能走的国际范。 一生...

15. 独一无二——就像你的指纹。 加德纳王子皮装公司 16. 人生之路,童装起步。 志兴牌儿童套装 17. 古今胸罩,一戴添娇。 古今内衣 服装店国庆促销广告词经典 1. 时代目标追“真舒“,“真舒“风采魅全球! 真舒牌羊毛衬 2. 穿上醒师,柔情似水!3. 忆往昔,服装设计千余种;看今朝,又有新品正...

亏本大清仓!XX服饰转季大甩买!14.尽显魅力女性的万千风情,女人坊!15.以静止动,依然飘香,尽在女人吧。看了服装店清仓大处理广告词的人还看:1. 服装大甩卖广告词 2. 服装清仓广告词 3. 服装处理广告词 4. 服装亏本甩卖广告词 5. 服装甩货广告词 6. 宣传衣服的广告词 7. 服装叫卖广告词 ...

匡聂18489805295问: 为你自己的服装店写一则广告 -
扶余县六味回答: Mary's Clothes Store saleCome and buy your clothes at Mary's Clothes Store.We have many good things at very good prices.Do you need T-shirts?We have T-shirts in all colors are on sale for only $10 each.Do you like skirt?We have red skirt for ...

匡聂18489805295问: 假如你是一个服装店的老板.请给自己的服装店写一篇广告.45词左右 -
扶余县六味回答: Come in!!!

匡聂18489805295问: 假如你有一个服装店,请给自己的服装店写一篇广告 -
扶余县六味回答: Come to Mr Cool's Clothes Store. The clothes(are )on sale.We(sell ) shoes for only 15 dollars.(beside )white or black.We(sell )white or red T-shirts for 8 dollars each .Do you (like )bags for sports? We ( also)have great bags for only 7 dollars .(for )girl,...

匡聂18489805295问: 用英语为一家服装店写一推销广告 -
扶余县六味回答: Mr Cool's Clothes Store Sale Come to Mr Cool's Clothes Store at our great sale. We have all our clothes at very good prices, We have sweater in all colors for only 30 yuan. For girls, we have skirts in blue for 25 yuan. For boys, we have shorts in green for 19 yuan.Come and have a look by yourselves!祝你学习进步

匡聂18489805295问: 用英语为自己的服装店写一则广告,50词作业 -
扶余县六味回答: come on ,we are on sale clothes.Our T-shirt sale only 12 dollars.And pants sale only 26 dollars.we have red,green and black colour.Socks sale 2 dollars. Sports shoes sale 31dollars each.we have scarf only 8 dollars.sweater have only 5 dollars.

匡聂18489805295问: 为一家服装店写一则广告(英语作文) -
扶余县六味回答:[答案] Mary's Clothes Store sale Come and buy your clothes at Mary's Clothes Store.We have many good things at very good prices.Do you need T-shirts?We have T-shirts in all colors are on sale for only $10 each.Do you like skirt?We have red skirt for only $8 ...

匡聂18489805295问: 用英语写服装店一则广告 -
扶余县六味回答: Come and buy your clothes at our great sale !We sell all our clothes at very prices.Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only fifteen dollars!Yellow sweaters are only twelve dollars!Do you need trousers?For boys,we have black trousers ...

匡聂18489805295问: 用英语给服装店写一则广告 -
扶余县六味回答:[答案] Come to Guangming Clothes Store!快来光明服装店! Our clothes are on sale .我们的衣服正在大减价. We sell pants for only 30 yuan.我们卖的裤子只要30元. Do you like white bag?你喜欢白色的包吗? It's only 15 yuan.只要15元. We have beautiful ...

匡聂18489805295问: 初一英语小短文请你给BEN刚刚开张的服装店写一则广告.要求:广告内容包括服装.颜色.价格.优惠活动等.50字/ -
扶余县六味回答:[答案] Don't you add new beautiful clothes for Spring Festival? Please come here. Our clothing shop have just openned . We mainly sell women's jeans in fashion. When you wear our jean, you will be surprized ...

匡聂18489805295问: 为开张的服装店写一则广告,50词 -
扶余县六味回答:[答案] 走过路过千万别错过,本服装店新开张,价格便宜款式新,各位大叔大婶爷爷奶奶快来看一看.(望采纳)

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