
作者&投稿:班羽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
称重传感器上的e e- in in-是什么意思~


How do Ign and Hit affect apt-get update?
From what I can see in the apt source code, "Ign" means there was an error retrieving the file, but the error is being ignored. When I run apt-get update, I see 3 Ign messages, all of which are forTranslation-en files. A packet dump shows that the requests for those files got HTTP 404 responses.

So the translation files are missing, which makes sense because we don't need a translation of the package database from English into English, and apt doesn't consider the lack of translations to be a fatal error. (Even on systems configured for some other language, the lack of translations wouldn't be a fatal error, it would just mean that you'd be forced to read package descriptions in the default language instead of your local preferred language.)

"Hit" on the other hand means exactly what you said. The file was found on the server and it hasn't been changed since the last time it was downloaded. This is indicated by HTTP code 304. Note that we're not talking about timestamps on individual packages, sinceapt-get update doesn't download those. It downloads the list of available packages and other related information. The timestamps being compared are on those list files, not the packages themselves.


吸气神经元(inspiratoory neuron),呼气神经元(expiratory neuron),吸气呼气神经元,呼气吸气神经元


Piece By Piece - Kelly Clarkson And all I remember is your back Walking towards the airport leaving us all in your past I traveled 1500 miles to see you Begged you to want me But you didn't want to But piece by piece you collected me Up off the ground but you abandoned ...




1、组成 前鼻韵母ɑn、en、in、un、ün是由 单韵母ɑ、e、i、u、ü + 声母 n 组成的。ɑn → 由单韵母 ɑ 和声母 n 组成。en → 由单韵母 e 和声母 n 组成。in → 由单韵母 i 和声母 n 组成。un → 由单韵母 u 和声母 n 组成。ün → 由单韵母 ü 和声母 n 组成。重点:前...

一、元音字母读音:a[ei]、e[i:]、i[ ai]、o[eu]、u[ju:]。二、辅音字母读音:b\/bi:\/、c\/si:\/、d\/di:\/、f\/ef\/、g\/dʒi:\/、h\/eɪt∫\/、j\/dʒeɪ\/、k\/keɪ\/、l\/el\/、m\/em\/、n\/en\/、p\/pi:\/、q\/kju:\/、r\/a:\/、s\/es\/、t\/ti:\/、v\/...

如何区分an和en、 in、 uen?



池州市15979022793: 前鼻音有哪些 -
马耿五氟: 1、an 发音时,起点元音是前低不圆唇元音a,舌尖抵住下齿背,舌位降到最低,软腭上升,关闭鼻腔通路.口形由开到合,舌位移动较大. 2、en发音时,起点元音是央元音e,舌位中性(不高不低不前不后),舌尖接触下齿背,舌面隆起部位...

池州市15979022793: in the end of和at the end of 用法上的区别是? -
马耿五氟: 一、用法不同1、at the end of多用于时间(如星期、年月、学期、季节等)或地点. 如:Others were planning to go at the end of the term. 其他人打算学期结束时去. 2、而in the end of多用于某件事情,即“最后,终于,到头来”. 如:I ...

池州市15979022793: 23个声母是什么 -
马耿五氟: 1)声母23个: b p m f d t n l ɡ k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w 2)韵母24个: a o e i u ü ɑi ei ui ɑo ou iu ie üe er ɑn en in un ün ɑnɡ enɡ inɡ onɡ

池州市15979022793: 坚持做是insist doing还是insist on doing?on可以省略吗 -
马耿五氟: insist表示坚持做的词组是insist ondoing sth,on是介词,不可以省略.此处的on也可以换成upon. 例句: 1、He insisted upon checking everything himself.他坚持要亲自检查一切. 2、She will insist on washing her hair just when I want to have a ...

池州市15979022793: I don't like the clothes that - -- - woolen.用be made of/from的正确形式填空 -
马耿五氟: are made ofclothes 是一个没有单数形式的复数名词be made of 由..做成 (看得出原材料be made from 同上 (看不出原材料为...

池州市15979022793: I - ------a lot of flowers in the park. -
马耿五氟: 你好,选择B我在公园里看到了很多的树~按照常理说肯定是看见过了~不可能用一般现在时态~祝:学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!...

池州市15979022793: It was in 1978 - ---- - i joined the Army. 填什么?when还是that?为什么?谢谢. -
马耿五氟: 应该填that 因为前面是in1978 如果没有in的 话 选择when

池州市15979022793: I am in - --- - charge of the class which was in charge of my wife. ... -
马耿五氟: A in charge of 的意思是“负责”、“管理”,其主语通常是人;in the charge of 的意思是“由……负责或管理”,其主语通常是物.

池州市15979022793: (), we find the clock under the desk A In end B At end C At the end D In the end -
马耿五氟: D最后,是个固定短语

池州市15979022793: put on , in , wear ,dress的用法及区别
马耿五氟: put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go ...

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