
作者&投稿:原荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

P&g product quality crisis pampers referred to impair the health of the baby
With dispatch message, according to Reuters, p&g recently new pampers diapers already listed, and through the Internet and other media have done a lot of advertising. But the new paper diaper criticism and complaints received many American consumers. Many consumers said, the baby, after using this new paper diaper skin rashes.
According to p&g, they insist that this kind of diapers after receive positive response from the market. But has a new product that has received hundreds of consumer complaints, and negative news is more, the $8 billion worth of p&g brand is a great threat, which involves the question of procter & gamble brand trust. According to a consumer, said she was four months old daughter since born using pampers diapers, since pampers diapers is p&g's new products, and tell the new advertising the above-mentioned diapers to absorb good, comfortable and thin. But since her daughter, after use, and has turned purple skin, and have a lot of blister. The consumers said his daughter after using this new paper diapers have been diagnosed with chemical burns, the child will have bleeding symptoms, the seriousness of the impact on the health of children.

u've devote to English study a lot, and u r also very abstemious on yourself. U can concentrate on the class and also finish ur homework on time. However, u may still not satisfied w/ ur Eng. Sometimes even feel frustrate, have the willing to give up. Pls try Zhang Qiang's way to learn it. Maybe you can achieve more on this. Differ from the other English words reciting nerds, Zhang catch up his every chance to practice his Eng. learn about the Eng. culture. He envolved in the Class activity, communicate w/ the people in campus Eng. corner. He also enjoys the Eng Movie. Trust me pls, this is a way deserves u to hit.


1.look at the time, it's time for class.
2.I like Nantong city, because it is clean and beautiful.
3.On Sunday,I took one hour to send E-mail to friends.
4.I like practicing English with Kate together.
5. We look forward to the next class organization' travel.
6. Miss Li is our teacher, she teaches us Chinese.

1.Look. It is time for class.
2.I like Nantong, because it a clean and beautiful city.
3.On Sunday, I spent one hour writing and sending email to my friends.
4.I like to practice English with Kate.
5. We are looking forward to the field trip of our class next week.
6. Ms. Li is our teacher. She teaches us Chinese.

1,Oh,it's time to have classes.
2,I like the city "Nantong" due to its beauty and neatness
3,I spent an hour to send emails to my friends on Sunday
4,I like practising English with Kate together
5,we are looking forward to the trip rganised by class next week.
6,Ms Li is our teacher who teaches Chinese

It's time to have classes

2.I like Nantong for its clean and beuautiful

3.I spend one hour sending e-mail to friends on Sunday

4.I like practicing english with Kate

5.We look forward to the the trip organised by the class in the next week
6.Miss li is our teacher who teaches us Chinese

1. Take a look at the time of the class.
2. I like Nantong, because the city clean and beautiful.
3. Sunday I spent an hour mail to a friend.
4. I like to practice English together, and Kate.
5. We look forward to next week's classes in the organization of tourism.
6. Miss Lee is our teacher, she taught us the language

是该我们回家的时候了。Is the time we go home.millie想要在星期天去打羽毛球。millie want to play badminton on Sunday.我想天下午去进行课外活动。I would like to carry out extra-curricular afternoon activities.做数学练习。Do the math exercises.锻炼。Exercise.许多好人。Many good people.坐...

best wishes for her

we anticipate that there will be a resistance to our plan.

strange 英 [streɪndʒ] 美 [strendʒ]adj.陌生的,生疏的;奇怪的,古怪的;疏远的;外国的 adv.奇怪地;陌生地;冷淡地 harried v.侵扰;使苦恼( harry的过去式和过去分词 );不断烦扰;一再袭击 curls n.一绺鬈发( curl的名词复数 );卷曲物;螺旋状物;(指头发)拳曲 v.(...

We have decided on an open policy in two respects: to open up both externally and internally.(貌似曾在某正规资料上看到此句是这样翻译。)7) 对于普通人而言,治疗妒忌的唯一办法是快乐。然而困难在于,妒忌本身就是快乐的巨大障碍。For ordinary people,the only way to cure jealousy is to ...

that she argued is right.(上面我的翻译可能还是不尽如人意,希望得到大家的指正。另外希望这不是你的作业,自己动手查词查用法才是学习最大的乐趣。如果你对英语实在不感兴趣,也尽可能认真对待。现今社会英语真的很重要。ps:以上只是我个人的建议,你可以保留自己的观点)怕你看不清,上一张图!

The Industrial Revolution first started in Great Britain and eventually progressed to the United States in the early 19th 工业改革最早是在大不列颠开始的,然而在早19世纪时蔓延到美国了。century. It was first created to raise people’s standard of living. Before the revolution, the ...

汉译英 谁能帮个忙 帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文
mainly, a little "software engineering " fundamental information such as method , means , condition having teaching , providing some information resources of software aspect , this has been a pure static state website.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、...

3.威尔士(又译为威尔斯,英文:Wales,威尔士文:Cymru)是大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国的一个王国,位于大不列颠岛西南部,东界英格兰,西临圣乔治海峡,南面布里斯托尔海峡,北靠爱尔兰海。威尔士的全称为威尔士公国(英语:Principality of Wales,威尔士语:'ywysogaeth Cymru),但目前的威尔士亲王(Prince...

一、中译英:Please ignore the last email ,and refer to this.二、释义:1、ignore vt. 驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬 例句:I think you have to ignore all that.译文:我想你不得不忽视这一切。2、refer vi. 参考;涉及;提到;查阅 例句:We refer to the above and our previous ...

青海省19460375032: 请把下面的中文翻译成英语1、明白= 2、度假= 3、七月= 4、去散步= 5、多经常 6、喝= 7、首先= 8、第十二 9、离开= 10打电话= 11、使用= 12、下课后 -
栾阅加葵:[答案] understand go on holiday july have a walk how often drink first of all twelfth leave give sb a phone use after class

青海省19460375032: 把下面的中文翻译成英文
栾阅加葵: 我不介意idon't care 、无所谓it does't matter、随便whatever、又怎样so what?、我知道i kown、死die糟糕terrible、全部all

青海省19460375032: 英语问题``狠急哒!把下面的中文翻译成英文:墙上有一副世界地图 -
栾阅加葵:[答案] There is a world map on the wall..注意这里"在墙上"用on...

青海省19460375032: 英语翻译把下面的中文翻译成英文:1老师要善于学会倾听孩子的声音,对孩子的回答和提问做出积极回应 2他相信兴趣是最好的老师,他一直在不断努力为... -
栾阅加葵:[答案] 1.The teacher must be good at listening the voices of children and making a positive response to children 2.He believes that the interest is the best teacher, he has been constantly strive to create more opportunities to experience and explores the ...

青海省19460375032: 把下面的汉语翻译成英语
栾阅加葵: prepare for borrow sth for sb advise sb to do find out

青海省19460375032: 把下面的中文翻译成英文 -
栾阅加葵: 1.在他的下一个假期他会做什么?他会临时照顾他的妹妹吗? What will he do in his next vacation? Will he take care of his sister occasionally? 2.明天我将会和我的朋友度过一段时光. I'll have a good time with my friends tomorrow. 3.我们什么时候...

青海省19460375032: 把下面的中文翻译成英语
栾阅加葵: 1.Lend a book with the library card, the most for everybody can lend two books. 2.The book lent returns in two weeks, if pleases to library to renew as for words that too late finish seeing. 3.Take good care of a book, please don't at will lend the book to others, lose a book to please to compensate.

青海省19460375032: 英语翻译把下面的中文翻译成英文(表用翻译器~)我很高兴能在这里介绍自己] -
栾阅加葵:[答案] Good afternoon(morning ,night,etc),everyone,I am very glad to introduce myself here .

青海省19460375032: 英语翻译把下面中文翻译成英语1认识到英语的重要性2课堂上要认真听讲,做好笔记3熟记单词和短语4多听磁带和多看英语节目,不要怕犯错,多用英语和同... -
栾阅加葵:[答案] Realize the importance of English Class to listen earnestly, completes the notes Memorizing words and phrases Listen to the tape and read more English program, don't be afraid to make mistakes, use English dialogue with your classmates always ask ...

青海省19460375032: 请帮忙把下面的汉语翻译成英语.谢谢... -
栾阅加葵: 1.I arrived in Anhui this morning.2.you said you do not know where Anhui is.3.Huangshan mountain is in Anhui province.4.It attract too many visitor all over the world.5.Anhui province has a lot of interesting place and historic site.6.welcome you come...

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