
作者&投稿:柞桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译: 英语 » 中文
Thanks for the bookings & confirmations .The total cost of the Accomodation is quite okay by me and i'm ready to pay the bills . Also want you to help me Charge another POUNDS 4500 to a travel agent in canada who has issued our air flight ticket to your place.
The POUNDS 4500 that will be sent to the agent is for the ticket flight which will be deduct from my credit card.Also, i'm compesating you with the sum of POUNDS 500 for the transfer fee and for your efforts. Please note that i should have given the travel agency my credit card for him to deduct for the ticket funds but he told me that he doesn't have the facilities to charge or debit credit card , so that's why i bring my vote of confidence in you and i dont want you to betray the vote of confidence i put in you so i want you to transfer the funds to him after you have make the charges after the money charge from my credit card has enters your account you can now make the transfer to the agent via western union or money gram. So, the charges you'll make on my credit card will be:

Accomodation fee: (8740.00 POUNDS )
Travel Agent fee with Transfer Fee: ( 2000 POUNDS)
Your Commssion (300 POUNDS)

Note that my credit card will be charged for the amounts above. Please do get back to me if you are in the office right now so that i can forward my credit card details to you , then you can charge full amount and transfer the agent funds to him via western union 感谢为预订及确认。费用总额的住宿是相当好,我和我已经准备好支付条例草案。也希望您能帮助我负责的另一个英镑4500到旅行代理商在加拿大谁已发出,我们的空气机票到您的地方。
该4500英镑将被发送到代理是为机票航班将扣除从我的信用卡card.also ,我compesating您的总和为500英镑转会费,并为您的努力。请注意,我应该给旅行社我的信用卡为他扣除为票证的资金,但他告诉我,他不具备设施,以收取或借记卡的信用卡,所以这就是为什么我把我的信任投票你和我不用要你出卖的信任投票,我把你的,所以我希望您能转移的资金给他后,你有使收费后钱的收费从我的信用卡已经进入您的帐户,你现在可以作出转让以代理通过西联或金钱克。因此,收费,您使我的信用卡帐单将包括:

住宿费用: (八千七百四十〇点〇 〇英镑)
旅行社费与转让费: ( 2000磅)
您的commssion ( 300磅)

请注意,我的信用卡将被落案控为上述数额。请你回到我如果您是在办公室的权利,现在让我可以提出我的信用卡资料给你,那么你就可以收取的全部数额和转让代理人的资金,他通过西部联盟 .


[7点46分04秒]乔杨:这是什么意思(3,2)(1,5)(1,5)(4,4)(3,2)(1,5)(2,4)( 3,3)(5,5)(2,3)(1,5)(3,3)(2,2)(5,5)(2,3)(3,4)

[7:46:04] Jo Young: 这些是什么意思? (3,2)(1,5)(1,5)(4,4) (3,2)(1,5) (2,4)(3,3) (5,5)(2,3)(1,5)(3,3)(2,2)(5,5)(2,3)(3,4)
[7:47:02] Alexander A Garza: 也许你能解出来。 你会有答案!
[7:47:32] Alexander A Garza: 我给你点暗示。 一直往下然后穿过去。
[8:04:39] Alexander A Garza: 嘿,你知道这个方法是怎么被发明的么?
[8:05:35] Alexander A Garza: 它被用在越南语中,在 hanoi。
[8:05:40] Alexander A Garza: 在战争期间。
[8:05:57] Alexander A Garza: 美国俘虏用它来互相交流。
[8:06:08] Alexander A Garza: 越南人不知道。
[8:06:20] Jo Young: 喔是这样,但这些数字是什么意思?
[8:06:43] Jo Young: 为什么没有单词呢?
[8:06:58] Alexander A Garza: 这就是有技巧的地方。
[8:07:18] Alexander A Garza: 这些俘虏会在墙上敲。
[8:07:40] Alexander A Garza: 这些数字代表他们敲的次数。
[8:07:48] Alexander A Garza: 在墙上。
[8:08:29] Alexander A Garza: 所以如果你听到三声敲墙声的话,就往下走三格。
[8:08:36] Alexander A Garza: 然后转弯。

[7:46:04] Jo Young: 什么意思? (3,2)(1,5)(1,5)(4,4) (3,2)(1,5) (2,4)(3,3) (5,5)(2,3)(1,5)(3,3)(2,2)(5,5)(2,3)(3,4)
[7:47:02] Alexander A Garza: 也许你能搞定。试试。原来你有钥匙!
[7:47:32] Alexander A Garza: 我会给你提示。往下,再穿过去。
[8:04:39] Alexander A Garza: 嗨,你想知道这种方法是怎么想出来的么?
[8:05:35] Alexander A Garza: 在战争期间
[8:05:40] Alexander A Garza: 的越南河内被使用过。
[8:05:57] Alexander A Garza: 美国战俘靠这个进行联络
[8:06:08] Alexander A Garza: 越南佬不知道
[8:06:20] Jo Young: 哦,我明白了。但这些数字是什么意思?
[8:06:43] Jo Young: 为什么我找不到完整的单词?
[8:06:58] Alexander A Garza: 诡异之处就在这里
[8:07:18] Alexander A Garza: 战俘轻敲墙壁
[8:07:40] Alexander A Garza: 那个数字决定他们
[8:07:48] Alexander A Garza: 在墙上敲几下
[8:08:29] Alexander A Garza: 所以如果你听到3声敲墙声,往下走3格/3步
[8:08:36] Alexander A Garza: 然后穿过去

meet me in z hengzho


1 2 3 4 5
1 A B C D E
2 F G H I J
3 L M N O P
4 Q R S T U
5 V W X Y Z

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看图片 这是我的翻译 应该就是这样了 呵呵 一个单词一个单词敲出来的 也挺麻烦的 希望采纳哦~

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One day, a little monkey came down the hill. He walked to a corn field, glad to see many big corns. He picked one corn and walked forward carrying it. With the corn on his shoulder, he walked to a peach tree, glad to see big and red peaches all over the tree, so ...

懂韩语的翻译一下 顺便把它打出来我复制

朔城区14750872943: 英语翻译,帮我翻译一下 -
段盲升白: 1 When the plane landed in Beijing, the day it was raining. 2. I think we should do better in the English language. 3. I think I will take the bus to go to the party. 4 kids interested in playing computer games. 5 Make the TV volume down some of you? Noisy. 6. It seems that the flower color is red, not pink.

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下英语
段盲升白: 你好、可以这么翻译: "my dream is to become a pilot, because I can watch the beautiful scenery around the world"采纳喔、谢谢你、祝福你梦想成真、加油哈

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下 -
段盲升白: During this Labor Day, I had a visit to Wuyi Mountain with my family.On May 3, We arrived Shanghai by train in the afternoon,and transfered to Wuyi Mt. in the evening. We got to the destin...

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下英文
段盲升白: learn early children's Mexico Argentina Australia Korean find out learn about all over the country in some aspects spare time be born wish you good luck frequent 形容词 frequently (副词) nationality advanced English love and hatrad written French much too difficult a little Portuguese

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下啊!!!!!!急用啊!!!!!!!! -
段盲升白: 1 do you plant trees every spring?2 he looks worrying about something3 he asks me to double click the icon4 what's on the screen5 the thief has not been caught

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下~ -
段盲升白: 我明白你说的是什么I know What you were talking about.

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下啊~~ -
段盲升白: Nobody is whose who. 补充: 我来回答你这个问题吧! Friends 看过吗? 当中有一集 Jennice 问他们六个人,就说了这些. 这并不是你想的 Chinglish, 而是地道的表达. 你可能没有听说过,但我所接触到的美国人确实是这么说的. 英语中还有这么一句: Long time no see. 如果你之前没见过这个,你会不会也以为它是 Chinglish 呢? 但事实上这是最地道的表达!它讲语法吗?我看未必.但每天肯定都有英国人美国人这么说的. 一般没把握的东西我不会拿来丢人的,所以尽管用好了,这点信心我还是有的!

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下!!!
段盲升白: 你知道我是多麽爱你.我真的真的不能失去你!Do you know how much I love you. I really really can not afford to lose you! 也许,你已不再属於我了!Perhaps, you are no longer belongs to me! 我的世界.你不懂 you don't know my world! 我的世...

朔城区14750872943: 帮我翻译一下,谢谢 -
段盲升白: It will be a year before he comes back, while his workmate will stay there for three days.It was one year before he came back, while his workmate stayed there only for two months.

朔城区14750872943: 谁能帮我翻译一下啊!!(英文) -
段盲升白: Thank you for trusting me despite of my young age. (如果是求职,建议就只要Thank you for trusting me. 如果你不怕麻烦,一定坚持按字面翻译,就是Thank you for trusting me wh...

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