
作者&投稿:漳琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、I had a wonderful time in Chongqing this vacation and it was a very happy tour!Chongqing is the biggest municipality directly under the Central Government and bulit on the mountains.The most structure I've seen there is bridge.Chongqing is surrouned by Jialing river and Changjiang river.In order to make life better and more comuunicate,several districts of Chongqing are connetied by many kinds of bridges of which I don't konw the English name.And the night view of Chongqing is exciting,especially in Jiefangbei.It's so beautiful that I can't describe it in words.To be frank,I dislike the weather in winter of Chongqing.It's so cold that I can't stand.In one word,I spent a unforgetable time in Chongqing and I wish I could be there for the second time.

I went on a trip to Hainan with my family on national day.We went there by plane. After we got off the plane, we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim there. There were other people there too. Some people were surfing and some people were diving in the deeper part of the sea. Afterwards we had lunch at a seafood restaurant near the beach. We ate seafood like shrimps and craps, and drank some abalone soup.
We all didn't want to go home because the scenery was so beautiful, and there were so many other exciting things to try,but sadly it was time for us to go.
It was definitely an exciting trip.If I have a chance to go there again, i will be more than happy to visit the place again.

 Early in the morning,we all set off for the beach.We took a lot of pictures on the way.By noon we arrived at the hotel.After having lunch there we went to the beach.We were so tired that we spent the whole afternoon lying on the beach and swimming a lot.On the way back to the hotel,we went shopping for presents.In the evening it rained.We all stayed in the hotel and played table tennis.We had a good time today.

Early in the morning,we all set off for the beach.We took a lot of pictures on the way.By noon we arrived at the hotel.After having lunch there we went to the beach.We were so tired that we spent the whole afternoon lying on the beach and swimming a lot.On the way b...



北海银滩作文 我家乡北海的银滩是个迷的天堂。来到北海银滩,啊,真令人心旷神怡,天是一片蓝玉,海是一块翡翠。远望水天一色,翡翠和蓝玉和壁,加上那白白的沙滩和形态各异的沙滩雕,真是一幅美丽的画。坐在椅子上,脚踏着柔软的细沙,注视水天相连、碧波浩渺的大海,耳畔回响着波涛声,听大人讲故...

北海银滩 作文550字左右
北海是我的故乡,美丽的故乡。尤其是银滩,那里风景优美,景色宜人,是个旅游的好地方。 最让人注目的是那里的海,海浪白白的,非常美丽。没有大浪的时候,远远看去,蓝蓝的大海好象和蓝蓝的天空连在一起,给人海天一色的感觉。有时海岸边会有一些小黑鱼,被海浪给冲上来,它们拼命地逆着海浪往海...

美丽的北海银滩 广西的北海虽然面积不大,但是个旅游胜地,因为它有着许多的旅游景区,有银滩,南珠宫,海洋馆,贝壳馆等等,这些美丽的景区就像是天上的星星,多的数也数不清,我最喜欢的就是有着“天下第一滩”的美誉的北海银滩,它还是国家4A级景区,风景美丽,这让北海银滩闻名中外。今天是国庆节,...

5. 【我爱北海银滩作文】 我的家乡是一个美丽的地方——北海。 北海有一个名胜景区——北海银滩,那里水天一色,是个旅游的好去处。早晨,天刚刚破晓,一轮红日徐徐上升,我来到银滩,举目远望,只见天空和海水相连,波涛随着海风上下起伏,巨大的海轮把海水撕成两半,勇往直前···我抬起头,只见还泛着鱼肚白的天空...


家在银滩作文 美丽的银滩作文
1、威海乳山的银滩是一个风景秀美的地方,绵延20多公里的沙滩,在阳光的照射下就像是一条银色的丝带,缠绕在海岸上,银滩因此得名。这里四季分明,每年夏天,来这里度假、旅游的人非常多,他们主要来自北京、天津、河南、河北、山东、山西、江苏和东北等地方,游客的到来,给银滩这个小地方带来了季节性的繁荣。 2、从小在...

北海是一个浪漫的城市,风光旖旎,气候宜人,让人流连忘返。 阳光、沙滩、海水打造了北海作为滨海旅游城市的品牌。如果说,温暖的阳光和洁净的海水在其它地方未必稀罕,那么有“天下第一滩”美誉的北海银滩毫无疑问是北海市一张叫得最响的“旅游王牌”。 北海银滩西起侨港镇渔港,东至大冠沙,由西区...

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邰磊参桂: 1、I had a wonderful time in Chongqing this vacation and it was a very happy tour!Chongqing is the biggest municipality directly under the Central Government and bulit on the mountains.The most structure I've seen there is bridge.Chongqing is ...

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邰磊参桂:[答案] I had a wonderful time in Chongqing this vacation and it was a very happy tour!Chongqing is the biggest municipality directly... several districts of Chongqing are connetied by many kinds of bridges of which I don't konw the English name.And the night ...

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